55 research outputs found

    Computer aided design and optimization of bi-layered tube hydroforming process

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    Tube hydroforming is one of the unconventional metal forming processes in which high fluid pressure and axial feed are used to deform a tube blank in the desired shape. However, production of bi-layered tubular components using this process has not been investigated in detail in spite of the large number of research studies conducted in this area. Bi-layered tubing can be useful in complex working environments as it offers dual properties that a single layer structure doesn’t have. Consequently, for wider implementation of this technology, a detailed investigation on bi-layered tube hydroforming is required. In this research, both single and bi-layered tube hydroforming processes were numerically modelled using the finite element method (ANSYS LS-DYNA). Experiments were conducted to check the numerical models validation. In addition, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) using the Design-Expert statistical software has been employed along with the finite element modelling to attain a detailed investigation of bi-layered tube hydroforming in the X-type and T-type dies. The process outputs were modelled as functions of both the geometrical factors (tube length, tube diameter, die corner radius, and thicknesses of both layers.) and the process parameters (internal pressure coordinates, axial feed, and coefficient of friction.). Furthermore, the desirability approach was used in conjunction with the RSM models to identify the optimal combinations of each the geometrical factors and process parameters that achieve different objectives simultaneously. In addition, a different optimization approach that applies the iterative optimization algorithm in the ANSYS software was implemented in the process optimization. The finite element models of single and bi-layered tube hydroforming processes were experimentally validated. A comparison of both processes was carried out under different loading paths. Also, response surface modelling of the bi-layered tube hydroforming process outputs was successfully achieved, and the main effects and interaction effects of the input parameters on the responses were discussed. Based on the RSM models, the process was optimized by finding the inputs levels at which the desired objectives are satisfied. Finally, a comparison of the RSM based optimization approach and the iterative optimization algorithm was performed based on the optimum results of each technique

    Experimental and finite element study of the hydroforming bi-layered tubular components

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    The application of finite element method (FEM) in the area of metal forming and material processing has been increasing rapidly during the recent years. The present study has been carried out on one of the unconventional metal forming processes called hydroforming of a multi-layered tube. The study involved both experimental and simulation work using FEA. Multi-layered tubes have extensive advantages in both domestic and industrial uses. The specimen tube consists of two different layers of materials. The outer tube material is brass and the inner tube material is copper. This project is mainly dedicated to the modelling, simulation and advanced study of one of the unconventional metal forming processes called hydroforming in which extremely high fluid pressure is used to deform the metal into desired shape. Various types of complex industrial products can be made by hydroforming. This process is suitable to produce seamless, lightweight, near net shaped industrial components. There are some complex products, which are easier to produce by hydroforming than by conventional technique. In this research work the main forming load is hydrostatic pressure applied to the internal surface of the tube, together with an in-plane compressive load applied simultaneously. The blank is placed in a pre-shaped die block and due to the action of simultaneous internal pressure and axial load; it is formed into a complex desired shape. If the internal pressure is too high during the process without sufficient axial load it may cause the tube to burst, on the other hand too large axial load without applying sufficient internal pressure may cause wrinkling of the tube. For these reasons, a number of simulations of the hydroforming process have been carried out for different axial load and internal pressure combinations and optimum conditions have been established for the particular process. This simulated hydroforming of composite material tube and the formed product has been analysed on the basis of forming conditions and the simulated forming conditions have been verified by experiment. The simulations of hydroforming process for X or T branch have been carried by using the commercial finite element package ANSYS

    Advances and trends in plastic forming technologies for welded tubes

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    AbstractWith the implementation of environmental protection, sustainable development and conservation-oriented policies, components and parts of thin-walled welded tubes have gained increasing application in the aircraft and automotive industries because of their advantages: easily achieving forming and manufacturing process at low cost and in a short time. The current research on welded tube plastic forming is mainly concentrated on tube internal high-pressure forming, tube bending forming, and tube spinning forming. The focuses are on the material properties and characterization of welded tubes, finite element modeling for welded tube forming, and inhomogeneous deformation behavior and the mechanism and rules of deformation coordination in welded tube plastic forming. This paper summarizes the research progress in welded tube plastic forming from these aspects. Finally, with a focus on the urgent demand of the aviation, aerospace and automotive industries for high-strength and light-weight tubes, this paper discusses the development trends and challenges in the theory and technology of welded tube plastic forming in the future. Among them, laser tailor-welded technology will find application in the manufacture of high-strength steel tubes. Tube-end forming technology, such as tube flaring and flanging technology, will expand its application in welded tubes. Therefore, future studies will focus on the FE modeling regarding how to consider effects of welding on residual stresses, welding distortions and microstructure, the inhomogeneous deformation and coordination mechanism of the plastic forming process of tailor-welded tubes, and some end-forming processes of welded tubes, and more comprehensive research on the forming mechanism and limit of welded tubes

    Latest Hydroforming Technology of Metallic Tubes and Sheets

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    This Special Issue and Book, ‘Latest Hydroforming Technology of Metallic Tubes and Sheets’, includes 16 papers, which cover the state of the art of forming technologies in the relevant topics in the field. The technologies and methodologies presented in these papers will be very helpful for scientists, engineers, and technicians in product development or forming technology innovation related to tube hydroforming processes

    Experimental process development and aerospace alloy formability studies for hydroforming

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    Dans le procĂ©dĂ© d’hydroformage, la pression d’un fluide est utilisĂ©e pour dĂ©former plastiquement un tube paroi mince Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’une matrice fermĂ©e afin de remplir la cavitĂ© de la matrice. L’hydroformage des tubes possĂšde de nombreux avantages qui rendent ce procĂ©dĂ© trĂšs intĂ©ressant pour plusieurs industries telles que l’automobile et l’aĂ©rospatiale. Mais, Ă  cause de diffĂ©rents facteurs tels que la formabilitĂ© des matĂ©riaux, l’ordre et les sĂ©quences du chargement (force de compression axiale et pression interne pendant le procĂ©dĂ©), la gĂ©omĂ©trie de l’outil et la friction, c’est un procĂ©dĂ© de mise en forme assez complexe. Ainsi, la simulation par Ă©lĂ©ments finis combinĂ©e Ă  des mĂ©thodes d’optimisation peuvent rĂ©duire significativement le coĂ»t de l’approche “Essai – Erreur” utilisĂ©e dans les mĂ©thodes conventionnelles de mise en forme. Dans ce mĂ©moire, pour Ă©tudier les effets de diffĂ©rent paramĂštres tels que les conditions de friction, l’épaisseur du tube et la compression axiale sur la piĂšce finale, des essais d’hydroformage de tube ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s en utilisant une matrice de forme ronde Ă  carrĂ©e. Les expĂ©riences ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur des tubes d’acier inoxydable 321 de 50.8 mm (2 in) de diamĂštre et deux diffĂ©rentes Ă©paisseurs ; 0.9 mm et 1.2 mm. L’historique du chargement a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© avec le systĂšme d’acquisition de la presse. Un systĂšme de mesure de dĂ©formation automatique, Argus, a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour mesurer les dĂ©formations sur les tubes hydroformĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es Ă  partir des essais initiaux ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es pour comparer avec les simulations. Le procĂ©dĂ© a Ă©tĂ© simulĂ© et optimisĂ© Ă  partir des logiciels Ls-Dyna et Ls-Opt, respectivement. Les variations de dĂ©formations et d’épaisseurs mesurĂ©es Ă  partir des expĂ©riences ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es aux rĂ©sultats de la simulation par Ă©lĂ©ments finis dans les zones critiques. La comparaison des rĂ©sultats de la simulation et des expĂ©riences sont en bon accord indiquant que l’approche peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour prĂ©dire la forme finale et les variations d’épaisseurs de piĂšces hydroformĂ©es pour des applications aĂ©rospatiales

    Physical Logic Enhanced Network for Small-Sample Bi-Layer Metallic Tubes Bending Springback Prediction

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    Bi-layer metallic tube (BMT) plays an extremely crucial role in engineering applications, with rotary draw bending (RDB) the high-precision bending processing can be achieved, however, the product will further springback. Due to the complex structure of BMT and the high cost of dataset acquisi-tion, the existing methods based on mechanism research and machine learn-ing cannot meet the engineering requirements of springback prediction. Based on the preliminary mechanism analysis, a physical logic enhanced network (PE-NET) is proposed. The architecture includes ES-NET which equivalent the BMT to the single-layer tube, and SP-NET for the final predic-tion of springback with sufficient single-layer tube samples. Specifically, in the first stage, with the theory-driven pre-exploration and the data-driven pretraining, the ES-NET and SP-NET are constructed, respectively. In the second stage, under the physical logic, the PE-NET is assembled by ES-NET and SP-NET and then fine-tuned with the small sample BMT dataset and composite loss function. The validity and stability of the proposed method are verified by the FE simulation dataset, the small-sample dataset BMT springback angle prediction is achieved, and the method potential in inter-pretability and engineering applications are demonstrated

    Modelling of phase transformation in hot stamping of boron steel

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    Knowledge of phase transformations in a hot stamping and cold die quenching process (HSCDQ) is critical for determining physical and mechanical properties of formed parts. Currently, no modelling technique is available to describe the entire process. The research work described in this thesis deals with the modelling of phase transformation in HSCDQ of boron steel, providing a scientific understanding of the process. Material models in a form of unified constitutive equations are presented. Heat treatment tests were performed to study the austenitization of boron steel. Strain-temperature curves, measured using a dilatometer, were used to analyse the evolution of austenite. It was found that the evolution of austenite is controlled by: diffusion coefficient, temperature, heating rate and current volume proportion of austenite. An austenitization model is proposed to describe the relationship between time, temperature, heating rate and austenitization, in continuous heating processes. It can predict the start and completion temperatures, evolution of strain and the amount of austenite during austenitization. Bainite transformation with strain effect was studied by introducing pre-deformation in the austenite state. The start and finish temperatures of bainite transformation at different cooling rates were measured from strain-temperature curves, obtained using a dilatometer. It was found that pre-deformation promotes bainite transformation. A bainite transformation model is proposed to describe the effects of strain and strain rate, of pre-deformation, on the evolution of bainite transformation. An energy factor, as a function of normalised dislocation density, is introduced into the model to rationalise the strain effect. Viscoplastic behaviour of boron steel was studied by analyzing stress-strain curves obtained from uni-axial tensile tests. A viscoplastic-damage model has been developed to describe the evolution of plastic strain, isotropic hardening, normalised dislocation density and damage factor of the steel, when forming in a temperature range of 600°C to 800°C. Formability tests were conducted and the results were used to validate the viscoplastic-damage model and bainite transformation model. Finite element analysis was carried out to simulate the formability tests using the commercial software, ABAQUS. The material models were integrated with ABAQUS using VUMAT. A good agreement was obtained between the experimental and FE results for: deformation degree, thickness distribution, and microstructural evolution

    Impulse-Based Manufacturing Technologies

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    In impulse-based manufacturing technologies, the energy required to form, join or cut components acts on the workpiece in a very short time and suddenly accelerates workpiece areas to very high velocities. The correspondingly high strain rates, together with inertia effects, affect the behavior of many materials, resulting in technological benefits such as improved formability, reduced localizing and springback, extended possibilities to produce high-quality multi material joints and burr-free cutting. This Special Issue of JMMP presents the current research findings, which focus on exploiting the full potential of these processes by providing a deeper understanding of the technology and the material behavior and detailed knowledge about the sophisticated process and equipment design. The range of processes that are considered covers electromagnetic forming, electrohydraulic forming, adiabatic cutting, forming by vaporizing foil actuators and other impulse-based manufacturing technologies. Papers show significant improvements in the aforementioned processes with regard to: Processes analysis; Measurement technique; Technology development; Materials and modelling; Tools and equipment; Industrial implementation
