2,326 research outputs found

    Dynamic disorder in simple enzymatic reactions induces stochastic amplification of substrate

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    A growing amount of evidence points to the fact that many enzymes exhibit fluctuations in their catalytic activity, which are associated with conformational changes on a broad range of timescales. The experimental study of this phenomenon, termed dynamic disorder, has become possible due to advances in single-molecule enzymology measurement techniques, through which the catalytic activity of individual enzyme molecules can be tracked in time. The biological role and importance of these fluctuations in a system with a small number of enzymes such as a living cell have only recently started being explored. In this work, we examine a simple stochastic reaction system consisting of an inflowing substrate and an enzyme with a randomly fluctuating catalytic reaction rate that converts the substrate into an outflowing product. To describe analytically the effect of rate fluctuations on the average substrate abundance at steady-state, we derive an explicit formula that connects the relative speed of enzymatic fluctuations with the mean substrate level. We demonstrate that the relative speed of rate fluctuations can have a dramatic effect on the mean substrate, and lead to large positive deviations from predictions based on the assumption of deterministic enzyme activity. Our results also establish an interesting connection between the amplification effect and the mixing properties of the Markov process describing the enzymatic activity fluctuations, which can be used to easily predict the fluctuation speed above which such deviations become negligible. As the techniques of single-molecule enzymology continuously evolve, it may soon be possible to study the stochastic phenomena due to enzymatic activity fluctuations within living cells. Our work can be used to formulate experimentally testable hypotheses regarding the magnitude of these fluctuations, as well as their phenotypic consequences.Comment: 7 Figure

    Exact propagation of open quantum systems in a system-reservoir context

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    A stochastic representation of the dynamics of open quantum systems, suitable for non-perturbative system-reservoir interaction, non-Markovian effects and arbitrarily driven systems is presented. It includes the case of driving on timescales comparable to or shorter than the reservoir correlation time, a notoriously difficult but relevant case in the context of quantum information processing and quantum thermodynamics. A previous stochastic approach is re-formulated for the case of finite reservoir correlation and response times, resulting in a numerical simulation strategy exceeding previous ones by orders of magnitude in efficiency. Although the approach is based on a memory formalism, the dynamical equations propagated in the simulations are time-local. This leaves a wide range of choices in selecting the system to be studied and the numerical method used for propagation. For a series of tests, the dynamics of the spin-boson system is computed in various settings including strong external driving and Landau-Zener transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. v2: inset in Fig. 2 and some text added, further references. v3: minor correction

    Linear feedback stabilization of a dispersively monitored qubit

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    The state of a continuously monitored qubit evolves stochastically, exhibiting competition between coherent Hamiltonian dynamics and diffusive partial collapse dynamics that follow the measurement record. We couple these distinct types of dynamics together by linearly feeding the collected record for dispersive energy measurements directly back into a coherent Rabi drive amplitude. Such feedback turns the competition cooperative, and effectively stabilizes the qubit state near a target state. We derive the conditions for obtaining such dispersive state stabilization and verify the stabilization conditions numerically. We include common experimental nonidealities, such as energy decay, environmental dephasing, detector efficiency, and feedback delay, and show that the feedback delay has the most significant negative effect on the feedback protocol. Setting the measurement collapse timescale to be long compared to the feedback delay yields the best stabilization.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Uncoupled Analysis of Stochastic Reaction Networks in Fluctuating Environments

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    The dynamics of stochastic reaction networks within cells are inevitably modulated by factors considered extrinsic to the network such as for instance the fluctuations in ribsome copy numbers for a gene regulatory network. While several recent studies demonstrate the importance of accounting for such extrinsic components, the resulting models are typically hard to analyze. In this work we develop a general mathematical framework that allows to uncouple the network from its dynamic environment by incorporating only the environment's effect onto the network into a new model. More technically, we show how such fluctuating extrinsic components (e.g., chemical species) can be marginalized in order to obtain this decoupled model. We derive its corresponding process- and master equations and show how stochastic simulations can be performed. Using several case studies, we demonstrate the significance of the approach. For instance, we exemplarily formulate and solve a marginal master equation describing the protein translation and degradation in a fluctuating environment.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, Appendix attached as SI.pdf, under submissio

    Non-Markovian Dynamics and Entanglement of Two-level Atoms in a Common Field

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    We derive the stochastic equations and consider the non-Markovian dynamics of a system of multiple two-level atoms in a common quantum field. We make only the dipole approximation for the atoms and assume weak atom-field interactions. From these assumptions we use a combination of non-secular open- and closed-system perturbation theory, and we abstain from any additional approximation schemes. These more accurate solutions are necessary to explore several regimes: in particular, near-resonance dynamics and low-temperature behavior. In detuned atomic systems, small variations in the system energy levels engender timescales which, in general, cannot be safely ignored, as would be the case in the rotating-wave approximation (RWA). More problematic are the second-order solutions, which, as has been recently pointed out, cannot be accurately calculated using any second-order perturbative master equation, whether RWA, Born-Markov, Redfield, etc.. This latter problem, which applies to all perturbative open-system master equations, has a profound effect upon calculation of entanglement at low temperatures. We find that even at zero temperature all initial states will undergo finite-time disentanglement (sometimes termed "sudden death"), in contrast to previous work. We also use our solution, without invoking RWA, to characterize the necessary conditions for Dickie subradiance at finite temperature. We find that the subradiant states fall into two categories at finite temperature: one that is temperature independent and one that acquires temperature dependence. With the RWA there is no temperature dependence in any case.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, v2 updated references, v3 clarified results and corrected renormalization, v4 further clarified results and new Fig. 8-1