6 research outputs found

    Fingerprint Enhancement Algorithm Based-on Gradient Magnitude for the Estimation of Orientation Fields

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    An accurate estimation of fingerprint orientation fields is an important step in the fingerprint classification process. Gradient-based approaches are often used for estimating orientation fields of ridge structures but this method is susceptible to noise. Enhancement of fingerprint images improves the ridge-valley structure and increases the number of correct features thereby conducing the overall performance of the classification process. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to improve ridge orientation textures using gradient magnitude. That algorithm has four steps; firstly, normalization of fingerprint image, secondly, foreground extraction, thirdly, noise areas identification and marking using gradient coherence and finally, enhancement of grey level. We have used standard fingerprint database NIST-DB14 for testing of proposed algorithm to verify the degree of efficiency of algorithm. The experiment results suggest that our enhanced algorithm achieves visibly better noise resistance with other methods

    Anisotropic Filtering Techniques applied to Fingerprints

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    Penentuan Klas Sidik Jari Berdasarkan Arah Kemiringan Ridge

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    Researches on  fingerprint  classification are generally based on its features such as core and delta. Extraction of these features are generally preceded by a variety of preprocessing. In this study the classification is done directly on the fingerprint image without preprocessing. Feature used as the basis for classification is the direction of the ridge. The direction of the ridge  is determined by the slope of the blocks that are exist on every ridge. Fingerprint image is divided into blocks of size 3x3 pixels and the direction of each block is determined. Direction of the slope of the block are grouped into 8, these are  north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-west, west and north-west. The number of blocks in each direction form the basis of classification using Learning Vector Quantization network (LVQ). This study used 80 data samples from the database of FVC2004. This model obtained classification accuracy of up to 86.3%. Keywords—fingerprint, classification, ridge, LV

    A DoG based Approach for Fingerprint Image Enhancement

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    Fingerprints have been the most accepted tool for personal identification since many decades. It is also an invaluable tool for law enforcement and forensics for over a century, motivating the research in Automated fingerprint-based identification, an application of biometric system. The matching or identification accuracy using fingerprints has been shown to be very high. The theory on the uniqueness of fingerprint minutiae leads to the steps in studying the statistics of extracting the minutiae features reliably. Fingerprint images obtained through various sources are rarely of perfect quality. They may be degraded or noisy due to variations in skin or poor scanning technique or due to poor impression condition. Hence enhancement techniques are applied on fingerprint images prior to the minutiae point extraction to get sure of less spurious and more accurate minutiae points from the reliable minutiae location. This thesis focuses on fingerprint image enhancement techniques through histogram equalization applied locally on the degraded image. The proposed work is based on the Laplacian pyramid framework that decomposes the input image into a number of band-pass images to improve the local contrast, as well as the local edge information. The resultant image is passed through the regular methodologies of fingerprint, like ridge orientation, ridge frequency calculation, filtering, binarization and finally the morphological operation thinning. Experiments using different texture of images are conducted to enhance the images and to show a comparative result in terms of number of minutiae extracted from them along with the spurious and actual number existing in each enhanced image. Experimental results out performs well to overcome the counterpart of enhancement technique

    Automatic fingerprint classification scheme using template matching with new set of singular point-based features

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    Fingerprint classification is a technique used to assign fingerprints into five established classes namely Whorl, Left loop, Right loop, Arch and Tented Arch based on their ridge structures and singular points’ trait. Although some progresses have been made thus far to improve accuracy rates, problem arises from ambiguous fingerprints is far from over, especially in large intra-class and small inter-class variations. Poor quality images including blur, dry, wet, low-contrast, cut, scarred and smudgy, are equally challenging. Thus, this thesis proposes a new classification technique based on template matching using fingerprint salient features as a matching tool. Basically, the methodology covers five main phases: enhancement, segmentation, orientation field estimation, singular point detection and classification. In the first phase, it begins with greyscale normalization, followed by histogram equalization, binarization, skeletonization and ends with image fusion, which eventually produces high quality images with clear ridge flows. Then, at the beginning of the second phase, the image is partitioned into 16x16 pixels blocks - for each block, local threshold is calculated using its mean, variance and coherence. This threshold is then used to extract a foreground. Later, the foreground is enhanced using a newly developed filling-in-the-gap process. As for the third phase, a new mask called Epicycloid filter is applied on the foreground to create true-angle orientation fields. They are then grouped together to form four distinct homogenous regions using a region growing technique. In the fourth phase, the homogenous areas are first converted into character-based regions. Next, a set of rules is applied on them to extract singular points. Lastly, at the classification phase, basing on singular points’ occurrence and location along to a symmetric axis, a new set of fingerprint features is created. Subsequently, a set of five templates in which each one of them represents a specific true class is generated. Finally, classification is performed by calculating a similarity between the query fingerprint image and the template images using x2 distance measure. The performance of the current method is evaluated in terms of accuracy using all 27,000 fingerprint images acquired from The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) Special Database 14, which is de facto dataset for development and testing of fingerprint classification systems. The experimental results are very encouraging with accuracy rate of 93.05% that markedly outpaced the renowned researchers’ latest works

    A new three-stage scheme for fingerprint enhancement and its impact on fingerprint recognition

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    In order to provide safety and security from fraudulent acts, it is necessary to use a reliable biometric identifier. Fingerprint is considered to be one of most effective biometric identifiers because of its universal characteristics. The recognition rate of identification/verification systems depends to a great extent on the quality of the fingerprint image. In a fingerprint recognition system, there are two main phases: 1) extraction of suitable features of fingerprints, and 2) fingerprint matching using those extracted features to find the correspondence and similarity between the fingerprint images. The low quality of fingerprint images provides false minutiae at the stage of feature extraction and reduces the recognition rate of minutiae-based fingerprint matching systems. Use of enhanced fingerprint images improves the recognition rate but at the expense of a substantially increased complexity. The objective of this research is to develop an efficient and cost-effective scheme for enhancing fingerprint images that can improve minutiae extraction rate as well as effectively improve the recognition rate of a minutiae-based fingerprint matching system. In the first part of this thesis, a novel low-complexity three-stage scheme for the enhancement of fingerprint images is developed. In the first stage of the scheme, a linear diffusion filter driven by an orientation field is designed to enhance the low-quality fingerprint image. The computational complexity is reduced by using a simple gradient-based method for estimating the orientation field and by using a small number of iterations. Although some of the broken ridges in the fingerprint image are partially connected after the first stage, this stage has a limitation of not being able to connect ridges broken with wide creases, and also not being able to recover ridges in the smeared regions. To overcome the shortcomings of the first stage, the fingerprint image obtained after the first-stage enhancement is passed through a compensation filter in the second stage. Although the broken ridges in the enhanced fingerprint image after the second stage are fully connected, the ridges affected by smears are only partially recovered. Hence, the output obtained from the second stage is passed through the third-stage enhancement, which has two phases: short-time Fourier transform (STFT) analysis and enhancement by an angular filter. In the first phase, a Gaussian spectral window is used in order to perform the STFT and this window helps to reduce the blocking effect in the enhanced image. In the second phase, the image obtained from the STFT is passed through an angular filter, which significantly improves the overall quality of the fingerprint image. In the second part of this thesis, the effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed enhancement scheme are examined in fingerprint feature extraction and matching for fingerprint recognition applications. For this purpose, a minutiae extraction algorithm is first applied to extract minutiae from fingerprint images and then a minutia-based matching algorithm is applied to the set of extracted minutiae using a hybrid shape and orientation descriptor in order to find similarity between a pair of fingerprints. Extensive experiments are conducted throughout this thesis using a number of challenging benchmark databases chosen from FVC2000, FVC2002 and FVC2004. Simulation results demonstrate not only the effectiveness of the proposed enhancement scheme in improving the subjective and objective qualities of fingerprint images, but also a superior minutiae extraction rate and a recognition accuracy of the fingerprint images enhanced by the proposed scheme at a reduced computational complexity