6,171 research outputs found

    Systematic methods for the computation of the directional fields and singular points of fingerprints

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    The first subject of the paper is the estimation of a high resolution directional field of fingerprints. Traditional methods are discussed and a method, based on principal component analysis, is proposed. The method not only computes the direction in any pixel location, but its coherence as well. It is proven that this method provides exactly the same results as the "averaged square-gradient method" that is known from literature. Undoubtedly, the existence of a completely different equivalent solution increases the insight into the problem's nature. The second subject of the paper is singular point detection. A very efficient algorithm is proposed that extracts singular points from the high-resolution directional field. The algorithm is based on the Poincare index and provides a consistent binary decision that is not based on postprocessing steps like applying a threshold on a continuous resemblance measure for singular points. Furthermore, a method is presented to estimate the orientation of the extracted singular points. The accuracy of the methods is illustrated by experiments on a live-scanned fingerprint databas

    An accurate fingerprint reference point determination method based on curvature estimation of separated ridges

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    This paper presents an effective method for the detection of a fingerprint’s reference point by analyzing fingerprint ridges’ curvatures. The proposed approach is a multi-stage system. The first step extracts the fingerprint ridges from an image and transforms them into chains of discrete points. In the second step, the obtained chains of points are processed by a dedicated algorithm to detect corners and other points of highest curvature on their planar surface. In a series of experiments we demonstrate that the proposed method based on this algorithm allows effective determination of fingerprint reference points. Furthermore, the proposed method is relatively simple and achieves better results when compared with the approaches known from the literature. The reference point detection experiments were conducted using publicly available fingerprint databases FVC2000, FVC2002, FVC2004 and NIST

    A New Technique to Fingerprint Recognition Based on Partial Window

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    Fingerprint verification is a well-researched problem, and automatic fingerprint verification techniques have been successfully adapted to both civilian and forensic applications for many years. This paper present a new technique to fingerprint recognition based a window that contain  core point this window will be input ANN system to be model we can recognize another fingerprint , so we will firstly,  A recognition algorithm needs to recover fingerprints pose transformation between the input reduce time computation. Our detection algorithm works in the field orientation of the adaptive smoothed with a varying area. The adaptive window is used to attenuate the noise effectively orientation field while maintaining the information of the detailed guidance in the area of ??high curvature. A new approach to the core point location that is proposed is based on hierarchical analysis orientation consistency. The proposed adaptation singular point detection method increases the accuracy of the algorithm. Experiments show that our algorithm developed consistently locates a reference point with high precision only for all fingerprints. And very faster for recognition process. Keywords: Fingerprint recognition; field orientation; neural networks; core point, neural networks

    Documentation and analysis of plastic fingerprint impressions involving contactless three-dimensional surface scanning

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    Fingerprint impressions are frequently encountered during the investigation of crime scenes, and may establish a crucial linkage between the suspect and the crime scene. Plastic fingerprint impressions found at crime scenes are often transient and delicate, leaving photography the sole means of documentation. A traditional photography approach can be inadequate in documenting impressions that contain three-dimensional (3D) details due to the limitations of camera and lighting conditions on scene. In this study, 3D scanning was proposed as a novel method for the documentation of plastic fingerprints. Structured-light 3D scanning (SLS) captures the distortion of projected light patterns on the subject to obtain its 3D profile, which allows fast acquisition of the complete 3D geometric information of the surface. The contactless operation of SLS also eliminates the risk of destroying fragile evidence, making it a sound choice for forensic applications. In this study, the feasibility of 3D scanning of plastic fingerprint impressions was evaluated and compared with traditional photography regarding the quantity and quality of perceptible friction ridge features. Attempts were made to develop a procedure to extract curvature features from 3D scanned fingerprints and flatten the friction ridge features into two-dimensional (2D) images to allow direct comparison with the traditional photography method in the CSIpix® Matcher and NFIQ 2.0 software. One of the developed methods (3DR) utilizing a discrete geometry operator and convexity features outperformed traditional photography, both in minutiae count and match quality, while traditional photography could not always capture enough high-quality minutiae for comparisons, even after digital enhancement. The reproducibility of the 3D scanning process was evaluated using 3D point cloud statistics. The pair-wise mean distance and standard deviation were calculated for four levels of comparisons with theoretically increasing disparity, including pairs of scans of the same impressions. The results showed minimal shape deviation from scan to scan for the same impression, but high variations for different impressions