9,511 research outputs found

    Biometric presentation attack detection: beyond the visible spectrum

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    The increased need for unattended authentication in multiple scenarios has motivated a wide deployment of biometric systems in the last few years. This has in turn led to the disclosure of security concerns specifically related to biometric systems. Among them, presentation attacks (PAs, i.e., attempts to log into the system with a fake biometric characteristic or presentation attack instrument) pose a severe threat to the security of the system: any person could eventually fabricate or order a gummy finger or face mask to impersonate someone else. In this context, we present a novel fingerprint presentation attack detection (PAD) scheme based on i) a new capture device able to acquire images within the short wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum, and i i) an in-depth analysis of several state-of-theart techniques based on both handcrafted and deep learning features. The approach is evaluated on a database comprising over 4700 samples, stemming from 562 different subjects and 35 different presentation attack instrument (PAI) species. The results show the soundness of the proposed approach with a detection equal error rate (D-EER) as low as 1.35% even in a realistic scenario where five different PAI species are considered only for testing purposes (i.e., unknown attacks

    Automated Website Fingerprinting through Deep Learning

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    Several studies have shown that the network traffic that is generated by a visit to a website over Tor reveals information specific to the website through the timing and sizes of network packets. By capturing traffic traces between users and their Tor entry guard, a network eavesdropper can leverage this meta-data to reveal which website Tor users are visiting. The success of such attacks heavily depends on the particular set of traffic features that are used to construct the fingerprint. Typically, these features are manually engineered and, as such, any change introduced to the Tor network can render these carefully constructed features ineffective. In this paper, we show that an adversary can automate the feature engineering process, and thus automatically deanonymize Tor traffic by applying our novel method based on deep learning. We collect a dataset comprised of more than three million network traces, which is the largest dataset of web traffic ever used for website fingerprinting, and find that the performance achieved by our deep learning approaches is comparable to known methods which include various research efforts spanning over multiple years. The obtained success rate exceeds 96% for a closed world of 100 websites and 94% for our biggest closed world of 900 classes. In our open world evaluation, the most performant deep learning model is 2% more accurate than the state-of-the-art attack. Furthermore, we show that the implicit features automatically learned by our approach are far more resilient to dynamic changes of web content over time. We conclude that the ability to automatically construct the most relevant traffic features and perform accurate traffic recognition makes our deep learning based approach an efficient, flexible and robust technique for website fingerprinting.Comment: To appear in the 25th Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS 2018

    Set Aggregation Network as a Trainable Pooling Layer

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    Global pooling, such as max- or sum-pooling, is one of the key ingredients in deep neural networks used for processing images, texts, graphs and other types of structured data. Based on the recent DeepSets architecture proposed by Zaheer et al. (NIPS 2017), we introduce a Set Aggregation Network (SAN) as an alternative global pooling layer. In contrast to typical pooling operators, SAN allows to embed a given set of features to a vector representation of arbitrary size. We show that by adjusting the size of embedding, SAN is capable of preserving the whole information from the input. In experiments, we demonstrate that replacing global pooling layer by SAN leads to the improvement of classification accuracy. Moreover, it is less prone to overfitting and can be used as a regularizer.Comment: ICONIP 201