7 research outputs found

    Complexity of Liveness in Parameterized Systems

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    We investigate the fine-grained complexity of liveness verification for leader contributor systems. These consist of a designated leader thread and an arbitrary number of identical contributor threads communicating via a shared memory. The liveness verification problem asks whether there is an infinite computation of the system in which the leader reaches a final state infinitely often. Like its reachability counterpart, the problem is known to be NP-complete. Our results show that, even from a fine-grained point of view, the complexities differ only by a polynomial factor. Liveness verification decomposes into reachability and cycle detection. We present a fixed point iteration solving the latter in polynomial time. For reachability, we reconsider the two standard parameterizations. When parameterized by the number of states of the leader L and the size of the data domain D, we show an (L + D)^O(L + D)-time algorithm. It improves on a previous algorithm, thereby settling an open problem. When parameterized by the number of states of the contributor C, we reuse an O^*(2^C)-time algorithm. We show how to connect both algorithms with the cycle detection to obtain algorithms for liveness verification. The running times of the composed algorithms match those of reachability, proving that the fine-grained lower bounds for liveness verification are met

    The Fine-Grained Complexity of CFL Reachability

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    Many problems in static program analysis can be modeled as the context-free language (CFL) reachability problem on directed labeled graphs. The CFL reachability problem can be generally solved in time O(n3)O(n^3), where nn is the number of vertices in the graph, with some specific cases that can be solved faster. In this work, we ask the following question: given a specific CFL, what is the exact exponent in the monomial of the running time? In other words, for which cases do we have linear, quadratic or cubic algorithms, and are there problems with intermediate runtimes? This question is inspired by recent efforts to classify classic problems in terms of their exact polynomial complexity, known as {\em fine-grained complexity}. Although recent efforts have shown some conditional lower bounds (mostly for the class of combinatorial algorithms), a general picture of the fine-grained complexity landscape for CFL reachability is missing. Our main contribution is lower bound results that pinpoint the exact running time of several classes of CFLs or specific CFLs under widely believed lower bound conjectures (Boolean Matrix Multiplication and kk-Clique). We particularly focus on the family of Dyck-kk languages (which are strings with well-matched parentheses), a fundamental class of CFL reachability problems. We present new lower bounds for the case of sparse input graphs where the number of edges mm is the input parameter, a common setting in the database literature. For this setting, we show a cubic lower bound for Andersen's Pointer Analysis which significantly strengthens prior known results.Comment: Appeared in POPL 2023. Please note the erratum on the first pag

    Bounded Context Switching for Valence Systems

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    We study valence systems, finite-control programs over infinite-state memories modeled in terms of graph monoids. Our contribution is a notion of bounded context switching (BCS). Valence systems generalize pushdowns, concurrent pushdowns, and Petri nets. In these settings, our definition conservatively generalizes existing notions. The main finding is that reachability within a bounded number of context switches is in NPTIME, independent of the memory (the graph monoid). Our proof is genuinely algebraic, and therefore contributes a new way to think about BCS. In addition, we exhibit a class of storage mechanisms for which BCS reachability belongs to PTIME

    A Framework for Consistency Algorithms

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    We present a framework that provides deterministic consistency algorithms for given memory models. Such an algorithm checks whether the executions of a shared-memory concurrent program are consistent under the axioms defined by a model. For memory models like SC and TSO, checking consistency is NP-complete. Our framework shows, that despite the hardness, fast deterministic consistency algorithms can be obtained by employing tools from fine-grained complexity. The framework is based on a universal consistency problem which can be instantiated by different memory models. We construct an algorithm for the problem running in time ?^*(2^k), where k is the number of write accesses in the execution that is checked for consistency. Each instance of the framework then admits an ?^*(2^k)-time consistency algorithm. By applying the framework, we obtain corresponding consistency algorithms for SC, TSO, PSO, and RMO. Moreover, we show that the obtained algorithms for SC, TSO, and PSO are optimal in the fine-grained sense: there is no consistency algorithm for these running in time 2^{o(k)} unless the exponential time hypothesis fails