214,615 research outputs found

    Mining of Frequent Item with BSW Chunking

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    Apriori is an algorithm for finding the frequent patterns in transactional databases is considered as one of the most important data mining problems. Apriori algorithm is a masterpiece algorithm of association rule mining. This algorithm somehow has constraint and thus, giving the opportunity to do this research. Increased availability of the Multicore processors is forcing us to re-design algorithms and applications so as to accomplishment the computational power from multiple cores finding frequent item sets is more expensive in terms of computing resources utilization and CPU power. Thus superiority of parallel apriori algorithms effect on parallelizing the process of frequent item set find. The parallel frequent item sets mining algorithms gives the direction to solve the issue of distributing the candidates among processors. Efficient algorithm to discover frequent patterns is important in data mining research Lots of algorithms for mining association rules and their mutations are proposed on basis of Apriori algorithm, but traditional algorithms are not efficient. The objective of the Apriori Algorithm is to find associations between different sets of data. It is occasionally referred to as "Market Basket Analysis". Every several set of data has a number of items and is called a transaction. The achievement of Apriori is sets of rules that tell us how often items are contained in sets of data. In order to find more valuable rules, our basic aim is to implement apriori algorithm using multithreading approach which can utilization our system hardware power to improved algorithm is reasonable and effective, can extract more value information

    A New Data Layout For Set Intersection on GPUs

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    Set intersection is the core in a variety of problems, e.g. frequent itemset mining and sparse boolean matrix multiplication. It is well-known that large speed gains can, for some computational problems, be obtained by using a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a massively parallel computing device. However, GPUs require highly regular control flow and memory access patterns, and for this reason previous GPU methods for intersecting sets have used a simple bitmap representation. This representation requires excessive space on sparse data sets. In this paper we present a novel data layout, "BatMap", that is particularly well suited for parallel processing, and is compact even for sparse data. Frequent itemset mining is one of the most important applications of set intersection. As a case-study on the potential of BatMaps we focus on frequent pair mining, which is a core special case of frequent itemset mining. The main finding is that our method is able to achieve speedups over both Apriori and FP-growth when the number of distinct items is large, and the density of the problem instance is above 1%. Previous implementations of frequent itemset mining on GPU have not been able to show speedups over the best single-threaded implementations.Comment: A version of this paper appears in Proceedings of IPDPS 201

    Data distribution and performance optimization models for parallel data mining

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Ph. D.) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 117-128.We have embarked upon a multitude of approaches to improve the efficiency of selected fundamental tasks in data mining. The present thesis is concerned with improving the efficiency of parallel processing methods for large amounts of data. We have devised new parallel frequent itemset mining algorithms that work on both sparse and dense datasets, and 1-D and 2-D parallel algorithms for the all-pairs similarity problem. Two new parallel frequent itemset mining (FIM) algorithms named NoClique and NoClique2 parallelize our sequential vertical frequent itemset mining algorithm named bitdrill, and uses a method based on graph partitioning by vertex separator (GPVS) to distribute and selectively replicate items. The method operates on a graph where vertices correspond to frequent items and edges correspond to frequent itemsets of size two. We show that partitioning this graph by a vertex separator is sufficient to decide a distribution of the items such that the sub-databases determined by the item distribution can be mined independently. This distribution entails an amount of data replication, which may be reduced by setting appropriate weights to vertices. The data distribution scheme is used in the design of two new parallel frequent itemset mining algorithms. Both algorithms replicate the items that correspond to the separator. NoClique replicates the work induced by the separator and NoClique2 computes the same work collectively. Computational load balancing and minimization of redundant or collective work may be achieved by assigning appropriate load estimates to vertices. The performance is compared to another parallelization that replicates all items, and ParDCI algorithm. We introduce another parallel FIM method using a variation of item distribution with selective item replication. We extend the GPVS model for parallel FIM we have proposed earlier, by relaxing the condition of independent mining. Instead of finding independently mined item sets, we may minimize the amount of communication and partition the candidates in a fine-grained manner. We introduce a hypergraph partitioning model of the parallel computation where vertices correspond to candidates and hyperedges correspond to items. A load estimate is assigned to each candidate with vertex weights, and item frequencies are given as hyperedge weights. The model is shown to minimize data replication and balance load accurately. We also introduce a re-partitioning model since we can generate only so many levels of candidates at once, using fixed vertices to model previous item distribution/replication. Experiments show that we improve over the higher load imbalance of NoClique2 algorithm for the same problem instances at the cost of additional parallel overhead. For the all-pairs similarity problem, we extend recent efficient sequential algorithms to a parallel setting, and obtain document-wise and term-wise parallelizations of a fast sequential algorithm, as well as an elegant combination of two algorithms that yield a 2-D distribution of the data. Two effective algorithmic optimizations for the term-wise case are reported that make the term-wise parallelization feasible. These optimizations exploit local pruning and block processing of a number of vectors, in order to decrease communication costs, the number of candidates, and communication/computation imbalance. The correctness of local pruning is proven. Also, a recursive term-wise parallelization is introduced. The performance of the algorithms are shown to be favorable in extensive experiments, as well as the utility of two major optimizations.Özkural, ErayPh.D

    Fast and Accurate Mining of Correlated Heavy Hitters

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    The problem of mining Correlated Heavy Hitters (CHH) from a two-dimensional data stream has been introduced recently, and a deterministic algorithm based on the use of the Misra--Gries algorithm has been proposed by Lahiri et al. to solve it. In this paper we present a new counter-based algorithm for tracking CHHs, formally prove its error bounds and correctness and show, through extensive experimental results, that our algorithm outperforms the Misra--Gries based algorithm with regard to accuracy and speed whilst requiring asymptotically much less space