10,968 research outputs found

    Error control techniques for satellite and space communications

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    Worked performed during the reporting period is summarized. Construction of robustly good trellis codes for use with sequential decoding was developed. The robustly good trellis codes provide a much better trade off between free distance and distance profile. The unequal error protection capabilities of convolutional codes was studied. The problem of finding good large constraint length, low rate convolutional codes for deep space applications is investigated. A formula for computing the free distance of 1/n convolutional codes was discovered. Double memory (DM) codes, codes with two memory units per unit bit position, were studied; a search for optimal DM codes is being conducted. An algorithm for constructing convolutional codes from a given quasi-cyclic code was developed. Papers based on the above work are included in the appendix

    Video transmission over a relay channel with a compress-forward code design

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    There is an increasing demand to support high data rate multimedia applications over the current day wireless networks which are highly prone to errors. Relay channels, by virtue of their spatial diversity, play a vital role in meeting this demand without much change to the current day systems. A compress-forward relaying scheme is one of the exciting prospects in this regard owing to its ability to always outperform direct transmission. With regards to video transmission, there is a serious need to ensure higher protection for the source bits that are more important and sensitive. The objective of this thesis is to develop a practical scheme for transmitting video data over a relay channel using a compress-forward relaying scheme and compare it to direct and multi-hop transmissions. We also develop a novel scheme whereby the relay channel can be used as a means to provide the required unequal error protection among the MPEG-2 bit stream. The area of compress-forward (CF) relaying has not been developed much to date, with most of the research directed towards the decode-forward scheme. The fact that compress-forward relaying always ensures better results than direct transmission is an added advantage. This has motivated us to employ CF relaying in our implementation. Video transmission and streaming applications are being increasingly sought after in the current generation wireless systems. The fact that video applications are bandwidth demanding and error prone, and the wireless systems are band-limited and unreliable, makes this a challenging task. CF relaying, by virtue of their path diversity, can be considered to be a new means for video transmission. To exploit the above advantages, we propose an implementation for video transmission over relay channels using a CF relaying scheme. Practical gains in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) have been observed for our implementation compared to the simple binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (BIAWGN) and two-hop transmission scenarios

    LDPC code-based bandwidth efficient coding schemes for wireless communications

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    This dissertation deals with the design of bandwidth-efficient coding schemes with Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) for reliable wireless communications. Code design for wireless channels roughly falls into three categories: (1) when channel state information (CSI) is known only to the receiver (2) more practical case of partial CSI at the receiver when the channel has to be estimated (3) when CSI is known to the receiver as well as the transmitter. We consider coding schemes for all the above categories. For the first scenario, we describe a bandwidth efficient scheme which uses highorder constellations such as QAM over both AWGN as well as fading channels. We propose a simple design with LDPC codes which combines the good properties of Multi-level Coding (MLC) and bit-interleaved coded-modulation (BICM) schemes. Through simulations, we show that the proposed scheme performs better than MLC for short-medium lengths on AWGN and block-fading channels. For the first case, we also characterize the rate-diversity tradeoff of MIMO-OFDM and SISO-OFDM systems. We design optimal coding schemes which achieve this tradeoff when transmission is from a constrained constellation. Through simulations, we show that with a sub-optimal iterative decoder, the performance of this coding scheme is very close to the optimal limit for MIMO (flat quasi-static fading), MIMO-OFDM and SISO OFDM systems. For the second case, we design non-systematic Irregular Repeat Accumulate (IRA) codes, which are a special class of LDPC codes, for Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) fading channels when CSI is estimated at the receiver. We use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) to convert the ISI fading channel into parallel flat fading subchannels. We use a simple receiver structure that performs iterative channel estimation and decoding and use non-systematic IRA codes that are optimized for this receiver. This combination is shown to perform very close to a receiver with perfect CSI and is also shown to be robust to change in the number of channel taps and Doppler. For the third case, we look at bandwidth efficient schemes for fading channels that perform close to capacity when the channel state information is known at the transmitter as well as the receiver. Schemes that achieve capacity with a Gaussian codebook for the above system are already known but not for constrained constellations. We derive the near-optimum scheme to achieve capacity with constrained constellations and then propose coding schemes which perform close to capacity. Through linear transformations, a MIMO system can be converted into non-interfering parallel subchannels and we further extend the proposed coding schemes to the MIMO case too

    Coding for the Clouds: Coding Techniques for Enabling Security, Locality, and Availability in Distributed Storage Systems

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    Cloud systems have become the backbone of many applications such as multimedia streaming, e-commerce, and cluster computing. At the foundation of any cloud architecture lies a large-scale, distributed, data storage system. To accommodate the massive amount of data being stored on the cloud, these distributed storage systems (DSS) have been scaled to contain hundreds to thousands of nodes that are connected through a networking infrastructure. Such data-centers are usually built out of commodity components, which make failures the norm rather than the exception. In order to combat node failures, data is typically stored in a redundant fashion. Due to the exponential data growth rate, many DSS are beginning to resort to error control coding over conventional replication methods, as coding offers high storage space efficiency. This paradigm shift from replication to coding, along with the need to guarantee reliability, efficiency, and security in DSS, has created a new set of challenges and opportunities, opening up a new area of research. This thesis addresses several of these challenges and opportunities by broadly making the following contributions. (i) We design practically amenable, low-complexity coding schemes that guarantee security of cloud systems, ensure quick recovery from failures, and provide high availability for retrieving partial information; and (ii) We analyze fundamental performance limits and optimal trade-offs between the key performance metrics of these coding schemes. More specifically, we first consider the problem of achieving information-theoretic security in DSS against an eavesdropper that can observe a limited number of nodes. We present a framework that enables design of secure repair-efficient codes through a joint construction of inner and outer codes. Then, we consider a practically appealing notion of weakly secure coding, and construct coset codes that can weakly secure a wide class of regenerating codes that reduce the amount of data downloaded during node repair. Second, we consider the problem of meeting repair locality constraints, which specify the number of nodes participating in the repair process. We propose a notion of unequal locality, which enables different locality values for different nodes, ensuring quick recovery for nodes storing important data. We establish tight upper bounds on the minimum distance of linear codes with unequal locality, and present optimal code constructions. Next, we extend the notion of locality from the Hamming metric to the rank and subspace metrics, with the goal of designing codes for efficient data recovery from special types of correlated failures in DSS.We construct a family of locally recoverable rank-metric codes with optimal data recovery properties. Finally, we consider the problem of providing high availability, which is ensured by enabling node repair from multiple disjoint subsets of nodes of small size. We study codes with availability from a queuing-theoretical perspective by analyzing the average time necessary to download a block of data under the Poisson request arrival model when each node takes a random amount of time to fetch its contents. We compare the delay performance of the availability codes with several alternatives such as conventional erasure codes and replication schemes

    Video transmission over a relay channel with a compress-forward code design

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    There is an increasing demand to support high data rate multimedia applications over the current day wireless networks which are highly prone to errors. Relay channels, by virtue of their spatial diversity, play a vital role in meeting this demand without much change to the current day systems. A compress-forward relaying scheme is one of the exciting prospects in this regard owing to its ability to always outperform direct transmission. With regards to video transmission, there is a serious need to ensure higher protection for the source bits that are more important and sensitive. The objective of this thesis is to develop a practical scheme for transmitting video data over a relay channel using a compress-forward relaying scheme and compare it to direct and multi-hop transmissions. We also develop a novel scheme whereby the relay channel can be used as a means to provide the required unequal error protection among the MPEG-2 bit stream. The area of compress-forward (CF) relaying has not been developed much to date, with most of the research directed towards the decode-forward scheme. The fact that compress-forward relaying always ensures better results than direct transmission is an added advantage. This has motivated us to employ CF relaying in our implementation. Video transmission and streaming applications are being increasingly sought after in the current generation wireless systems. The fact that video applications are bandwidth demanding and error prone, and the wireless systems are band-limited and unreliable, makes this a challenging task. CF relaying, by virtue of their path diversity, can be considered to be a new means for video transmission. To exploit the above advantages, we propose an implementation for video transmission over relay channels using a CF relaying scheme. Practical gains in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) have been observed for our implementation compared to the simple binary-input additive white Gaussian noise (BIAWGN) and two-hop transmission scenarios

    Synthesis for circuit reliability

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    textElectrical and Computer Engineerin

    Near-capacity H.264 multimedia communications using iterative joint source-channel decoding

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    In this tutorial, a unified treatment of the topic of near capacity multimedia communication systems is offered, where we focus our attention not only on source and channel coding but also on their iterative decoding and transmission schemes. There is a paucity of up-to-date surveys and review articles on the unified treatment of the topic of near capacity multimedia communication systems using iterative detection aided joint source-channel decoding employing sophisticated transmission techniques - even though there is a plethora of papers on both iterative detection and video telephony. Hence this paper aims to fill the related gap in the literature