7 research outputs found

    Finding Connected Secluded Subgraphs

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    Problems related to finding induced subgraphs satisfying given properties form one of the most studied areas within graph algorithms. Such problems have given rise to breakthrough results and led to development of new techniques both within the traditional P vs NP dichotomy and within parameterized complexity. The Pi-Subgraph problem asks whether an input graph contains an induced subgraph on at least k vertices satisfying graph property Pi. For many applications, it is desirable that the found subgraph has as few connections to the rest of the graph as possible, which gives rise to the Secluded Pi-Subgraph problem. Here, input k is the size of the desired subgraph, and input t is a limit on the number of neighbors this subgraph has in the rest of the graph. This problem has been studied from a parameterized perspective, and unfortunately it turns out to be W[1]-hard for many graph properties Pi, even when parameterized by k+t. We show that the situation changes when we are looking for a connected induced subgraph satisfying Pi. In particular, we show that the Connected Secluded Pi-Subgraph problem is FPT when parameterized by just t for many important graph properties Pi

    Finding k-secluded trees faster

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    We revisit the k-SECLUDED TREE problem. Given a vertex-weighted undirected graph G, its objective is to find a maximum-weight induced subtree T whose open neighborhood has size at most k. We present a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that solves the problem in time 2 O(klog⁡k)⋅n O(1), improving on a double-exponential running time from earlier work by Golovach, Heggernes, Lima, and Montealegre. Starting from a single vertex, our algorithm grows a k-secluded tree by branching on vertices in the open neighborhood of the current tree T. To bound the branching depth, we prove a structural result that can be used to identify a vertex that belongs to the neighborhood of any k-secluded supertree T ′⊇T once the open neighborhood of T becomes sufficiently large. We extend the algorithm to enumerate compact descriptions of all maximum-weight k-secluded trees, which allows us to count them as well.</p

    Finding k-secluded trees faster

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    We revisit the k-SECLUDED TREE problem. Given a vertex-weighted undirected graph G, its objective is to find a maximum-weight induced subtree T whose open neighborhood has size at most k. We present a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm that solves the problem in time 2 O(klog⁡k)⋅n O(1), improving on a double-exponential running time from earlier work by Golovach, Heggernes, Lima, and Montealegre. Starting from a single vertex, our algorithm grows a k-secluded tree by branching on vertices in the open neighborhood of the current tree T. To bound the branching depth, we prove a structural result that can be used to identify a vertex that belongs to the neighborhood of any k-secluded supertree T ′⊇T once the open neighborhood of T becomes sufficiently large. We extend the algorithm to enumerate compact descriptions of all maximum-weight k-secluded trees, which allows us to count them as well.</p

    Parameterized Algorithms for Finding Large Sparse Subgraphs:Kernelization and Beyond

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    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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