133 research outputs found

    Efficient Triangle Counting in Large Graphs via Degree-based Vertex Partitioning

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    The number of triangles is a computationally expensive graph statistic which is frequently used in complex network analysis (e.g., transitivity ratio), in various random graph models (e.g., exponential random graph model) and in important real world applications such as spam detection, uncovering of the hidden thematic structure of the Web and link recommendation. Counting triangles in graphs with millions and billions of edges requires algorithms which run fast, use small amount of space, provide accurate estimates of the number of triangles and preferably are parallelizable. In this paper we present an efficient triangle counting algorithm which can be adapted to the semistreaming model. The key idea of our algorithm is to combine the sampling algorithm of Tsourakakis et al. and the partitioning of the set of vertices into a high degree and a low degree subset respectively as in the Alon, Yuster and Zwick work treating each set appropriately. We obtain a running time O(m+m3/2Δlogntϵ2)O \left(m + \frac{m^{3/2} \Delta \log{n}}{t \epsilon^2} \right) and an ϵ\epsilon approximation (multiplicative error), where nn is the number of vertices, mm the number of edges and Δ\Delta the maximum number of triangles an edge is contained. Furthermore, we show how this algorithm can be adapted to the semistreaming model with space usage O(m1/2logn+m3/2Δlogntϵ2)O\left(m^{1/2}\log{n} + \frac{m^{3/2} \Delta \log{n}}{t \epsilon^2} \right) and a constant number of passes (three) over the graph stream. We apply our methods in various networks with several millions of edges and we obtain excellent results. Finally, we propose a random projection based method for triangle counting and provide a sufficient condition to obtain an estimate with low variance.Comment: 1) 12 pages 2) To appear in the 7th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2010

    Enumerating Cyclic Orientations of a Graph

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    Acyclic and cyclic orientations of an undirected graph have been widely studied for their importance: an orientation is acyclic if it assigns a direction to each edge so as to obtain a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with the same vertex set; it is cyclic otherwise. As far as we know, only the enumeration of acyclic orientations has been addressed in the literature. In this paper, we pose the problem of efficiently enumerating all the \emph{cyclic} orientations of an undirected connected graph with nn vertices and mm edges, observing that it cannot be solved using algorithmic techniques previously employed for enumerating acyclic orientations.We show that the problem is of independent interest from both combinatorial and algorithmic points of view, and that each cyclic orientation can be listed with O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) delay time. Space usage is O(m)O(m) with an additional setup cost of O(n2)O(n^2) time before the enumeration begins, or O(mn)O(mn) with a setup cost of O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time

    Computing Graph Roots Without Short Cycles

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    Graph G is the square of graph H if two vertices x, y have an edge in G if and only if x, y are of distance at most two in H. Given H it is easy to compute its square H2, however Motwani and Sudan proved that it is NP-complete to determine if a given graph G is the square of some graph H (of girth 3). In this paper we consider the characterization and recognition problems of graphs that are squares of graphs of small girth, i.e. to determine if G = H2 for some graph H of small girth. The main results are the following. - There is a graph theoretical characterization for graphs that are squares of some graph of girth at least 7. A corollary is that if a graph G has a square root H of girth at least 7 then H is unique up to isomorphism. - There is a polynomial time algorithm to recognize if G = H2 for some graph H of girth at least 6. - It is NP-complete to recognize if G = H2 for some graph H of girth 4. These results almost provide a dichotomy theorem for the complexity of the recognition problem in terms of girth of the square roots. The algorithmic and graph theoretical results generalize previous results on tree square roots, and provide polynomial time algorithms to compute a graph square root of small girth if it exists. Some open questions and conjectures will also be discussed