41 research outputs found

    PISketch: Finding Persistent and Infrequent Flows

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    Elastic Sketch: Adaptive and Fast Network-wide Measurements

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    Scaling Up Delay Tolerant Networking

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    Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) introduce a networking paradigm based on store, carry and forward. This makes DTN ideal for situations where nodes experience intermittent connectivity due to movement, less than ideal infrastructure, sparse networks or other challenging environmental conditions. Standardization efforts focused around the Bundle Protoocol (BP) (RFC 5050) aim to provide a generic set of protocols and technologies to build DTNs. However, there are several challenges when trying to apply the BP to the Internet as a whole that are tackled in this thesis: There is no DTN routing mechanism that can work in Internet-scale networks. Similarly, available discovery mechanisms for opportunistic contacts do not scale to the Internet. This work presents a solution offering pull-based name resolution that is able to represent the flat unstructured BP namespace in a distributed data structure and leaves routing through the Internet to the underlying IP layer. A second challenge is the large amount of data stored by DTN nodes in large-scale applications. Reconciling two large sets of data during an opportunistic contact without any previous state in a space efficient manner is a non-trivial problem. This thesis will present a very robust solution that is almost as efficient as Bloom filters while being able to avoid false positives that would prevent full reconciliation of the sets. Lastly, when designing networks that are based on agents willing to carry information, incentives are an important factor. This thesis proposes a financially sustainable system to incentive users to participate in a DTN with their private smartphones. A user study is conducted to get a lead on the main motivational factors that let people participate in a DTN. The study gives some insight under what conditions relying on continuous motivation and cooperation from private users is a reasonable assumption when designing a DTN.Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) sind ein Konzept für Netzwerke, das auf der Idee beruht, Datenpakete bei Bedarf längere Zeit zu speichern und vor der Weiterleitung an einen anderen Knoten physikalisch zu transportieren. Diese Vorgehensweise erlaubt den Einsatz von DTN in Netzen, die häufige Unterbrechungen aufweisen. Mit dem Bundle Protocol (BP) (RFC 5050) wird ein Satz von Standardprotokollen für DTNs entwickelt. Wenn man das BP im Internet einsetzen möchte ergeben sich einige Herausforderungen: Es existiert kein DTN Routingverfahren, das skalierbar genug ist um im Internet eingesetzt zu werden. Das Gleiche trifft auf verfügbare Discovery Mechanismen für opportunistische Netze zu. In dieser Arbeit wird ein verteilter, reaktiver Mechanismus zur Namensauflösung im DTN vorgestellt, der den flachen, unstrukturierten Namensraum des BP abbilden kann und es ermöglicht das Routing komplett der IP Schicht zu überlassen. Eine weitere Herausforderung ist die große Menge an Nachrichten, die Knoten puffern müssen. Die effiziente Synchronisierung von zwei Datensets während eines opportunistischen Kontaktes, ohne Zustandsinformationen, ist ein komplexes Problem. Diese Arbeit schlägt einen robusten Algorithmus vor, der die Effizienz eines Bloom Filters hat, dabei jedoch die False Positives vermeidet, die normalerweise eine komplette Synchronisation verhindern würden. Ein DTN basiert darauf, dass Teilnehmer Daten puffern und transportieren. Wenn diese Teilnehmer z.B. private User mit Smarpthones sind, ist es essentiell diese Benutzer zu einer dauerhaften Teilnahme am Netzwerk zu motivieren. In dieser Arbeit wird ein finanziell tragfähiges System entwickelt, welches Benutzer für eine Teilnahme am DTN belohnt. Eine Benutzerstudie wurde durchgeführt, um herauszufinden, welche Faktoren Benutzer motivieren und unter welchen Umständen davon auszugehen ist, dass Benutzer wenn man das BP im Internet einsetzen möchte dauerhaft in einem DTN kooperieren und Resourcen zur Verfügung stellen

    Improving Data Availability in Decentralized Storage Systems

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    PhD thesis in Information technologyPreserving knowledge for future generations has been a primary concern for humanity since the dawn of civilization. State-of-the-art methods have included stone carvings, papyrus scrolls, and paper books. With each advance in technology, it has become easier to record knowledge. In the current digital age, humanity may preserve enormous amounts of knowledge on hard drives with the click of a button. The aggregation of several hard drives into a computer forms the basis for a storage system. Traditionally, large storage systems have comprised many distinct computers operated by a single administrative entity. With the rise in popularity of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, a new type of storage system has emerged. This new type of storage system is fully decentralized and comprises a network of untrusted peers cooperating to act as a single storage system. During upload, files are split into chunks and distributed across a network of peers. These storage systems encode files using Merkle trees, a hierarchical data structure that provides integrity verification and lookup services. While decentralized storage systems are popular and have a user base in the millions, many technical aspects are still in their infancy. As such, they have yet to prove themselves viable alternatives to traditional centralized storage systems. In this thesis, we contribute to the technical aspects of decentralized storage systems by proposing novel techniques and protocols. We make significant contributions with the design of three practical protocols that each improve data availability in different ways. Our first contribution is Snarl and entangled Merkle trees. Entangled Merkle trees are resilient data structures that decrease the impact hierarchical dependencies have on data availability. Whenever a chunk loss is detected, Snarl uses the entangled Merkle trees to find parity chunks to repair the lost chunk. Our results show that by encoding data as an entangled Merkle tree and using Snarl’s repair algorithm, the storage utilization in current systems could be improved by over five times, with improved data availability. Second, we propose SNIPS, a protocol that efficiently synchronizes the data stored on peers to ensure that all peers have the same data. We designed a Proof of Storage-like construction using a Minimal Perfect Hash Function. Each peer uses the PoS-like construction to create a storage proof for those chunks it wants to synchronize. Peers exchange storage proofs and use them to efficiently determine which chunks they are missing. The evaluation shows that by using SNIPS, the amount of synchronization data can be reduced by three orders of magnitude in current systems. Lastly, in our third contribution, we propose SUP, a protocol that uses cryptographic proofs to check if a chunk is already stored in the network before doing wasteful uploads. We show that SUP may reduce the amount of data transferred by up to 94 % in current systems. The protocols may be deployed independently or in combination to create a decentralized storage system that is more robust to major outages. Each of the protocols has been implemented and evaluated on a large cluster of 1,000 peers

    Decoupling Information and Connectivity via Information-Centric Transport

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    The power of Information-Centric Networking architectures (ICNs) lies in their abstraction for communication --- the request for named data. This abstraction was popularized by the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as an application-layer abstraction, and was extended by ICNs to also serve as their network-layer abstraction. In recent years, network mechanisms for ICNs, such as scalable name-based forwarding, named-data routing and in-network caching, have been widely explored and researched. However, to the best of our knowledge, the impact of this network abstraction on ICN applications has not been explored or well understood. The motivation of this dissertation is to address this research gap. Presumably, shifting from the IP\u27s channel abstraction, in which two endpoints must establish a channel to communicate, to the request for named data abstraction in ICNs, should simplify application mechanisms. This is not only because those mechanisms are no longer required to translate named-based requests to addresses of endpoints, but mainly because application mechanisms are no longer coupled with the connectivity characteristics of the channel. Hence, applications do not need to worry if there is a synchronous end-to-end path between two endpoints, or if a device along the path switches between concurrent interfaces for communication. Therefore, ICN architectures present a new and powerful promise to applications --- the freedom to stay in the information plane decoupled from connectivity. This dissertation shows that despite this powerful promise, the information and connectivity planes are presently coupled in today\u27s incarnations of leading ICNs by a core architectural component, the forwarding strategy. Therefore, this dissertation defines the role of forwarding strategies, and it introduces Information-Centric Transport (ICT) as a new architectural component that application developers can rely on if they want their application to be decoupled from connectivity. When discussing the role of ICT, we explain the importance of in-network transport mechanisms in ICNs, and we explore how those mechanisms can be scalable when generalized to provide broadly-applicable application needs. To illustrate our contribution concretely, we present three group communication abstractions that can evolve into ICTs: 1) Data synchronization of named data. This abstraction supports applications that want to maintain data consistency over time of a group\u27s shared dataset. 2) Push-like notifications for the latest named data. This abstraction supports applications that want to quickly notify and be notified about the latest content that was produced by a member(s) in the group. And 3) distributed named data fetching when the content is partitioned. This abstraction supports applications that their named data is partitioned and distributed in the group, and the names of content items in a partition cannot be generalized and hierarchically represented using one partition name. For each ICT, we provide examples of known applications that can use it, we discuss different mechanisms for implementation, and we evaluate selected implementations. We show how by relying on an ICT instead of a forwarding strategy, the tested applications can maintain sustainable communication in connectivities where IP tools fail or do not work well

    Telemetry for Next-Generation Networks

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    Software-defined networking enables tight integration between packet-processing hardware and centralized controllers, highlighting the importance of deep network insight for informed decision-making. Modern network telemetry aims to provide per-packet insights into networks, enabling significant optimizations and security enhancements. However, the increasing gap between network speeds and the stagnating performance of CPUs presents significant challenges to these efforts. Attempts to circumvent this slowdown by deploying monitoring functionality directly into the data plane, which is capable of line-rate processing, are hindered by the hardware's resource limitations and the data collection capacities of analysis servers. This dissertation introduces a dual strategy to enhance centralized network insights: Firstly, it improves probabilistic network monitoring data structures, achieving fault-tolerant monitoring in heterogeneous environments with significantly higher accuracy and reduced resource demands. Secondly, it redesigns the interface between networking hardware and analysis servers to substantially lower telemetry collection and aggregation costs, thus enabling insights at unprecedented granularities. These advancements collectively mark a significant stride towards realizing the full potential of fine-grained network monitoring, offering a scalable and efficient solution to address the challenges brought by the rapid evolution of network technologies

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2