288,325 research outputs found

    Detecting Community Structure in Dynamic Social Networks Using the Concept of Leadership

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    Detecting community structure in social networks is a fundamental problem empowering us to identify groups of actors with similar interests. There have been extensive works focusing on finding communities in static networks, however, in reality, due to dynamic nature of social networks, they are evolving continuously. Ignoring the dynamic aspect of social networks, neither allows us to capture evolutionary behavior of the network nor to predict the future status of individuals. Aside from being dynamic, another significant characteristic of real-world social networks is the presence of leaders, i.e. nodes with high degree centrality having a high attraction to absorb other members and hence to form a local community. In this paper, we devised an efficient method to incrementally detect communities in highly dynamic social networks using the intuitive idea of importance and persistence of community leaders over time. Our proposed method is able to find new communities based on the previous structure of the network without recomputing them from scratch. This unique feature, enables us to efficiently detect and track communities over time rapidly. Experimental results on the synthetic and real-world social networks demonstrate that our method is both effective and efficient in discovering communities in dynamic social networks

    Evolution of Communities with Focus on Stability

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    Community detection is an important tool for analyzing the social graph of mobile phone users. The problem of finding communities in static graphs has been widely studied. However, since mobile social networks evolve over time, static graph algorithms are not sufficient. To be useful in practice (e.g. when used by a telecom analyst), the stability of the partitions becomes critical. We tackle this particular use case in this paper: tracking evolution of communities in dynamic scenarios with focus on stability. We propose two modifications to a widely used static community detection algorithm: we introduce fixed nodes and preferential attachment to pre-existing communities. We then describe experiments to study the stability and quality of the resulting partitions on real-world social networks, represented by monthly call graphs for millions of subscribers.Comment: AST at 42nd JAIIO, September 16-20, 2013, Cordoba, Argentina. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1311.550

    The Role of Prior Knowledge in Multi-Population Cultural Algorithms for Community Detection in Dynamic Social Networks

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    The relationship between a community and the knowledge that it encompasses is a fundamentally important aspect of any social network. Communities, with some level of similarity, implicitly tend to have some level of similarity in their knowledge as well. This work does the analysis on the role of prior knowledge in Multi-Population Cultural Algorithm (MPCA) for community detection in dynamic social networks. MPCA can be used to find the communities in a social network. The knowledge gained in this process is useful to analyze the communities in other social networks having some level of similarity. Our work assumes that knowledge is an integral part of any community of a social network and plays a very important role in its evolution. Different types of networks with levels of non-similarity are analyzed to see the role of prior knowledge while finding communities in them

    Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks: Functional Communities and Epidemic Spreading

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    The work presented in this thesis focusses on two topics: functional communities and epidemic spreading on dynamic networks. The first part of the thesis focuses on a functionally-based definition of community structure for complex networks. In particular, we consider networks whose function is enhanced by the ability to synchronize and/or by resilience to node failures. For networks whose functional performance is dependent on these processes, we propose a method that divides a given network into communities based on maximizing a function of the largest eigenvalues of the adjacency matrices of the resulting communities. We also explore the differences between the partitions obtained by our function-based method and the structure-based modularity approach. A major finding is that, in many cases, modularity-based partitions do almost as well as the function-based method in finding functional communities, even though modularity does not specifically incorporate consideration of function. We also discuss the spectral properties of the networks with community structure, relevant for the case of functional communities studied in this thesis. In the second part of the thesis, we study a discrete time SIR model on dynamic networks. In our dynamic network model, we consider the case where the nodes in the network change their links both in response to the disease and also due to social dynamics. We assume that the individuals trying to make new connections mix randomly, and, with a certain probability, we also allow for the formation of new susceptible-infected links. We find that increasing the social mixing dynamics inhibits the disease's ability to spread in certain cases. This occurs because susceptibles who randomly disconnect from infected individuals preferentially reconnect to other susceptibles, inhibiting the disease spread. Finally, we also extend our dynamic network model to take into account the case of hidden infection. Here we find that, as expected, the disease spreads more readily if there is an initial time period during which an individual is infectious but unaware of the infection

    Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Finding communities of connected individuals in social networks is essential for understanding our society and interactions within the network. Recently attention has turned to analyse these communities in complex network systems. In this thesis, we study three challenges. Firstly, analysing and evaluating the robustness of new and existing score functions as these functions are used to assess the community structure for a given network. Secondly, unfolding community structures in static social networks. Finally, detecting the dynamics of communities that change over time. The score functions are evaluated on different community structures. The behaviour of these functions is studied by migrating nodes randomly from their community to a random community in a given true partition until all nodes will be migrated far from their communities. Then Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based Community Detection in Social Networks (MOEA-CD) is used to capture the intuition of community identi cation with dense connections within the community and sparse with others. This algorithm redirects the design of objective functions according to the nodes' relations within community and with other communities. This new model includes two new contradictory objectives, the rst is to maximise the internal neighbours for each node within a community and the second is to minimise the maximum external links for each node within a community with respect to its internal neighbours. Both of these objectives are optimised simultaneously to nd a set of estimated Pareto-optimal solutions where each solution corresponds to a network partition. Moreover, we propose a new local heuristic search, namely, the Neighbour Node Centrality (NNC) strategy which is combined with the proposed model to improve the performance of MOEA-CD to nd a local optimal solution. We also design an algorithm which produces community structures that evolve over time. Recognising that there may be many possible community structures that ex- plain the observed social network at each time step, in contrast to existing methods, which generally treat this as a coupled optimisation problem, we formulate the prob- lem in a Hidden Markov Model framework, which allows the most likely sequence of communities to be found using the Viterbi algorithm where there are many candi- date community structures which are generated using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. To demonstrate that our study is effective, it is evaluated on synthetic and real-life dynamic networks and it is used to discover the changing Twitter communities of MPs preceding the Brexit referendum

    Community Detection in Complex Networks

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    Finding communities of connected individuals in social networks is essential for understanding our society and interactions within the network. Recently attention has turned to analyse these communities in complex network systems. In this thesis, we study three challenges. Firstly, analysing and evaluating the robustness of new and existing score functions as these functions are used to assess the community structure for a given network. Secondly, unfolding community structures in static social networks. Finally, detecting the dynamics of communities that change over time. The score functions are evaluated on different community structures. The behaviour of these functions is studied by migrating nodes randomly from their community to a random community in a given true partition until all nodes will be migrated far from their communities. Then Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based Community Detection in Social Networks (MOEA-CD) is used to capture the intuition of community identi cation with dense connections within the community and sparse with others. This algorithm redirects the design of objective functions according to the nodes' relations within community and with other communities. This new model includes two new contradictory objectives, the rst is to maximise the internal neighbours for each node within a community and the second is to minimise the maximum external links for each node within a community with respect to its internal neighbours. Both of these objectives are optimised simultaneously to nd a set of estimated Pareto-optimal solutions where each solution corresponds to a network partition. Moreover, we propose a new local heuristic search, namely, the Neighbour Node Centrality (NNC) strategy which is combined with the proposed model to improve the performance of MOEA-CD to nd a local optimal solution. We also design an algorithm which produces community structures that evolve over time. Recognising that there may be many possible community structures that ex- plain the observed social network at each time step, in contrast to existing methods, which generally treat this as a coupled optimisation problem, we formulate the prob- lem in a Hidden Markov Model framework, which allows the most likely sequence of communities to be found using the Viterbi algorithm where there are many candi- date community structures which are generated using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm. To demonstrate that our study is effective, it is evaluated on synthetic and real-life dynamic networks and it is used to discover the changing Twitter communities of MPs preceding the Brexit referendum

    Deep Learning based Densenet Convolution Neural Network for Community Detection in Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become increasingly popular, with hundreds of millions of users in recent years. A community in a social network is a virtual group with shared interests and activities that they want to communicate. OSN and the growing number of users have also increased the need for communities. Community structure is an important topological property of OSN and plays an essential role in various dynamic processes, including the diffusion of information within the network. All networks have a community format, and one of the most continually addressed research issues is the finding of communities. However, traditional techniques didn't do a better community of discovering user interests. As a result, these methods cannot detect active communities.  To tackle this issues, in this paper presents Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach for community detection. Initially, we gather dataset from Kaggle repository. Then preprocessing the dataset to remove inconsistent and missing values. In addition to User Behavior Impact Rate (UBIR) technique to identify the user URL access, key term and page access. After that, Web Crawling Prone Factor Rate (WCPFR) technique is used find the malicious activity random forest and decision method. Furthermore, Spider Web Cluster Community based Feature Selection (SWC2FS) algorithm is used to choose finest attributes in the dataset. Based on the attributes, to find the community group using Densenet Convolution Neural Network (DnetCNN) approach. Thus, the experimental result produce better performance than other methods
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