44,826 research outputs found

    Angular Structure of Jet Quenching Within a Hybrid Strong/Weak Coupling Model

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    Within the context of a hybrid strong/weak coupling model of jet quenching, we study the modification of the angular distribution of the energy within jets in heavy ion collisions, as partons within jet showers lose energy and get kicked as they traverse the strongly coupled plasma produced in the collision. To describe the dynamics transverse to the jet axis, we add the effects of transverse momentum broadening into our hybrid construction, introducing a parameter K≡q^/T3K\equiv \hat q/T^3 that governs its magnitude. We show that, because of the quenching of the energy of partons within a jet, even when K≠0K\neq 0 the jets that survive with some specified energy in the final state are narrower than jets with that energy in proton-proton collisions. For this reason, many standard observables are rather insensitive to KK. We propose a new differential jet shape ratio observable in which the effects of transverse momentum broadening are apparent. We also analyze the response of the medium to the passage of the jet through it, noting that the momentum lost by the jet appears as the momentum of a wake in the medium. After freezeout this wake becomes soft particles with a broad angular distribution but with net momentum in the jet direction. We show that the particles coming from the response of the medium to the momentum and energy deposited in it leads to a correlation between the momentum of soft particles well separated from the jet in angle with the direction of the jet momentum, and find qualitative but not quantitative agreement with experimental data on observables designed to extract such a correlation. By confronting the results that we obtain upon introducing transverse momentum broadening and the response of the medium to the jet with available jet data, we highlight the importance of these processes for understanding the internal, soft, angular structure of high energy jets.Comment: 62 pages, 14 figure

    Clan structure analysis and QCD parton showers in multiparticle dynamics. An intriguing dialog between theory and experiment

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    This paper contains a review of the main results of a search of regularities in collective variables properties in multiparticle dynamics, regularities which can be considered as manifestations of the original simplicity suggested by QCD. The method is based on a continuous dialog between experiment and theory. The paper follows the development of this research line, from its beginnings in the seventies to the current state of the art, discussing how it produced both sound interpretations of the most relevant experimental facts and intriguing perspectives for new physics signals in the TeV energy domain.Comment: 118 pages, 48 figures; table of contents fixed for hyperre

    Supersymmetry in the shadow of photini

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    Additional neutral gauge fermions -- "photini" -- arise in string compactifications as superpartners of U(1) gauge fields. Unlike their vector counterparts, the photini can acquire weak-scale masses from soft SUSY breaking and lead to observable signatures at the LHC through mass mixing with the bino. In this work we investigate the collider consequences of adding photini to the neutralino sector of the MSSM. Relatively large mixing of one or more photini with the bino can lead to prompt decays of the lightest ordinary supersymmetric particle; these extra cascades transfer most of the energy of SUSY decay chains into Standard Model particles, diminishing the power of missing energy as an experimental handle for signal discrimination. We demonstrate that the missing energy in SUSY events with photini is reduced dramatically for supersymmetric spectra with MSSM neutralinos near the weak scale, and study the effects on limits set by the leading hadronic SUSY searches at ATLAS and CMS. We find that in the presence of even one light photino the limits on squark masses from hadronic searches can be reduced by 400 GeV, with comparable (though more modest) reduction of gluino mass limits. We also consider potential discovery channels such as dilepton and multilepton searches, which remain sensitive to SUSY spectra with photini and can provide an unexpected route to the discovery of supersymmetry. Although presented in the context of photini, our results apply in general to theories in which additional light neutral fermions mix with MSSM gauginos.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, references adde

    Theoretical Overview Quark Matter '04

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    The much wider transverse-momentum range accessible in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and at the LHC allows us to disentangle the dynamics of partonic equilibration from the dynamics of delayed hadronization. This provides a novel tool for testing the equilibration mechanisms underlying QCD thermodynamics. Here, I argue, on the basis of simple formation-time arguments, why this is so, and I review recent theoretical developments in this context.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 3 eps figures, invited introductory talk at Quark Matter 2004, Oakland, January 11-17, 200

    Oscillatory relaxation of zonal flows in a multi-species stellarator plasma

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    The low frequency oscillatory relaxation of zonal potential perturbations is studied numerically in the TJ-II stellarator (where it was experimentally detected for the first time). It is studied in full global gyrokinetic simulations of multi-species plasmas. The oscillation frequency obtained is compared with predictions based on single-species simulations using simplified analytical relations. It is shown that the frequency of this oscillation for a multi-species plasma can be accurately obtained from single-species calculations using extrapolation formulas. The damping of the oscillation and the influence of the different inter-species collisions is studied in detail. It is concluded that taking into account multiple kinetic ions and electrons with impurity concentrations realistic for TJ-II plasmas allows to account for the values of frequency and damping rate in zonal flows relaxations observed experimentally.Comment: 11 figures, 22 page

    Higgs, di-Higgs and tri-Higgs production via SUSY processes at the LHC with 14 TeV

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    We have systematically investigated the production of a Higgs boson with a mass of about 125125 GeV in the decays of supersymmetric particles within the phenomenological MSSM (pMSSM). We find regions of parameter space that are consistent with all world data and that predict a sizeable rate of anomalous Higgs, di-Higgs and even tri-Higgs events at the 14 TeV LHC. All relevant SUSY production processes are investigated. We find that Higgs bosons can be produced in a large variety of SUSY processes, resulting in a large range of different detector signatures containing missing transverse momentum. Such Higgs events are outstanding signatures for new physics already for the early 14 TeV LHC data. SUSY processes are also important to interprete deviations found in upcoming Standard Model Higgs and di-Higgs production measurements.Comment: Version submitted to JHE
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