305 research outputs found

    Approximating Persistent Homology in Euclidean Space Through Collapses

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    The \v{C}ech complex is one of the most widely used tools in applied algebraic topology. Unfortunately, due to the inclusive nature of the \v{C}ech filtration, the number of simplices grows exponentially in the number of input points. A practical consequence is that computations may have to terminate at smaller scales than what the application calls for. In this paper we propose two methods to approximate the \v{C}ech persistence module. Both are constructed on the level of spaces, i.e. as sequences of simplicial complexes induced by nerves. We also show how the bottleneck distance between such persistence modules can be understood by how tightly they are sandwiched on the level of spaces. In turn, this implies the correctness of our approximation methods. Finally, we implement our methods and apply them to some example point clouds in Euclidean space

    Persistent Homology Guided Force-Directed Graph Layouts

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    Graphs are commonly used to encode relationships among entities, yet their abstractness makes them difficult to analyze. Node-link diagrams are popular for drawing graphs, and force-directed layouts provide a flexible method for node arrangements that use local relationships in an attempt to reveal the global shape of the graph. However, clutter and overlap of unrelated structures can lead to confusing graph visualizations. This paper leverages the persistent homology features of an undirected graph as derived information for interactive manipulation of force-directed layouts. We first discuss how to efficiently extract 0-dimensional persistent homology features from both weighted and unweighted undirected graphs. We then introduce the interactive persistence barcode used to manipulate the force-directed graph layout. In particular, the user adds and removes contracting and repulsing forces generated by the persistent homology features, eventually selecting the set of persistent homology features that most improve the layout. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of our approach across a variety of synthetic and real datasets

    A Geometric Perspective on Sparse Filtrations

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    We present a geometric perspective on sparse filtrations used in topological data analysis. This new perspective leads to much simpler proofs, while also being more general, applying equally to Rips filtrations and Cech filtrations for any convex metric. We also give an algorithm for finding the simplices in such a filtration and prove that the vertex removal can be implemented as a sequence of elementary edge collapses

    Approximating lower-star persistence via 2D combinatorial map simplification

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    Filtration simplification consists of simplifying a given filtration while simultaneously controlling the perturbation in the associated persistence diagrams. In this paper, we propose a filtration simplification algorithm for orientable 2-dimensional (2D) manifolds with or without boundary ( meshes ) represented by2D combinatorial maps. Given a lower-star filtration of the mesh, faces are added into contiguous clusters according to a “height” function and a parameter . Faces in the same cluster are merged into a single face, resulting in a lower resolution mesh and a simpler filtration. We prove that the parameter bounds the perturbation in the original persistence diagrams, and we provide experiments demonstrating thecomputational advantages of the simplification process

    Computing Persistent Homology of Flag Complexes via Strong Collapses

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    In this article, we focus on the problem of computing Persistent Homology of a flag tower, i.e. a sequence of flag complexes connected by simplicial maps. We show that if we restrict the class of simplicial complexes to flag complexes, we can achieve decisive improvement in terms of time and space complexities with respect to previous work. We show that strong collapses of flag complexes can be computed in time O(k^2v^2) where v is the number of vertices of the complex and k is the maximal degree of its graph. Moreover we can strong collapse a flag complex knowing only its 1-skeleton and the resulting complex is also a flag complex. When we strong collapse the complexes in a flag tower, we obtain a reduced sequence that is also a flag tower we call the core flag tower. We then convert the core flag tower to an equivalent filtration to compute its PH. Here again, we only use the 1-skeletons of the complexes. The resulting method is simple and extremely efficient

    TopologyNet: Topology based deep convolutional neural networks for biomolecular property predictions

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    Although deep learning approaches have had tremendous success in image, video and audio processing, computer vision, and speech recognition, their applications to three-dimensional (3D) biomolecular structural data sets have been hindered by the entangled geometric complexity and biological complexity. We introduce topology, i.e., element specific persistent homology (ESPH), to untangle geometric complexity and biological complexity. ESPH represents 3D complex geometry by one-dimensional (1D) topological invariants and retains crucial biological information via a multichannel image representation. It is able to reveal hidden structure-function relationships in biomolecules. We further integrate ESPH and convolutional neural networks to construct a multichannel topological neural network (TopologyNet) for the predictions of protein-ligand binding affinities and protein stability changes upon mutation. To overcome the limitations to deep learning arising from small and noisy training sets, we present a multitask topological convolutional neural network (MT-TCNN). We demonstrate that the present TopologyNet architectures outperform other state-of-the-art methods in the predictions of protein-ligand binding affinities, globular protein mutation impacts, and membrane protein mutation impacts.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Topological tracking of connected components in image sequences

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    Persistent homology provides information about the lifetime of homology classes along a filtration of cell complexes. Persistence barcode is a graphi- cal representation of such information. A filtration might be determined by time in a set of spatiotemporal data, but classical methods for computing persistent homology do not respect the fact that we can not move back- wards in time. In this paper, taking as input a time-varying sequence of two-dimensional (2D) binary digital images, we develop an algorithm for en- coding, in the so-called spatiotemporal barcode, lifetime of connected compo- nents (of either the foreground or background) that are moving in the image sequence over time (this information may not coincide with the one provided by the persistence barcode). This way, given a connected component at a specific time in the sequence, we can track the component backwards in time until the moment it was born, by what we call a spatiotemporal path. The main contribution of this paper with respect to our previous works lies in a new algorithm that computes spatiotemporal paths directly, valid for both foreground and background and developed in a general context, setting the ground for a future extension for tracking higher dimensional topological features in nD binary digital image sequences.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad MTM2015-67072-
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