916 research outputs found

    Filling holes in meshes using a mechanical model to simulate the curvature variation minimization

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    The presence of holes in a triangle mesh is classically ascribed to the de ciencies of the point cloud acquired from a physical object to be reverse engineered. This lack of information results from both the scanning process and the object complexity. The consequences are simply not acceptable in many application domains (e.g. visualisation, nite element analysis or STL prototyping). This paper addresses the way these holes can be lled in while minimizin the curvature variation between the surrounding and inserted meshes. The curvature variation is simulated by the variation between external forces applied to the nodes of a linear mechanical model coupled to the meshes. The functional to be minimized is quadratic and a set of geometric constraints can be added to further shape the inserted mesh. In addition, a complete cleaning toolbox is proposed to remove degenerated and badly oriented triangles resulting from the scanning process

    Towards recovery of complex shapes in meshes using digital images for reverse engineering applications

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    When an object owns complex shapes, or when its outer surfaces are simply inaccessible, some of its parts may not be captured during its reverse engineering. These deficiencies in the point cloud result in a set of holes in the reconstructed mesh. This paper deals with the use of information extracted from digital images to recover missing areas of a physical object. The proposed algorithm fills in these holes by solving an optimization problem that combines two kinds of information: (1) the geometric information available on the surrounding of the holes, (2) the information contained in an image of the real object. The constraints come from the image irradiance equation, a first-order non-linear partial differential equation that links the position of the mesh vertices to the light intensity of the image pixels. The blending conditions are satisfied by using an objective function based on a mechanical model of bar network that simulates the curvature evolution over the mesh. The inherent shortcomings both to the current holefilling algorithms and the resolution of the image irradiance equations are overcom

    Towards recovery of complex shapes in meshes using digital images for reverse engineering applications

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    International audienceWhen an object owns complex shapes, or when its outer surfaces are simply inaccessible, some of its parts may not be captured during its reverse engineering. These deficiencies in the point cloud result in a set of holes in the reconstructed mesh. This paper deals with the use of information extracted from digital images to recover missing areas of a physical object. The proposed algorithm fills in these holes by solving an optimization problem that combines two kinds of information: (1) the geometric information available on the surrounding of the holes, (2) the information contained in an image of the real object. The constraints come from the image irradiance equation, a first-order non-linear partial differential equation that links the position of the mesh vertices to the light intensity of the image pixels. The blending conditions are satisfied by using an objective function based on a mechanical model of bar network that simulates the curvature evolution over the mesh. The inherent shortcomings both to the current holefilling algorithms and the resolution of the image irradiance equations are overcom

    Fourth-order flows in surface modelling

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    This short article is a brief account of the usage of fourth-order curvature flow in surface modelling

    Merging enriched Finite Element triangle meshes for fast prototyping of alternate solutions in the context of industrial maintenance

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    A new approach to the merging of Finite Element (FE) triangle meshes is proposed. Not only it takes into account the geometric aspects, but it also considers the way the semantic information possibly associated to the groups of entities (nodes, faces) can be maintained. Such high level modification capabilities are of major importance in all the engineering activities requiring fast modifications of meshes without going back to the CAD model. This is especially true in the context of industrial maintenance where the engineers often have to solve critical problems in very short time. Indeed, in this case, the product is already designed, the CAD models are not necessarily available and the FE models might be tuned. Thus, the product behaviour has to be studied and improved during its exploitation while prototyping directly several alternate solutions. Such a framework also finds interest in the preliminary design phases where alternative solutions have to be simulated. The algorithm first removes the intersecting faces in an n-ring neighbourhood so that the filling of the created holes produces triangles whose sizes smoothly evolve according to the possibly heterogeneous sizes of the surrounding triagles. The holefilling algorithm is driven by an aspect ratio factor which ensures that the produced triangulation fits well the FE requirements. It is also constrained by the boundaries of the groups of entities gathering together the simulation semantic. The filled areas are then deformed to blend smoothly with the surroundings meshes

    A comparison of hole-filling methods in 3D

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    This paper presents a review of the most relevant current techniques that deal with hole-filling in 3D models. Contrary to earlier reports, which approach mesh repairing in a sparse and global manner, the objective of this review is twofold. First, a specific and comprehensive review of hole-filling techniques (as a relevant part in the field of mesh repairing) is carried out. We present a brief summary of each technique with attention paid to its algorithmic essence, main contributions and limitations. Second, a solid comparison between 34 methods is established. To do this, we define 19 possible meaningful features and properties that can be found in a generic hole-filling process. Then, we use these features to assess the virtues and deficiencies of the method and to build comparative tables. The purpose of this review is to make a comparative hole-filling state-of-the-art available to researchers, showing pros and cons in a common framework.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: Proyecto DPI2013-43344-R (I+D+i) • Gobierno de Castilla-La Mancha: Proyecto PEII-2014-017-PpeerReviewe

    Merging enriched Finite Element triangle meshes for fast prototyping of alternate solutions in the context of industrial maintenance

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    A new approach to the merging of Finite Element (FE) triangle meshes is proposed. Not only it takes into account the geometric aspects, but it also considers the way the semantic information possibly associated to the groups of entities (nodes, faces) can be maintained. Such high level modification capabilities are of major importance in all the engineering activities requiring fast modifications of meshes without going back to the CAD model. This is especially true in the context of industrial maintenance where the engineers often have to solve critical problems in very short time. Indeed, in this case, the product is already designed, the CAD models are not necessarily available and the FE models might be tuned. Thus, the product behaviour has to be studied and improved during its exploitation while prototyping directly several alternate solutions. Such a framework also finds interest in the preliminary design phases where alternative solutions have to be simulated. The algorithm first removes the intersecting faces in an n-ring neighbourhood so that the filling of the created holes produces triangles whose sizes smoothly evolve according to the possibly heterogeneous sizes of the surrounding triagles. The holefilling algorithm is driven by an aspect ratio factor which ensures that the produced triangulation fits well the FE requirements. It is also constrained by the boundaries of the groups of entities gathering together the simulation semantic. The filled areas are then deformed to blend smoothly with the surroundings meshes

    Semantic-preserving mesh direct drilling

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    Advances in modeling of discrete models have allowed the development of approaches for direct mesh modeling and modification. These tools mainly focus on modeling the visual appearance of the shape which is a key criterion for animation or surgical simulation. Most of the time, the resulting mesh quality as well as the semantics preservation capabilities are not considered as key features. These are the limits we overcome in this paper to enable fast and efficient mesh modifications when carrying out numerical simulations of product behaviors using the Finite Element (FE) analysis. In our approach, the modifications involve the resolution of an optimization problem where the constraints come from the shapes of the operating tools and the FE groups (sets of mesh entities) used to support the semantic information (e.g. boundary conditions, materials) contained in the FE mesh model and required for FE simulation. The overall mesh quality, a key point for accurate FE analysis, is guaranteed while minimizing an objective function based on a mechanical model of bar networks which smoothes the repositioning of nodes. Principle of the devised mesh operators is exemplified through the description of a 2D/3D mesh drilling operator. The proposed mesh modification operators are useful in the context of fast maintenance studies and help engineers to assess alternative design solutions aimed at improving the physical behavior of industrial machinery

    Surface Modeling and Analysis Using Range Images: Smoothing, Registration, Integration, and Segmentation

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    This dissertation presents a framework for 3D reconstruction and scene analysis, using a set of range images. The motivation for developing this framework came from the needs to reconstruct the surfaces of small mechanical parts in reverse engineering tasks, build a virtual environment of indoor and outdoor scenes, and understand 3D images. The input of the framework is a set of range images of an object or a scene captured by range scanners. The output is a triangulated surface that can be segmented into meaningful parts. A textured surface can be reconstructed if color images are provided. The framework consists of surface smoothing, registration, integration, and segmentation. Surface smoothing eliminates the noise present in raw measurements from range scanners. This research proposes area-decreasing flow that is theoretically identical to the mean curvature flow. Using area-decreasing flow, there is no need to estimate the curvature value and an optimal step size of the flow can be obtained. Crease edges and sharp corners are preserved by an adaptive scheme. Surface registration aligns measurements from different viewpoints in a common coordinate system. This research proposes a new surface representation scheme named point fingerprint. Surfaces are registered by finding corresponding point pairs in an overlapping region based on fingerprint comparison. Surface integration merges registered surface patches into a whole surface. This research employs an implicit surface-based integration technique. The proposed algorithm can generate watertight models by space carving or filling the holes based on volumetric interpolation. Textures from different views are integrated inside a volumetric grid. Surface segmentation is useful to decompose CAD models in reverse engineering tasks and help object recognition in a 3D scene. This research proposes a watershed-based surface mesh segmentation approach. The new algorithm accurately segments the plateaus by geodesic erosion using fast marching method. The performance of the framework is presented using both synthetic and real world data from different range scanners. The dissertation concludes by summarizing the development of the framework and then suggests future research topics
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