20 research outputs found

    Dimensions of Neural-symbolic Integration - A Structured Survey

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    Research on integrated neural-symbolic systems has made significant progress in the recent past. In particular the understanding of ways to deal with symbolic knowledge within connectionist systems (also called artificial neural networks) has reached a critical mass which enables the community to strive for applicable implementations and use cases. Recent work has covered a great variety of logics used in artificial intelligence and provides a multitude of techniques for dealing with them within the context of artificial neural networks. We present a comprehensive survey of the field of neural-symbolic integration, including a new classification of system according to their architectures and abilities.Comment: 28 page

    Abstract Consequence and Logics - Essays in Honor of Edelcio G. de Souza

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    Edelcio G. de Souza is a Brazilian logician and philosopher who has researches in the domains of abstract logic, non-classical systems, philosophy of science and the foundations of mathematics. This book is in his honor with the purpose of celebrating his 60th birthday. It contains some articles connected with the above topics and other subjects in logical investigations

    Semantic Integration in the Information Flow Framework

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    The Information Flow Framework (IFF) is a descriptive category metatheory currently under development, which is being offered as the structural aspect of the Standard Upper Ontology (SUO). The architecture of the IFF is composed of metalevels, namespaces and meta-ontologies, whose core forms a metastack representing the set-theoretic notions of the "small", the "large", the "very large" and the "generic". The main application of the IFF is institutional: the notion of institutions and their morphisms are being axiomatized in the upper metalevels of the IFF, and the lower metalevel of the IFF has axiomatized various institutions (information flow, equational logic, many sorted first order logic, the common logic standard) in which semantic integration has a natural expression

    Conectivos flexíveis : uma abordagem categorial às semânticas de traduções possíveis

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    Orientador: Marcelo Esteban ConiglioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Neste trabalho apresentamos um novo formalismo de decomposição de Lógicas, as Coberturas por Traduções Possíveis, ou simplesmente CTPs. As CTPs constituem uma versão formal das Semânticas de Traduções Possíveis, introduzidas por W. Carnielli em 1990. Mostramos como a adoção de um conceito mais geral de morfismo de assinaturas proposicionais (usando multifunções no lugar de funções) nos permite definir uma categoria Sig?, na qual os conectivos, ao serem traduzidos de uma assinatura para outra, gozam de grande flexibilidade. A partir de Sig?, contruímos a categoria Log? de lógicas tarskianas e morfismos (os quais são funções obtidas a partir de um morfismo de assinaturas, isto é, de uma multifunção). Estudamos algumas características de Sig? e Log?, afim de verificar que estas categorias podem de fato acomodar as construções que pretendemos apresentar. Mostramos como definir em Log? o conjunto de traduções possíveis de uma fórmula, e a partir disto definimos a noção de CTP para uma lógica L. Por fim, exibimos um exemplo concreto de utilização desta nova ferramenta, e discutimos brevemente as possíveis abordagens para uma continuação deste trabalho.Abstract: We present a general study of a new formalism of decomposition of logics, the Possible- Translations Coverings (in short PTC 's) which constitute a formal version of Possible-Translations Semantics, introduced by W. Carnielli in 1990. We show how the adoption of a more general notion of propositional signatures morphism allows us to define a category Sig?, in which the connectives, when translated from a signature to another one, enjoy of great flexibility. Essentially, Sig? -morphisms will be multifunctions instead of functions. From Sig? we construct the category Log? of tarskian logics and morphisms between them (these .are functions obtained from signature morphisms, that is, from multifunctions) . We show how to define in Log? the set of possible translations of a given formula, and we define the notion of a PTC for a logic L. We analyze some properties of PTC 's and give concrete examples of the above mentioned constructions. We conclude with a discussion of the approaches to be used in a possible continuation of these investigations.MestradoMestre em Filosofi