3,078 research outputs found

    Fibered geometries

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    AbstractOur aim is to initiate the study of fibered geometries, in particular fibered projective planes and fibered generalized polygons. In fact, we apply the theory of fuzzy sets in a particular way on incidence geometry. Combinatorial and geometric questions arise. But also classical objects are recognized by this alternative view: for instance apartments arise naturally in the theory of “contagious values”

    Geometric constraints in dual F-theory and heterotic string compactifications

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    We systematically analyze a broad class of dual heterotic and F-theory models that give four-dimensional supergravity theories, and compare the geometric constraints on the two sides of the duality. Specifically, we give a complete classification of models where the heterotic theory is compactified on a smooth Calabi-Yau threefold that is elliptically fibered with a single section and carries smooth irreducible vector bundles, and the dual F-theory model has a corresponding threefold base that has the form of a P^1 bundle. We formulate simple conditions for the geometry on the F-theory side to support an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfold. We match these conditions with conditions for the existence of stable vector bundles on the heterotic side, and show that F-theory gives new insight into the conditions under which such bundles can be constructed. In particular, we find that many allowed F-theory models correspond to vector bundles on the heterotic side with exceptional structure groups, and determine a topological condition that is only satisfied for bundles of this type. We show that in many cases the F-theory geometry imposes a constraint on the extent to which the gauge group can be enhanced, corresponding to limits on the way in which the heterotic bundle can decompose. We explicitly construct all (4962) F-theory threefold bases for dual F-theory/heterotic constructions in the subset of models where the common twofold base surface is toric, and give both toric and non-toric examples of the general results.Comment: 81 pages, 2 figures; v2, v3: references added, minor corrections; v4: minor errors, Table 5 correcte

    On Isosystolic Inequalities for T^n, RP^n, and M^3

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    If a closed smooth n-manifold M admits a finite cover whose Z/2Z-cohomology has the maximal cup-length, then for any riemannian metric g on M, we show that the systole Sys(M,g) and the volume Vol(M,g) of the riemannian manifold (M,g) are related by the following isosystolic inequality: Sys(M,g)^n \leq n! Vol(M,g). The inequality can be regarded as a generalization of Burago and Hebda's inequality for closed essential surfaces and as a refinement of Guth's inequality for closed n-manifolds whose Z/2Z-cohomology has the maximal cup-length. We also establish the same inequality in the context of possibly non-compact manifolds under a similar cohomological condition. The inequality applies to (i) T^n and all other compact euclidean space forms, (ii) RP^n and many other spherical space forms including the Poincar\'e dodecahedral space, and (iii) most closed essential 3-manifolds including all closed aspherical 3-manifolds.Comment: 34 pages, 0 figures. v2 contains expository revisions and some additional reference

    Warped Entanglement Entropy

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    We study the applicability of the covariant holographic entanglement entropy proposal to asymptotically warped AdS3_3 spacetimes with an SL(2,R) x U(1) isometry. We begin by applying the proposal to locally AdS3_3 backgrounds which are written as a real-line fibration over AdS2_2. We then perturb away from this geometry by considering a warping parameter a=1+δa=1+\delta to get an asymptotically warped AdS3_3 spacetime and compute the dual entanglement entropy perturbatively in δ\delta. We find that for large separation in the fiber coordinate, the entanglement entropy can be computed to all orders in δ\delta and takes the universal form appropriate for two-dimensional CFTs. The warping-dependent central charge thus identified exactly agrees with previous calculations in the literature. Performing the same perturbative calculations for the warped BTZ black hole again gives universal two-dimensional CFT answers, with the left-moving and right-moving temperatures appearing appropriately in the result.Comment: 25 pages plus appendices; v2 references added, discussions clarified and equations sharpene

    On three-manifolds dominated by circle bundles

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    We determine which three-manifolds are dominated by products. The result is that a closed, oriented, connected three-manifold is dominated by a product if and only if it is finitely covered either by a product or by a connected sum of copies of the product of the two-sphere and the circle. This characterization can also be formulated in terms of Thurston geometries, or in terms of purely algebraic properties of the fundamental group. We also determine which three-manifolds are dominated by non-trivial circle bundles, and which three-manifold groups are presentable by products.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in Math. Zeitschrift; ISSN 1103-467
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