4,289 research outputs found

    A Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation

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    Non-invasive gaze estimation methods usually regress gaze directions directly from a single face or eye image. However, due to important variabilities in eye shapes and inner eye structures amongst individuals, universal models obtain limited accuracies and their output usually exhibit high variance as well as biases which are subject dependent. Therefore, increasing accuracy is usually done through calibration, allowing gaze predictions for a subject to be mapped to his/her actual gaze. In this paper, we introduce a novel image differential method for gaze estimation. We propose to directly train a differential convolutional neural network to predict the gaze differences between two eye input images of the same subject. Then, given a set of subject specific calibration images, we can use the inferred differences to predict the gaze direction of a novel eye sample. The assumption is that by allowing the comparison between two eye images, annoyance factors (alignment, eyelid closing, illumination perturbations) which usually plague single image prediction methods can be much reduced, allowing better prediction altogether. Experiments on 3 public datasets validate our approach which constantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods even when using only one calibration sample or when the latter methods are followed by subject specific gaze adaptation.Comment: Extension to our paper A differential approach for gaze estimation with calibration (BMVC 2018) Submitted to PAMI on Aug. 7th, 2018 Accepted by PAMI short on Dec. 2019, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Deep Directional Statistics: Pose Estimation with Uncertainty Quantification

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    Modern deep learning systems successfully solve many perception tasks such as object pose estimation when the input image is of high quality. However, in challenging imaging conditions such as on low-resolution images or when the image is corrupted by imaging artifacts, current systems degrade considerably in accuracy. While a loss in performance is unavoidable, we would like our models to quantify their uncertainty in order to achieve robustness against images of varying quality. Probabilistic deep learning models combine the expressive power of deep learning with uncertainty quantification. In this paper, we propose a novel probabilistic deep learning model for the task of angular regression. Our model uses von Mises distributions to predict a distribution over object pose angle. Whereas a single von Mises distribution is making strong assumptions about the shape of the distribution, we extend the basic model to predict a mixture of von Mises distributions. We show how to learn a mixture model using a finite and infinite number of mixture components. Our model allows for likelihood-based training and efficient inference at test time. We demonstrate on a number of challenging pose estimation datasets that our model produces calibrated probability predictions and competitive or superior point estimates compared to the current state-of-the-art

    Tracking Gaze and Visual Focus of Attention of People Involved in Social Interaction

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    The visual focus of attention (VFOA) has been recognized as a prominent conversational cue. We are interested in estimating and tracking the VFOAs associated with multi-party social interactions. We note that in this type of situations the participants either look at each other or at an object of interest; therefore their eyes are not always visible. Consequently both gaze and VFOA estimation cannot be based on eye detection and tracking. We propose a method that exploits the correlation between eye gaze and head movements. Both VFOA and gaze are modeled as latent variables in a Bayesian switching state-space model. The proposed formulation leads to a tractable learning procedure and to an efficient algorithm that simultaneously tracks gaze and visual focus. The method is tested and benchmarked using two publicly available datasets that contain typical multi-party human-robot and human-human interactions.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 6 table

    Free-HeadGAN: Neural Talking Head Synthesis with Explicit Gaze Control

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    We present Free-HeadGAN, a person-generic neural talking head synthesis system. We show that modeling faces with sparse 3D facial landmarks are sufficient for achieving state-of-the-art generative performance, without relying on strong statistical priors of the face, such as 3D Morphable Models. Apart from 3D pose and facial expressions, our method is capable of fully transferring the eye gaze, from a driving actor to a source identity. Our complete pipeline consists of three components: a canonical 3D key-point estimator that regresses 3D pose and expression-related deformations, a gaze estimation network and a generator that is built upon the architecture of HeadGAN. We further experiment with an extension of our generator to accommodate few-shot learning using an attention mechanism, in case more than one source images are available. Compared to the latest models for reenactment and motion transfer, our system achieves higher photo-realism combined with superior identity preservation, while offering explicit gaze control

    Photo-realistic face synthesis and reenactment with deep generative models

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    The advent of Deep Learning has led to numerous breakthroughs in the field of Computer Vision. Over the last decade, a significant amount of research has been undertaken towards designing neural networks for visual data analysis. At the same time, rapid advancements have been made towards the direction of deep generative modeling, especially after the introduction of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which have shown particularly promising results when it comes to synthesising visual data. Since then, considerable attention has been devoted to the problem of photo-realistic human face animation due to its wide range of applications, including image and video editing, virtual assistance, social media, teleconferencing, and augmented reality. The objective of this thesis is to make progress towards generating photo-realistic videos of human faces. To that end, we propose novel generative algorithms that provide explicit control over the facial expression and head pose of synthesised subjects. Despite the major advances in face reenactment and motion transfer, current methods struggle to generate video portraits that are indistinguishable from real data. In this work, we aim to overcome the limitations of existing approaches, by combining concepts from deep generative networks and video-to-video translation with 3D face modelling, and more specifically by capitalising on prior knowledge of faces that is enclosed within statistical models such as 3D Morphable Models (3DMMs). In the first part of this thesis, we introduce a person-specific system that performs full head reenactment using ideas from video-to-video translation. Subsequently, we propose a novel approach to controllable video portrait synthesis, inspired from Implicit Neural Representations (INR). In the second part of the thesis, we focus on person-agnostic methods and present a GAN-based framework that performs video portrait reconstruction, full head reenactment, expression editing, novel pose synthesis and face frontalisation.Open Acces

    Few-shot Personalized Saliency Prediction Based on Inter-personnel Gaze Patterns

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    This paper presents few-shot personalized saliency prediction based on inter-personnel gaze patterns. In contrast to a general saliency map, a personalized saliecny map (PSM) has been great potential since its map indicates the person-specific visual attention that is useful for obtaining individual visual preferences from heterogeneity of gazed areas. The PSM prediction is needed for acquiring the PSM for the unseen image, but its prediction is still a challenging task due to the complexity of individual gaze patterns. For modeling individual gaze patterns for various images, although the eye-tracking data obtained from each person is necessary to construct PSMs, it is difficult to acquire the massive amounts of such data. Here, one solution for efficient PSM prediction from the limited amount of data can be the effective use of eye-tracking data obtained from other persons. In this paper, to effectively treat the PSMs of other persons, we focus on the effective selection of images to acquire eye-tracking data and the preservation of structural information of PSMs of other persons. In the experimental results, we confirm that the above two focuses are effective for the PSM prediction with the limited amount of eye-tracking data.Comment: 5pages, 3 figure