8 research outputs found

    Maintenance behaviour-based prediction system using data mining

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    In the last years we have assisted to several and deep changes in industrial manufacturing. Induced by the need of increasing efficiency, bigger flexibility, better quality and lower costs, it became more complex. The complexity of this new scenario has caused big pressure under enterprises production systems and consequently in its maintenance systems. Manufacturing systems recognize high level costs due equipment breakdown, motivated by the time spent to repair, which corresponds to no production time and scrapyard, and also money spent in repair actions. Usually, enterprises do not share data produced from their maintenance interventions. This investigation intends to create an organizational architecture that integrates data produced in factories on their activities of reactive, predictive and preventive maintenance. The main idea is to develop a decentralized predictive maintenance system based on data mining concepts. Predicting the possibility of breakdowns with bigger accuracy will increase systems reliability

    Low-Cost Broadband Connections: A Key Factor for SME Virtual Organizations

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    In an open global market, SMEs are facing new challenges while trying to compete with large worldwide corporations. The forming of innovative alliances, known as virtual organizations (VO), is one of the most interesting proposals to achieve competitiveness and exploit strategic advantages. However, besides the obvious positive potential of innovative actions like VOs, there are several drawbacks, especially when SMEs are involved in such projects. VOs have very high needs for IT and communications; in fact they rely so much on them that the forming of a VO is only possible with the development of an extensive information and communication infrastructure. A lot of innovating management, re-forming and re-structuring is involved in joining several independent companies into a new virtual schema and several cultural, economical and legislative problems must also be overcome. In this paper we focus on the technological needs, and in particular, the need for an organization-wide data sharing and communication network. The high cost involved with the investments necessary in IT and communications technology make the effort harder for SMEs, even if it was to be assumed that they could manage the other important aspects of forming a VO. Along with the cost of computer equipment and specialized software, networking cost has until recently been a particularly prohibiting factor for SMEs even on the most advanced business sectors. A new term, the “virtual organization technology threshold†is introduced, defined as the minimum of IT and communication technologies necessary to form a “true†virtual organization, in its pure and functional form described and widely adopted by the scientific community. The investments needed for IT and communications to form a VO are analyzed and compared to the related investments of conventional SMEs in EU. The evolution in the cost, focused around the networking tools, is then examined to extract useful information about the feasibility of such specialized investments compared to the overall investment and turnovers of typical SMEs. We then argue that a recent development, the price drop and wide spread of broadband connections can act as a “key factor†that could make the difference in lowering the “threshold†and increasing the possibilities for SMEs to compete successfully by utilizing technological advantages and innovations that have until now considered to be more suitable for larger enterprises.


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    The global economy rapidly evolves from a labor-based economy to an information-based economy. In parallel to the technological advancement, societal changes have reshaped the behaviour of end-user in acting in technology. Unlike 20 years ago, users’ are very keen to have active participation with Web technologies. The number of  applications being used infers to a growing number of data and information circulation, thus creating data-driven market environment. Though centralized-approach is more preferable in most cases, however, with the growing number of usage, it is prone to single point of failure. This paper present a decentralized system design using Microservice Architecture approach. The use case of the design is for financial reporting system within an organization. Web services, REST-API technology, is adopted to ensure the interoperability of each sub-systems. A design of repository of service is also proposed to help catalogue and managing available services, thus making the proposed design scalable for future development

    Organisational culture in internationally federated non-profit organisations : the importance of industry and governance

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    In the era of globalisation, organisations around the world have increasingly become stages of global diversity where multi-cultural workforces interact in teams on a daily basis. International organisations, in particular, are a characteristic display of cross-cultural interaction. The study of organisational culture in a multi-cultural organisational environment is receiving growing attention due to a pressing need to understand and manage the consequences of cross-cultural interaction and achieve better organisational outcomes. However, so far, studies in the area have focused on multinational for-profit organisations and neglected other industry and governance, missing opportunities for broader and richer understanding in the field. The present study covered a case of an internationally federated complex non-profit organisation and captured new insights, thereby contributing to theory and enriching the empirical evidence in the field of study. The results shed light on the importance of industry and governance, and provoked critical questions for further research. The unique features of non-profit and federated governance culture depicted the opportunities for cross-learning with other industries. The study highlighted the distinct formation of conventional cultural dimensions contributing to cultural cohesion and cushioning the federation against excessive fragmentation. The dimensions of institutional collectivism, in-group collectivism, power distance and uncertainty avoidance depicted interesting behaviours in the study context. These dimensions dominated behaviour and have rendered other dimensions subservient. Cultural behaviours, such as cultural-anchoring and power grouping, transpired as unique findings to the industry and governance, where consensus and fragmentation have played integrative and accommodative roles. Dominant dimensions determined direction and intensity in subservient dimensions irrespective of values espoused by leadership in the subservient dimensions. The line between organisational politics and the ingroup collectivism dimension was blurred, calling for further research in the field of organisational behaviour. Further research in the field could focus on shaping organisational cultural dimensions fit for diverse industry and governance contexts, identifying areas of cross-fertilisation of learning, investigating the significance of dominant versus subservient dimensions in the process of organisational cultural change, and broadening the knowledge base in the field by studying diverse organisational typologies.Graduate School of Business Leadership (SBL)D. B. L

    Uma proposta de um sistema de imagem única para uso de computação em grade em organizações virtuais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia ElétricaA crescente necessidade de grandes e constantes investimentos para se atualizar os recursos computacionais tem se tornado um fator complicador dentro das organizações. Os atuais sistemas empresariais estão cada vez mais complexos e demandado por mais poder de processamento. Isso torna-se mais crítico se considerarmos que o mercado atual é composto, quase que na sua totalidade, de micro, pequenas e médias empresas, que cada vez mais dependem de tecnologia de informação para se manterem competitivas. No entanto, dentro de uma empresa, um recurso computacional é ocupado apenas por uma pequena parte do seu tempo, levando a possibilidade de serem utilizados em outras situações durante o tempo em que estiver ocioso. O paradigma empresarial de Organizações Virtuais (OV) permite que organizações / empresas colaborem em busca de um objetivo em comum, compartilhando temporária e dinamicamente habilidades, informações e recursos, através de redes de computadores. Neste trabalho buscou-se melhor explorar o compartilhamento de recursos entre os parceiros de OVs, permitindo que esses façam uso dos recursos de forma racional e transparente, evitando um investimento desnecessário em tecnologia. Isto significa se beneficiar da colaboração intrínseca em uma OV. A Computação em Grade (Grid Computing) foi pesquisada para ser a base desta visão, representando a tecnologia central utilizada neste trabalho. Uma arquitetura-cliente enxuta e baseada em padrões foi proposta como meio de suportar a transparência desejada no uso de recursos de uma OV como também numa utilização mais racional. Também é oferecida flexibilidade na seleção dos recursos via a indicação de três critérios: confiança, desempenho e custo. Resultados experimentais são apresentados a partir do protótipo desenvolvido como também uma avaliação geral do trabalho