6 research outputs found

    IsoflÀchenrekonstruktion aus Serienschnitten

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    Capillary networks and follicular marginal zones in human spleens : Three-dimensional models based on immunostained serial sections

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    We have reconstructed small parts of capillary networks in the human splenic white pulp using serial sections immunostained for CD34 alone or for CD34 and CD271. The three-dimensional (3D) models show three types of interconnected networks: a network with very few long capillaries inside the white pulp originating from central arteries, a denser network surrounding follicles plus periarterial T-cell regions and a network in the red pulp. Capillaries of the perifollicular network and the red pulp network have open ends. Perifollicular capillaries form an arrangement similar to a basketball net located in the outer marginal zone. The marginal zone is defined by MAdCAM-1+ marginal reticular stromal cells. Perifollicular capillaries are connected to red pulp capillaries surrounded by CD271+ stromal capillary sheath cells. The scarcity of capillaries inside the splenic white pulp is astonishing, as non-polarised germinal centres with proliferating B-cells occur in adult human spleens. We suggest that specialized stromal marginal reticular cells form a barrier inside the splenic marginal zone, which together with the scarcity of capillaries guarantees the maintenance of gradients necessary for positioning of migratory B- and T-lymphocytes in the human splenic white pulp

    Registration of serial sections: An evaluation method based on distortions of the ground truths

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    Registration of histological serial sections is a challenging task. Serial sections exhibit distortions and damage from sectioning. Missing information on how the tissue looked before cutting makes a realistic validation of 2D registrations extremely difficult. This work proposes methods for ground-truth-based evaluation of registrations. Firstly, we present a methodology to generate test data for registrations. We distort an innately registered image stack in the manner similar to the cutting distortion of serial sections. Test cases are generated from existing 3D data sets, thus the ground truth is known. Secondly, our test case generation premises evaluation of the registrations with known ground truths. Our methodology for such an evaluation technique distinguishes this work from other approaches. Both under- and over-registration become evident in our evaluations. We also survey existing validation efforts. We present a full-series evaluation across six different registration methods applied to our distorted 3D data sets of animal lungs. Our distorted and ground truth data sets are made publicly available.Comment: Supplemental data available under https://zenodo.org/record/428244

    Feature-based multi-resolution registration of immunostained serial sections - online material

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    This is the supplementary online material, including full data, evaluation, and executables, for the paper "Feature-based multi-resolution registration of immunostained serial sections" that appeared in Medical Image Analysis, Volume 35, January 2017, Pages 288–302. Same material was deposited online under https://gdv-server.inf.uni-bayreuth.de/gdvcloud/index.php/s/NnSov0O65n9Gp01 We also include here further supplementary files deposited at the journal page (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S136184151630127X) under CC-BY licence. See there for the definite version of the paper or http://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~lobachev/papers/lobachev-media16-registration-preprint.pdf for the preprint

    On Three-Dimensional Reconstruction

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