14 research outputs found

    Fast Mode Decision on H.264/AVC Baseline Profile for real-time performance

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    In this paper a new fast mode decision (FMD) algorithm is proposed for the recent H.264/AVC video coding standard, aiming to reduce its computational load without loosing coding efficiency. This algorithm identifies redundancy and selects the minimum sub-set of modes for each macroblock (MB) required to provide high rate-distortion (RD) efficiency. It is based on a fast analysis of the histogram of the difference image between frames which classifies the areas of each frame as active or non-active by means of an adaptive thresholding technique. More coding effort is devoted to active areas with the selection of a large sub-set of Modes, as these areas are expected to be the most relevant in terms of RD cost. Results show reduction values around 35–65% of motion estimation (ME) time, preserving the RD cost for the Baseline Profile, by using P-Slices and without needing B-Slices. Moreover, the strategy works as an intelligent tool for real-time applications with constrained number of operations per frame: it wisely uses the given operational resources distributing them among those MBs that need it

    Video Stream Adaptation In Computer Vision Systems

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    Computer Vision (CV) has been deployed recently in a wide range of applications, including surveillance and automotive industries. According to a recent report, the market for CV technologies will grow to $33.3 billion by 2019. Surveillance and automotive industries share over 20% of this market. This dissertation considers the design of real-time CV systems with live video streaming, especially those over wireless and mobile networks. Such systems include video cameras/sensors and monitoring stations. The cameras should adapt their captured videos based on the events and/or available resources and time requirement. The monitoring station receives video streams from all cameras and run CV algorithms for decisions, warnings, control, and/or other actions. Real-time CV systems have constraints in power, computational, and communicational resources. Most video adaptation techniques considered the video distortion as the primary metric. In CV systems, however, the main objective is enhancing the event/object detection/recognition/tracking accuracy. The accuracy can essentially be thought of as the quality perceived by machines, as opposed to the human perceptual quality. High-Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is a recent encoding standard that seeks to address the limited communication bandwidth problem as a result of the popularity of High Definition (HD) videos. Unfortunately, HEVC adopts algorithms that greatly slow down the encoding process, and thus results in complications in real-time systems. This dissertation presents a method for adapting live video streams to limited and varying network bandwidth and energy resources. It analyzes and compares the rate-accuracy and rate-energy characteristics of various video streams adaptation techniques in CV systems. We model the video capturing, encoding, and transmission aspects and then provide an overall model of the power consumed by the video cameras and/or sensors. In addition to modeling the power consumption, we model the achieved bitrate of video encoding. We validate and analyze the power consumption models of each phase as well as the aggregate power consumption model through extensive experiments. The analysis includes examining individual parameters separately and examining the impacts of changing more than one parameter at a time. For HEVC, we develop an algorithm that predicts the size of the block without iterating through the exhaustive Rate Distortion Optimization (RDO) method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in comparison with existing algorithms. The proposed algorithm achieves approximately 5 times the encoding speed of the RDO algorithm and 1.42 times the encoding speed of the fastest analyzed algorithm

    A Research on Enhancing Reconstructed Frames in Video Codecs

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    A series of video codecs, combining encoder and decoder, have been developed to improve the human experience of video-on-demand: higher quality videos at lower bitrates. Despite being at the leading of the compression race, the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC or H.265), the latest Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard, and compressive sensing (CS) are still suffering from lossy compression. Lossy compression algorithms approximate input signals by smaller file size but degrade reconstructed data, leaving space for further improvement. This work aims to develop hybrid codecs taking advantage of both state-of-the-art video coding technologies and deep learning techniques: traditional non-learning components will either be replaced or combined with various deep learning models. Note that related studies have not made the most of coding information, this work studies and utilizes more potential resources in both encoder and decoder for further improving different codecs.In the encoder, motion compensated prediction (MCP) is one of the key components that bring high compression ratios to video codecs. For enhancing the MCP performance, modern video codecs offer interpolation filters for fractional motions. However, these handcrafted fractional interpolation filters are designed on ideal signals, which limit the codecs in dealing with real-world video data. This proposal introduces a deep learning approach for all Luma and Chroma fractional pixels, aiming for more accurate motion compensation and coding efficiency.One extraordinary feature of CS compared to other codecs is that CS can recover multiple images at the decoder by applying various algorithms on the one and only coded data. Note that the related works have not made use of this property, this work enables a deep learning-based compressive sensing image enhancement framework using multiple reconstructed signals. Learning to enhance from multiple reconstructed images delivers a valuable mechanism for training deep neural networks while requiring no additional transmitted data.In the encoder and decoder of modern video coding standards, in-loop filters (ILF) dedicate the most important role in producing the final reconstructed image quality and compression rate. This work introduces a deep learning approach for improving the handcrafted ILF for modern video coding standards. We first utilize various coding resources and present novel deep learning-based ILF. Related works perform the rate-distortion-based ILF mode selection at the coding-tree-unit (CTU) level to further enhance the deep learning-based ILF, and the corresponding bits are encoded and transmitted to the decoder. In this work, we move towards a deeper approach: a reinforcement-learning based autonomous ILF mode selection scheme is presented, enabling the ability to adapt to different coding unit (CU) levels. Using this approach, we require no additional bits while ensuring the best image quality at local levels beyond the CTU level.While this research mainly targets improving the recent video coding standard VVC and the sparse-based CS, it is also flexibly designed to adapt the previous and future video coding standards with minor modifications.博士(工学)法政大学 (Hosei University

    Video compression algorithms for HEVC and beyond

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    PhDDue to the increasing number of new services and devices that allow the creation, distribution and consumption of video content, the amount of video information being transmitted all over the world is constantly growing. Video compression technology is essential to cope with the ever increasing volume of digital video data being distributed in today's networks, as more e cient video compression techniques allow support for higher volumes of video data under the same memory/bandwidth constraints. This is especially relevant with the introduction of new and more immersive video formats associated with signi cantly higher amounts of data. In this thesis, novel techniques for improving the e ciency of current and future video coding technologies are investigated. Several aspects that in uence the way conventional video coding methods work are considered. In particular, the properties and limitations of the Human Visual System are exploited to tune the performance of video encoders towards better subjective quality. Additionally, it is shown how the visibility of speci c types of visual artefacts can be prevented during the video encoding process, in order to avoid subjective quality degradations in the compressed content. Techniques for higher video compression e ciency are also explored, targeting to improve the compression capabilities of state-of-the-art video coding standards. Finally, the application of video coding technologies to practical use-cases is considered. Accurate estimation models are devised to control the encoding time and bit rate associated with compressed video signals, in order to meet speci c encoding time and transmission time restrictions

    Low power H.264 video compression hardware designs

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    Video compression systems are used in many commercial products such as digital camcorders, cellular phones and video teleconferencing systems. H.264 / MPEG4 Part 10, the recently developed international standard for video compression, offers significantly better video compression efficiency than previous international standards. However, this coding gain comes with an increase in encoding complexity and therefore in power consumption. Since portable devices operate with battery, it is important to reduce power consumption so that the battery life can be increased. In addition, consuming excessive power degrades the performance of integrated circuits, increases packaging and cooling costs, reduces the reliability and may cause device failures. Therefore, power consumption is an important design metric for video compression hardware. In this thesis, we propose low power hardware designs for Deblocking Filter (DBF), intra prediction and intra mode decision parts of an H.264 video encoder. The proposed hardware architectures are implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to Xilinx Virtex II FPGA. We performed detailed power consumption analysis of FPGA implementations of these hardware designs using Xilinx XPower tool. We also measured the power consumptions of DBF hardware implementations on a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA and there is a good match between estimated and measured power consumption results. We then worked on decreasing the power consumption of FPGA implementations of these H.264 video compression hardware designs by reducing switching activity using Register Transfer Level (RTL) low power techniques. We applied several RTL low power techniques such as clock gating and glitch reduction to these designs and quantified their impact on the power consumption of the FPGA implementations of these designs. We proposed novel computational complexity and power reduction techniques which avoid unnecessary calculations in DBF, intra prediction and intra mode decision parts of an H.264 video encoder. We quantified the computation reductions achieved by the proposed techniques using H.264 Joint Model software encoder. We applied these techniques to proposed hardware designs and quantified their impact on the power consumption of the FPGA implementations of these designs

    Comprehensive scheme for subpixel variable block-size motion estimation

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    2010-2011 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Analysis of affine motion-compensated prediction and its application in aerial video coding

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    Motion-compensated prediction is used in video coding standards like High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) as one key element of data compression. Commonly, a purely translational motion model is employed. In order to also cover non-translational motion types like rotation or scaling (zoom) contained in aerial video sequences such as captured from unmanned aerial vehicles, an affine motion model can be applied. In this work, a model for affine motion-compensated prediction in video coding is derived by extending a model of purely translational motion-compensated prediction. Using the rate-distortion theory and the displacement estimation error caused by inaccurate affine motion parameter estimation, the minimum required bit rate for encoding the prediction error is determined. In this model, the affine transformation parameters are assumed to be affected by statistically independent estimation errors, which all follow a zero-mean Gaussian distributed probability density function (pdf). The joint pdf of the estimation errors is derived and transformed into the pdf of the location-dependent displacement estimation error in the image. The latter is related to the minimum required bit rate for encoding the prediction error. Similar to the derivations of the fully affine motion model, a four-parameter simplified affine model is investigated. It is of particular interest since such a model is considered for the upcoming video coding standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC) succeeding HEVC. As the simplified affine motion model is able to describe most motions contained in aerial surveillance videos, its application in video coding is justified. Both models provide valuable information about the minimum bit rate for encoding the prediction error as a function of affine estimation accuracies. Although the bit rate in motion-compensated prediction can be considerably reduced by using a motion model which is able to describe motion types occurring in the scene, the total video bit rate may remain quite high, depending on the motion estimation accuracy. Thus, at the example of aerial surveillance sequences, a codec independent region of interest- ( ROI -) based aerial video coding system is proposed that exploits the characteristic of such sequences. Assuming the captured scene to be planar, one frame can be projected into another using global motion compensation. Consequently, only new emerging areas have to be encoded. At the decoder, all new areas are registered into a so-called mosaic. From this, reconstructed frames are extracted and concatenated as a video sequence. To also preserve moving objects in the reconstructed video, local motion is detected and encoded in addition to the new areas. The proposed general ROI coding system was evaluated for very low and low bit rates between 100 and 5000 kbit/s for aerial sequences of HD resolution. It is able to reduce the bit rate by 90% compared to common HEVC coding of similar quality. Subjective tests confirm that the overall image quality of the ROI coding system exceeds that of a common HEVC encoder especially at very low bit rates below 1 Mbit/s. To prevent discontinuities introduced by inaccurate global motion estimation, as may be caused by radial lens distortion, a fully automatic in-loop radial distortion compensation is proposed. For this purpose, an unknown radial distortion compensation parameter that is constant for a group of frames is jointly estimated with the global motion. This parameter is optimized to minimize the distortions of the projections of frames in the mosaic. By this approach, the global motion compensation was improved by 0.27dB and discontinuities in the frames extracted from the mosaic are diminished. As an additional benefit, the generation of long-term mosaics becomes possible, constructed by more than 1500 aerial frames with unknown radial lens distortion and without any calibration or manual lens distortion compensation.Bewegungskompensierte Prädiktion wird in Videocodierstandards wie High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) als ein Schlüsselelement zur Datenkompression verwendet. Typischerweise kommt dabei ein rein translatorisches Bewegungsmodell zum Einsatz. Um auch nicht-translatorische Bewegungen wie Rotation oder Skalierung (Zoom) beschreiben zu können, welche beispielsweise in von unbemannten Luftfahrzeugen aufgezeichneten Luftbildvideosequenzen enthalten sind, kann ein affines Bewegungsmodell verwendet werden. In dieser Arbeit wird aufbauend auf einem rein translatorischen Bewegungsmodell ein Modell für affine bewegungskompensierte Prädiktion hergeleitet. Unter Verwendung der Raten-Verzerrungs-Theorie und des Verschiebungsschätzfehlers, welcher aus einer inexakten affinen Bewegungsschätzung resultiert, wird die minimal erforderliche Bitrate zur Codierung des Prädiktionsfehlers hergeleitet. Für die Modellierung wird angenommen, dass die sechs Parameter einer affinen Transformation durch statistisch unabhängige Schätzfehler gestört sind. Für jeden dieser Schätzfehler wird angenommen, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichteverteilung einer mittelwertfreien Gaußverteilung entspricht. Aus der Verbundwahrscheinlichkeitsdichte der Schätzfehler wird die Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichte des ortsabhängigen Verschiebungsschätzfehlers im Bild berechnet. Letztere wird schließlich zu der minimalen Bitrate in Beziehung gesetzt, welche für die Codierung des Prädiktionsfehlers benötigt wird. Analog zur obigen Ableitung des Modells für das voll-affine Bewegungsmodell wird ein vereinfachtes affines Bewegungsmodell mit vier Freiheitsgraden untersucht. Ein solches Modell wird derzeit auch im Rahmen der Standardisierung des HEVC-Nachfolgestandards Versatile Video Coding (VVC) evaluiert. Da das vereinfachte Modell bereits die meisten in Luftbildvideosequenzen vorkommenden Bewegungen abbilden kann, ist der Einsatz des vereinfachten affinen Modells in der Videocodierung gerechtfertigt. Beide Modelle liefern wertvolle Informationen über die minimal benötigte Bitrate zur Codierung des Prädiktionsfehlers in Abhängigkeit von der affinen Schätzgenauigkeit. Zwar kann die Bitrate mittels bewegungskompensierter Prädiktion durch Wahl eines geeigneten Bewegungsmodells und akkurater affiner Bewegungsschätzung stark reduziert werden, die verbleibende Gesamtbitrate kann allerdings dennoch relativ hoch sein. Deshalb wird am Beispiel von Luftbildvideosequenzen ein Regionen-von-Interesse- (ROI-) basiertes Codiersystem vorgeschlagen, welches spezielle Eigenschaften solcher Sequenzen ausnutzt. Unter der Annahme, dass eine aufgenommene Szene planar ist, kann ein Bild durch globale Bewegungskompensation in ein anderes projiziert werden. Deshalb müssen vom aktuellen Bild prinzipiell nur noch neu im Bild erscheinende Bereiche codiert werden. Am Decoder werden alle neuen Bildbereiche in einem gemeinsamen Mosaikbild registriert, aus dem schließlich die Einzelbilder der Videosequenz rekonstruiert werden können. Um auch lokale Bewegungen abzubilden, werden bewegte Objekte detektiert und zusätzlich zu neuen Bildbereichen als ROI codiert. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des ROI-Codiersystems wurde insbesondere für sehr niedrige und niedrige Bitraten von 100 bis 5000 kbit/s für Bilder in HD-Auflösung evaluiert. Im Vergleich zu einer gewöhnlichen HEVC-Codierung kann die Bitrate um 90% reduziert werden. Durch subjektive Tests wurde bestätigt, dass das ROI-Codiersystem insbesondere für sehr niedrige Bitraten von unter 1 Mbit/s deutlich leistungsfähiger in Bezug auf Detailauflösung und Gesamteindruck ist als ein herkömmliches HEVC-Referenzsystem. Um Diskontinuitäten in den rekonstruierten Videobildern zu vermeiden, die durch eine durch Linsenverzeichnungen induzierte ungenaue globale Bewegungsschätzung entstehen können, wird eine automatische Radialverzeichnungskorrektur vorgeschlagen. Dabei wird ein unbekannter, jedoch über mehrere Bilder konstanter Korrekturparameter gemeinsam mit der globalen Bewegung geschätzt. Dieser Parameter wird derart optimiert, dass die Projektionen der Bilder in das Mosaik möglichst wenig verzerrt werden. Daraus resultiert eine um 0,27dB verbesserte globale Bewegungskompensation, wodurch weniger Diskontinuitäten in den aus dem Mosaik rekonstruierten Bildern entstehen. Dieses Verfahren ermöglicht zusätzlich die Erstellung von Langzeitmosaiken aus über 1500 Luftbildern mit unbekannter Radialverzeichnung und ohne manuelle Korrektur

    System-on-Chip design of a high performance low power full hardware cabac encoder in H.264/AVC

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    Power consumption reduction techniques for H.264 video compression hardware

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    Video compression systems are used in many commercial products such as digital camcorders, cellular phones and video teleconferencing systems. H.264 / MPEG4 Part 10, the recently developed international standard for video compression, offers significantly better compression efficiency than previous video compression standards. However, this compression efficiency comes with an increase in encoding complexity and therefore in power consumption. Since portable devices operate with battery, it is important to reduce power consumption so that battery life can be increased. In addition, consuming excessive power degrades the performance of integrated circuits, increases packaging and cooling costs, reduces reliability and may cause device failures. In this thesis, we propose novel computational complexity and power reduction techniques for intra prediction, deblocking filter (DBF), and intra mode decision modules of an H.264 video encoder hardware, and intra prediction with template matching (TM) hardware. We quantified the computation reductions achieved by these techniques using H.264 Joint Model reference software encoder. We designed efficient hardware architectures for these video compression algorithms and implemented them in Verilog HDL. We mapped these hardware implementations to Xilinx Virtex FPGAs and estimated their power consumptions using Xilinx XPower Analyzer tool. We integrated the proposed techniques to these hardware implementations and quantified their impact on the power consumptions of these hardware implementations on Xilinx Virtex FPGAs. The proposed techniques significantly reduced the power consumptions of these FPGA implementations in some cases with no PSNR loss and in some cases with very small PSNR loss