16 research outputs found

    A Proposal for Brand Analysis with Opinion Mining

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    The popularity of e‐commerce sites has increased the availability of product reviews, most of which are overlooked by customers because of their large number. Opinion mining, a discipline that aims to extract people\u27s opinions regarding some topic from reviews, was developed to address this situation. However, the individual interpretation of the reviews is not enough to take advantage of the massive datasets available on the web; a meaningful summary of the set of opinions is necessary to give users an overall insight into the opinions. We propose a system to extract information from Amazon product reviews, which focuses on a time‐varying comparison among different brands in a given Amazon product department. In this system, the results are summarized so that users can get a representative and detailed overview of the opinions of (possibly) hundreds of other users regarding the strong and weak points of several brands. This information can be used by customers who want to find high‐quality products, or by the enterprises themselves, which could find the aspects with a higher impact in the public perception

    A Large-Scale Sentiment Analysis of Tweets Pertaining to the 2020 US Presidential Election

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    We capture the public sentiment towards candidates in the 2020 US Presidential Elections, by analyzing 7.6 million tweets sent out between October 31st and November 9th, 2020. We apply a novel approach to first identify tweets and user accounts in our database that were later deleted or suspended from Twitter. This approach allows us to observe the sentiment held for each presidential candidate across various groups of users and tweets: accessible tweets and accounts, deleted tweets and accounts, and suspended or inaccessible tweets and accounts. We compare the sentiment scores calculated for these groups and provide key insights into the differences. Most notably, we show that deleted tweets, posted after the Election Day, were more favorable to Joe Biden, and the ones posted leading to the Election Day, were more positive about Donald Trump. Also, the older a Twitter account was, the more positive tweets it would post about Joe Biden. The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of conducting sentiment analysis on all posts captured in real time, including those that are now inaccessible, in determining the true sentiments of the opinions around the time of an event

    Do Sequels Outperform or Disappoint? Insights from an Analysis of Amazon Echo Consumer Reviews

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    Rapid technological advances in recent years drastically transformed our world. Amidst modern technological inventions such as smart phones, smart watches and smart home devices, consumers of electronic digital devices experience greatly improved automation, productivity, and efficiency in conducting routine daily tasks, information searching, shopping as well as finding entertainment. In the last few years, the global smart speaker market has undergone significant growth. As technology continues to advance and smart speakers are equipped with innovative features, the adoption of smart speakers will increase and so will consumer expectations. This research paper presents an aspect-specific sentiment analysis of consumer reviews of the first three generations of Amazon Echo. Our text mining and aspect-specific sentiment analyses reveal that price, sound, smart home, connectivity, and comparison are outperforming aspects whereas voice, app, Q&A, companionship, and shelf life are disappointing and sunsetting aspects. Our study demonstrates a novel cross-generation visualization of directional changes in consumer sentiment using the Bollinger Bands and volume charts

    Classification of Smartphone Application Reviews Using Small Corpus Based on Bidirectional LSTM Transformer

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    This paper provides the classification of the review texts on a smartphone application posted on social media. We propose a high performance binary classification method (positive/negative) of review texts, which uses the bidirectional long short-term memory (biLSTM) self-attentional Transformer and is based on the distributed representations created by unsupervised learning of a manually labelled small review corpus, dictionary, and an unlabeled large review corpus. The proposed method obtained higher accuracy as compared to the existing methods, such as StarSpace or the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformer (BERT)

    Affective computing for smart operations: a survey and comparative analysis of the available tools, libraries and web services

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    In this paper, we make a deep search of the available tools in the market, at the current state of the art of Sentiment Analysis. Our aim is to optimize the human response in Datacenter Operations, using a combination of research tools, that allow us to decrease human error in general operations, managing Complex Infrastructures. The use of Sentiment Analysis tools is the first step for extending our capabilities for optimizing the human interface. Using different data collections from a variety of data sources, our research provides a very interesting outcome. In our final testing, we have found that the three main commercial platforms (IBM Watson, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure) get the same accuracy (89-90%). for the different datasets tested, based on Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning techniques. The other stand-alone Applications or APIs, like Vader or MeaninCloud, get a similar accuracy level in some of the datasets, using a different approach, semantic Networks, such as Concepnet1, but the model can easily be optimized above 90% of accuracy, just adjusting some parameter of the semantic model. This paper points to future directions for optimizing DataCenter Operations Management and decreasing human error in complex environments