6,434 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous probabilistic models for optimisation and modelling of evolving spiking neural networks

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    This thesis proposes a novel feature selection and classification method employing evolving spiking neural networks (eSNN) and evolutionary algorithms (EA). The method is named the Quantum-inspired Spiking Neural Network (QiSNN) framework. QiSNN represents an integrated wrapper approach. An evolutionary process evolves appropriate feature subsets for a given classification task and simultaneously optimises the neural and learning-related parameters of the network. Unlike other methods, the connection weights of this network are determined by a fast one-pass learning algorithm which dramatically reduces the training time. In its core, QiSNN employs the Thorpe neural model that allows the efficient simulation of even large networks. In QiSNN, the presence or absence of features is represented by a string of concatenated bits, while the parameters of the neural network are continuous. For the exploration of these two entirely different search spaces, a novel Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) is developed. The method maintains a population of probabilistic models specialised for the optimisation of either binary, continuous or heterogeneous search spaces while utilising a small and intuitive set of parameters. The EDA extends the Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm (QEA) proposed by Han and Kim (2002) and was named the Heterogeneous Hierarchical Model EDA (hHM-EDA). The algorithm is compared to numerous contemporary optimisation methods and studied in terms of convergence speed, solution quality and robustness in noisy search spaces. The thesis investigates the functioning and the characteristics of QiSNN using both synthetic feature selection benchmarks and a real-world case study on ecological modelling. By evolving suitable feature subsets, QiSNN significantly enhances the classification accuracy of eSNN. Compared to numerous other feature selection techniques, like the wrapper-based Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and the Naive Bayesian Classifier (NBC), QiSNN demonstrates a competitive classification and feature selection performance while requiring comparatively low computational costs

    Conditional-Entropy Metrics for Feature Selection

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsWe examine the task of feature selection, which is a method of forming simplified descriptions of complex data for use in probabilistic classifiers. Feature selection typically requires a numerical measure or metric of the desirability of a given set of features. The thesis considers a number of existing metrics, with particular attention to those based on entropy and other quantities derived from information theory. A useful new perspective on feature selection is provided by the concepts of partitioning and encoding of data by a feature set. The ideas of partitioning and encoding, together with the theoretical shortcomings of existing metrics, motivate a new class of feature selection metrics based on conditional entropy. The simplest of the new metrics is referred to as expected partition entropy or EPE. Performances of the new and existing metrics are compared by experiments with a simplified form of part-of-speech tagging and with classification of Reuters news stories by topic. In order to conduct the experiments, a new class of accelerated feature selection search algorithms is introduced; a member of this class is found to provide significantly increased speed with minimal loss in performance, as measured by feature selection metrics and accuracy on test data. The comparative performance of existing metrics is also analysed, giving rise to a new general conjecture regarding the wrapper class of metrics. Each wrapper is inherently tied to a specific type of classifier. The experimental results support the idea that a wrapper selects feature sets which perform well in conjunction with its own particular classifier, but this good performance cannot be expected to carry over to other types of model. The new metrics introduced in this thesis prove to have substantial advantages over a representative selection of other feature selection mechanisms: Mutual information, frequency-based cutoff, the Koller-Sahami information loss measure, and two different types of wrapper method. Feature selection using the new metrics easily outperforms other filter-based methods such as mutual information; additionally, our approach attains comparable performance to a wrapper method, but at a fraction of the computational expense. Finally, members of the new class of metrics succeed in a case where the Koller-Sahami metric fails to provide a meaningful criterion for feature selection

    A Comparison of Multi-instance Learning Algorithms

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    Motivated by various challenging real-world applications, such as drug activity prediction and image retrieval, multi-instance (MI) learning has attracted considerable interest in recent years. Compared with standard supervised learning, the MI learning task is more difficult as the label information of each training example is incomplete. Many MI algorithms have been proposed. Some of them are specifically designed for MI problems whereas others have been upgraded or adapted from standard single-instance learning algorithms. Most algorithms have been evaluated on only one or two benchmark datasets, and there is a lack of systematic comparisons of MI learning algorithms. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of MI learning algorithms that aims to compare their performance and find a suitable way to properly address different MI problems. First, it briefly reviews the history of research on MI learning. Then it discusses five general classes of MI approaches that cover a total of 16 MI algorithms. After that, it presents empirical results for these algorithms that were obtained from 15 datasets which involve five different real-world application domains. Finally, some conclusions are drawn from these results: (1) applying suitable standard single-instance learners to MI problems can often generate the best result on the datasets that were tested, (2) algorithms exploiting the standard asymmetric MI assumption do not show significant advantages over approaches using the so-called collective assumption, and (3) different MI approaches are suitable for different application domains, and no MI algorithm works best on all MI problems

    Search Strategies for Binary Feature Selection for a Naive Bayes Classifier

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    We compare in this paper several feature selection methods for the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) when the data under study are described by a large number of redundant binary indicators. Wrapper approaches guided by the NBC estimation of the classification error probability out-perform filter approaches while retaining a reasonable computational cost