55,904 research outputs found

    A Carrier Signal Approach for Intermittent Fault Detection and Health Monitoring for Electronics Interconnections System

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    Abstract: Intermittent faults are completely missed out by traditional monitoring and detection techniques due to non-stationary nature of signals. These are the incipient events of a precursor of permanent faults to come. Intermittent faults in electrical interconnection are short duration transients which could be detected by some specific techniques but these do not provide enough information to understand the root cause of it. Due to random and non-predictable nature, the intermittent faults are the most frustrating, elusive, and expensive faults to detect in interconnection system. The novel approach of the author injects a fixed frequency sinusoidal signal into electronics interconnection system that modulates intermittent fault if persist. Intermittent faults and other channel effects are computed from received signal by demodulation and spectrum analysis. This paper describes technology for intermittent fault detection, and classification of intermittent fault, and channel characterization. The paper also reports the functionally tests of computational system of the proposed methods. This algorithm has been tested using experimental setup. It generate an intermittent signal by external vibration stress on connector and intermittency is detected by acquiring and processing propagating signal. The results demonstrate to detect and classify intermittent interconnection and noise variations due to intermittency. Monitoring the channel in-situ with low amplitude, and narrow band signal over electronics interconnection between a transmitter and a receiver provides the most effective tool for continuously watching the wire system for the random, unpredictable intermittent faults, the precursor of failure. - See more at: http://thesai.org/Publications/ViewPaper?Volume=6&Issue=12&Code=ijacsa&SerialNo=20#sthash.8RXsdW0t.dpu

    Defining and identifying the knowledge economy in Scotland: a regional perspective on a global phenomenon

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    The development and growth of a knowledge economy has become a key policy aim forgovernments in all advanced economies. This is based on recognition that technologicalchange, the swift growth of global communications, and the ease of mobility of capital across national borders has dramatically changed the patterns of international trade and investment. The economic fate of individual nations is now inseparably integrated into the ebb and flow of the global economy. When companies can quickly move capital to those geographical locations which offer the best return, a country's long term prosperity is now heavily dependent on its abilityto retain the essential factors of production that are least mobile. This has led to apremium being placed on the knowledge and skills embodied in a country's labourforce, as it has become a widely accepted view that a country which possesses a high level of knowledge and skills in its workforce will have a competitive advantage overothers with a lower domestic skill base. Knowledge and skills are thought to be thebasis for the development of a knowledge economy

    Geometrical Product Specification and Verification as toolbox to meet up-to-date technical requirements

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    The ISO standards for the Geometrical Product Specification and Verification (GPS) define an internationally uniform description language, that allows expressing unambiguously and completely all requirements for the geometry of a product with the corresponding requirements for the inspection process in technical drawings, taking into account current possibilities of measurement and testing technology. The practice shows that the university curricula of the mechanical engineering faculties often include only limited classes on the GPS, mostly as part of curriculum of subjects like Metrology or Fundamentals of Machine Design. This does not allow students to gain enough knowledge on the subject. Currently there is no coherent EU-wide provision for vocational training (VET) in this area. Consortium, members of which are the authors of this paper, is preparing a proposal of an EU project aiming to develop appropriate course

    How Much of Chinese Exports is Really Made In China? Assessing Domestic Value-Added When Processing Trade is Pervasive

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    The rise of China in world trade has brought both benefits and anxiety to other economies. For many policy questions, it is crucial to know the extent of domestic value added (DVA) in exports, but the computation is more complicated when processing trade is pervasive. We propose a method for computing domestic and foreign contents that allows for processing trade. By our estimation, the share of domestic content in exports by the PRC was about 50% before China’s WTO membership, and has risen to over 60% since then. There are also interesting variations across sectors. Those sectors that are likely labeled as relatively sophisticated such as electronic devices have particularly low domestic content (about 30% or less).

    NASA Thesaurus Supplement: A three part cumulative supplement to the 1982 edition of the NASA Thesaurus (supplement 3)

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    The three part cumulative NASA Thesaurus Supplement to the 1982 edition of the NASA Thesaurus includes Part 1, Hierarchical Listing, Part 2, Access Vocabulary, and Part 3, Deletions. The semiannual supplement gives complete hierarchies for new terms and includes new term indications for entries new to this supplement

    NASA Thesaurus Supplement: A three part cumulative supplement to the 1982 edition of the NASA Thesaurus (supplement 2)

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    The three part cumulative NASA Thesaurus Supplement to the 1982 edition of the NASA Thesaurus includes: part 1, hierarchical listing; part 2, access vocabulary, and part 3, deletions. The semiannual supplement gives complete hierarchies for new terms and includes new term indications for terms new to this supplement

    Identifying the impact of the circular economy on the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Industry Opportunities and challenges for businesses, workers and consumers – mobile phones as an example STUDY

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    Mobile phones, particularly smartphones, have undergone a period of rapid growth to become virtually indispensable to today's lifestyle. Yet their production, use and disposal can entail a significant environmental burden. This study looks at the opportunities and challenges that arise from implementing circular economy approaches in the mobile phone value chain. A review of the value chain and different circular approaches is complemented by a scenario analysis that aims to quantify the potential impacts of certain circular approaches such as recycling, refurbishment and lifetime extension. The study finds that there is a large untapped potential for recovering materials from both the annual flow of new mobile phones sold in Europe once they reach the end of their life and the accumulated stock of unused, so-called hibernating devices in EU households. Achieving high recycling rates for these devices can offer opportunities to reduce EU dependence on imported materials and make secondary raw materials available on the EU market. As such, policy action would be required to close the collection gap for mobile phone devices. Implementing circular approaches in the mobile phone value chain can furthermore lead to job creation in the refurbishment sector. Extending the lifetime of mobile phones can also provide CO2 mitigation benefits, particularly from displacing the production of new devices