20 research outputs found

    Dimension Reduction by Mutual Information Discriminant Analysis

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    In the past few decades, researchers have proposed many discriminant analysis (DA) algorithms for the study of high-dimensional data in a variety of problems. Most DA algorithms for feature extraction are based on transformations that simultaneously maximize the between-class scatter and minimize the withinclass scatter matrices. This paper presents a novel DA algorithm for feature extraction using mutual information (MI). However, it is not always easy to obtain an accurate estimation for high-dimensional MI. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for feature extraction that is based on one-dimensional MI estimations. We will refer to this algorithm as mutual information discriminant analysis (MIDA). The performance of this proposed method was evaluated using UCI databases. The results indicate that MIDA provides robust performance over different data sets with different characteristics and that MIDA always performs better than, or at least comparable to, the best performing algorithms.Comment: 13pages, 3 tables, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Application

    Neural Class-Specific Regression for face verification

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    Face verification is a problem approached in the literature mainly using nonlinear class-specific subspace learning techniques. While it has been shown that kernel-based Class-Specific Discriminant Analysis is able to provide excellent performance in small- and medium-scale face verification problems, its application in today's large-scale problems is difficult due to its training space and computational requirements. In this paper, generalizing our previous work on kernel-based class-specific discriminant analysis, we show that class-specific subspace learning can be cast as a regression problem. This allows us to derive linear, (reduced) kernel and neural network-based class-specific discriminant analysis methods using efficient batch and/or iterative training schemes, suited for large-scale learning problems. We test the performance of these methods in two datasets describing medium- and large-scale face verification problems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A Review of Automatic Driving System by Recognizing Road Signs Using Digital Image Processing

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    In this review, the paper furnishes object identification's relationship with video investi-gation and picture understanding, it has pulled in much exploration consideration as of late. Customary item identification strategies are based on high-quality highlights and shallow teachable models. This survey paper presents one such strategy which is named as Optical Flow method. This strategy is discovered to be stronger and more effective for moving item recognition and the equivalent has been appeared by an investigation in this review paper. Applying optical stream to a picture gives stream vectors of the focus-es comparing to the moving items. Next piece of denoting the necessary moving object of interest checks to the post preparation. Post handling is the real commitment of the review paper for moving item identification issues. Their presentation effectively deteri-orates by developing complex troupes which join numerous low-level picture highlights with significant level setting from object indicators and scene classifiers. With the fast advancement in profound learning, all the more useful assets, which can learn semantic, significant level, further highlights, are acquainted with address the issues existing in customary designs. These models carry on contrastingly in network design, preparing system, and advancement work, and so on In this review paper, we give an audit on pro-found learning-based item location systems. Our survey starts with a short presenta-tion on the historical backdrop of profound learning and its agent device, in particular Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)