96,949 research outputs found

    Comparison of Different Distance Metrics to Find Similarity between Images In CBIR System

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    Content based image retrieval use low level feature (color, shape, texture) of image for retrieving similar image from image database. This paper presents a novel system for texture feature extraction from grayscale images using gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). It works on statistical texture feature of image. Texture feature of image is referred to as repeated homogenous pattern in an image. This texture feature is classified into three categories Statistical, structural and spectral. Among these we extract second order statistical texture feature from image using GLCM. These features are Energy, correlation, contrast, homogeneity, entropy. Different distance metrics are used to find the similarity between images. The experiment is conducted on own texture database. Accuracy of result and time complexity of design algorithm for CBIR system is calculated. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16043


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    The dissertation starts with an extensive literature survey on the current issues in content-based image retrieval (CBIR) research, the state-of-the-art theories, methodologies, and implementations, covering topics such as general information retrieval theories, imaging, image feature identification and extraction, feature indexing and multimedia database search, user-system interaction, relevance feedback, and performance evaluation. A general CBIR framework has been proposed with three layers: image document space, feature space, and concept space. The framework emphasizes that while the projection from the image document space to the feature space is algorithmic and unrestricted, the connection between the feature space and the concept space is based on statistics instead of semantics. The scheme favors image features that do not rely on excessive assumptions about image contentAs an attempt to design a new CBIR methodology following the above framework, k-means clustering color quantization is applied to pathology microscopic images, followed by code run-length probability distribution feature extraction. Kulback-Liebler divergence is used as distance measure for feature comparison. For content-based retrieval, the distance between two images is defined as a function of all individual features. The process is highly automated and the system is capable of working effectively across different tissues without human interference. Possible improvements and future directions have been discussed

    An Agent-based CBIR System for Medical Images

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    The growing number of image acquisition and storage systems in the digital world demand for the new retrieval methods. Most of the existing retrieval methods use textual information, which has been mainly entered manually for every image in the image collection. In order to access the images of interest, user gives textual input against which images are retrieved from the image collection. Sometimes, this results in garbage retrieval due the human involvement in the image annotation process. So more efficient image retrieval mechanism is needed. To overcome the issue, other approach which is generally considered is content-based image retrieval (CBIR). CBIR depends on the automatically extracted features for every image in the image collection as well as their storage and comparison upon a query. Therefore, feature extraction technique and their storage space are important aspects of CBIR. In this paper, we design and develop agent-based CBIR system for image retrieval and suggest the best feature extraction technique in terms of less storage space and more accurate search results. Although the proposed image retrieval technique can be used for any type image collection, our work focuses on the medical images

    Multi-Stage Search Architectures for Streaming Documents

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    The web is becoming more dynamic due to the increasing engagement and contribution of Internet users in the age of social media. A more dynamic web presents new challenges for web search--an important application of Information Retrieval (IR). A stream of new documents constantly flows into the web at a high rate, adding to the old content. In many cases, documents quickly lose their relevance. In these time-sensitive environments, finding relevant content in response to user queries requires a real-time search service; immediate availability of content for search and a fast ranking, which requires an optimized search architecture. These aspects of today's web are at odds with how academic IR researchers have traditionally viewed the web, as a collection of static documents. Moreover, search architectures have received little attention in the IR literature. Therefore, academic IR research, for the most part, does not provide a mechanism to efficiently handle a high-velocity stream of documents, nor does it facilitate real-time ranking. This dissertation addresses the aforementioned shortcomings. We present an efficient mech- anism to index a stream of documents, thereby enabling immediate availability of content. Our indexer works entirely in main memory and provides a mechanism to control inverted list con- tiguity, thereby enabling faster retrieval. Additionally, we consider document ranking with a machine-learned model, dubbed "Learning to Rank" (LTR), and introduce a novel multi-stage search architecture that enables fast retrieval and allows for more design flexibility. The stages of our architecture include candidate generation (top k retrieval), feature extraction, and docu- ment re-ranking. We compare this architecture with a traditional monolithic architecture where candidate generation and feature extraction occur together. As we lay out our architecture, we present optimizations to each stage to facilitate low-latency ranking. These optimizations include a fast approximate top k retrieval algorithm, document vectors for feature extraction, architecture- conscious implementations of tree ensembles for LTR using predication and vectorization, and algorithms to train tree-based LTR models that are fast to evaluate. We also study the efficiency- effectiveness tradeoffs of these techniques, and empirically evaluate our end-to-end architecture on microblog document collections. We show that our techniques improve efficiency without degrading quality

    Transform-based surface analysis and representation for CAD models

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    In most Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems, the topological and geometrical information in a CAD model is usually represented by the edge-based data structure. With the emergence of concurrent engineering, such issues as product design, manufacturing, and process planning are considered simultaneously at the design stage. The need for the development of high-level models for completely documenting the geometry of a product and supporting manufacturing applications, such as automating the verification of a design for manufacturing (DIM) rules and generating process plans, becomes apparent;This dissertation has addressed the development of a generalized framework for high-level geometric representations of CAD models and form features to automate algorithmic search and retrieval of manufacturing information;A new wavelet-based ranking algorithm is developed to generate surface-based representations as input for the extraction of form features with non-planar surfaces in CAD models. The objective of using a wavelet-based shape analysis approach is to overcome the main limitation of the alternative feature extraction approaches, namely their restriction to planar surfaces or simple curved surfaces;A transform-invariant coding system for CAD models by multi-scale wavelet representations is also presented. The coding procedure is based on both the internal regions and external contours of topology entities---faces

    Automatic domain ontology extraction for context-sensitive opinion mining

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    Automated analysis of the sentiments presented in online consumer feedbacks can facilitate both organizations’ business strategy development and individual consumers’ comparison shopping. Nevertheless, existing opinion mining methods either adopt a context-free sentiment classification approach or rely on a large number of manually annotated training examples to perform context sensitive sentiment classification. Guided by the design science research methodology, we illustrate the design, development, and evaluation of a novel fuzzy domain ontology based contextsensitive opinion mining system. Our novel ontology extraction mechanism underpinned by a variant of Kullback-Leibler divergence can automatically acquire contextual sentiment knowledge across various product domains to improve the sentiment analysis processes. Evaluated based on a benchmark dataset and real consumer reviews collected from Amazon.com, our system shows remarkable performance improvement over the context-free baseline

    Glasgow University at TRECVID 2006

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    In the first part of this paper we describe our experiments in the automatic and interactive search tasks of TRECVID 2006. We submitted five fully automatic runs, including a text baseline, two runs based on visual features, and two runs that combine textual and visual features in a graph model. For the interactive search, we have implemented a new video search interface with relevance feedback facilities, based on both textual and visual features. The second part is concerned with our approach to the high-level feature extraction task, based on textual information extracted from speech recogniser and machine translation outputs. They were aligned with shots and associated with high-level feature references. A list of significant words was created for each feature, and it was in turn utilised for identification of a feature during the evaluation