368 research outputs found


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    Modelling the deformation of biologically inspired flexible structures for needle steering

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    Recent technical advances in minimally invasive surgery have been enabled by the development of new medical instruments and technologies. To date, the vast majority of mechanisms used within a clinical context are rigid, contrasting with the compliant nature of biological tissues. The field of robotics has seen an increased interest in flexible and compliant systems, and in this paper we investigate the behaviour of deformable multi-segment structures, which take their inspiration from the ovipositor design of parasitic wood wasps. These configurable structures have been shown to steer through highly compliant substrates, potentially enabling percutaneous access to the most delicate of tissues, such as the brain. The model presented here sheds light on how the deformation of the unique structure is related to its shape, and allows comparison between different potential designs. A finite element study is used to evaluate the proposed model, which is shown to provide a good fit (root-mean-square deviation 0.2636 mm for 4-segment case). The results show that both 3-segment and 4-segment designs are able to achieve deformation in all directions, however the magnitude of deformation is more consistent in the 4-segment case

    From passive tool holders to microsurgeons: safer, smaller, smarter surgical robots

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    Enabling technologies for MRI guided interventional procedures

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    This dissertation addresses topics related to developing interventional assistant devices for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI can provide high-quality 3D visualization of target anatomy and surrounding tissue, but the benefits can not be readily harnessed for interventional procedures due to difficulties associated with the use of high-field (1.5T or greater) MRI. Discussed are potential solutions to the inability to use conventional mecha- tronics and the confined physical space in the scanner bore. This work describes the development of two apparently dissimilar systems that repre- sent different approaches to the same surgical problem - coupling information and action to perform percutaneous (through the skin) needle placement with MR imaging. The first system addressed takes MR images and projects them along with a surgical plan directly on the interventional site, thus providing in-situ imaging. With anatomical images and a corresponding plan visible in the appropriate pose, the clinician can use this information to perform the surgical action. My primary research effort has focused on a robotic assistant system that overcomes the difficulties inherent to MR-guided procedures, and promises safe and reliable intra-prostatic needle placement inside closed high-field MRI scanners. The robot is a servo pneumatically operated automatic needle guide, and effectively guides needles under real- time MR imaging. This thesis describes development of the robotic system including requirements, workspace analysis, mechanism design and optimization, and evaluation of MR compatibility. Further, a generally applicable MR-compatible robot controller is de- veloped, the pneumatic control system is implemented and evaluated, and the system is deployed in pre-clinical trials. The dissertation concludes with future work and lessons learned from this endeavor

    Optically Sensorized Tendons for Articulate Robotic Needles

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    This study proposes an optically sensorized tendon composed of a 195 µm diameter, high strength, polarization maintaining (PM) fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) optical fiber which resolves the cross-sensitivity issue of conventional FBGs. The bare fiber tendon is locally reinforced with a 250 µm diameter Kevlar bundle enhancing the level of force transmission and enabling high curvature tendon routing. The performance of the sensorized tendons is explored in terms of strength (higher than 13N for the bare PM-FBG fiber tendon, up to 40N for the Kevlar-reinforced tendon under tensile loading), strain sensitivity (0.127 percent strain per newton for the bare PM-FBG fiber tendon, 0.04 percent strain per newton for the Kevlar-reinforced tendon), temperature stability, and friction-independent sensing behavior. Subsequently, the tendon is instrumented within an 18 Ga articulate NiTi cannula and evaluated under static and dynamic loading conditions, and within phantoms of varying stiffness for tissue-stiffness estimation. The results from this series of experiments serve to validate the effectiveness of the proposed tendon as a bi-modal sensing and actuation component for robot-assisted minimally invasive surgical instruments

    Tendon-Driven Notched Needle for Robot-Assisted Prostate Interventions

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    Axially rigid steerable needle with compliant active tip control

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    Steerable instruments allow for precise access to deeply-seated targets while sparing sensitive tissues and avoiding anatomical structures. In this study we present a novel omnidirectional steerable instrument for prostate high-dose-rate (HDR) brachytherapy (BT). The instrument utilizes a needle with internal compliant mechanism, which enables distal tip steering through proximal instrument bending while retaining high axial and flexural rigidity. Finite element analysis evaluated the design and the prototype was validated in experiments involving tissue simulants and ex-vivo bovine tissue. Ultrasound (US) images were used to provide visualization and shape-reconstruction of the instrument during the insertions. In the experiments lateral tip steering up to 20 mm was found. Manually controlled active needle tip steering in inhomogeneous tissue simulants and ex-vivo tissue resulted in mean targeting errors of 1.4 mm and 2 mm in 3D position, respectively. The experiments show that steering response of the instrument is history-independent. The results indicate that the endpoint accuracy of the steerable instrument is similar to that of the conventional rigid HDR BT needle while adding the ability to steer along curved paths. Due to the design of the steerable needle sufficient axial and flexural rigidity is preserved to enable puncturing and path control within various heterogeneous tissues. The developed instrument has the potential to overcome problems currently unavoidable with conventional instruments, such as pubic arch interference in HDR BT, without major changes to the clinical workflow

    From Concept to Market: Surgical Robot Development

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    Surgical robotics and supporting technologies have really become a prime example of modern applied information technology infiltrating our everyday lives. The development of these systems spans across four decades, and only the last few years brought the market value and saw the rising customer base imagined already by the early developers. This chapter guides through the historical development of the most important systems, and provide references and lessons learnt for current engineers facing similar challenges. A special emphasis is put on system validation, assessment and clearance, as the most commonly cited barrier hindering the wider deployment of a system

    Bevel-Tip Needle Deflection Modeling, Simulation, and Validation in Multi-Layer Tissues

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    Percutaneous needle insertions are commonly performed for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes as an effective alternative to more invasive surgical procedures. However, the outcome of needle-based approaches relies heavily on the accuracy of needle placement, which remains a challenge even with robot assistance and medical imaging guidance due to needle deflection caused by contact with soft tissues. In this paper, we present a novel mechanics-based 2D bevel-tip needle model that can account for the effect of nonlinear strain-dependent behavior of biological soft tissues under compression. Real-time finite element simulation allows multiple control inputs along the length of the needle with full three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) planar needle motions. Cross-validation studies using custom-designed multi-layer tissue phantoms as well as heterogeneous chicken breast tissues result in less than 1mm in-plane errors for insertions reaching depths of up to 61 mm, demonstrating the validity and generalizability of the proposed method

    A mechanics-based model for 3D steering of programmable bevel-tip needles

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    We present a model for the steering of programmable bevel-tip needles, along with a set of experiments demonstrating the 3D steering performance of a new, clinically viable, 4-segment, pre-production prototype. A multi-beam approach, based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, is used to model the novel multi-segment design of these needles. Finite element simulations for known loads are used to validate the multi-beam deflection model. A clinically sized (2.5 mm outer diameter), 4-segment programmable bevel-tip needle, manufactured by extrusion of a medical-grade polymer, is used to conduct an extensive set of experimental trials to evaluate the steering model. For the first time, we demonstrate the ability of the 4-segment needle design to steer in any direction with a maximum achievable curvature of 0.0192±0.0014 mm⁻¹. Finite element simulations confirm that the multi-beam approach produces a good model fit for tip deflections, with a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) in modeled tip deflection of 0.2636 mm. We perform a parameter optimization to produce a best-fit steering model for the experimental trials, with a RMSD in curvature prediction of 1.12×10⁻³ mm⁻¹