15 research outputs found

    Fault detection for LPV systems using Set-Valued Observers: A coprime factorization approach

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    This paper addresses the problem of fault detection for linear parameter-varying systems in the presence of measurement noise and exogenous disturbances. The applicability of current methods is limited in the sense that, to increase accuracy, the detection requires a large number of past measurements and the boundedness of the set-valued estimates is only guaranteed for stable systems. In order to widen the class of systems to be modeled and also to reduce the associated computational cost, the aforementioned issues must be addressed. A solution involving left-coprime factorization and deadbeat observers is proposed in order to reduce the required number of past measurements without compromising accuracy and allowing the design of Set-Valued Observers (SVOs) for fault detection of unstable systems by using the resulting stable subsystems of the coprime factorization. The algorithm is shown to produce bounded set-valued estimates and an example is provided. Performance is assessed through simulations, illustrating, in particular that small-magnitude faults (compared to exogenous disturbances) can be detected under mild assumptions

    Observer-based Fault Detection and Isolation for Nonlinear Systems

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    Fault-tolerant Stochastic Distributed Systems

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    The present doctoral thesis discusses the design of fault-tolerant distributed systems, placing emphasis in addressing the case where the actions of the nodes or their interactions are stochastic. The main objective is to detect and identify faults to improve the resilience of distributed systems to crash-type faults, as well as detecting the presence of malicious nodes in pursuit of exploiting the network. The proposed analysis considers malicious agents and computational solutions to detect faults. Crash-type faults, where the affected component ceases to perform its task, are tackled in this thesis by introducing stochastic decisions in deterministic distributed algorithms. Prime importance is placed on providing guarantees and rates of convergence for the steady-state solution. The scenarios of a social network (state-dependent example) and consensus (time- dependent example) are addressed, proving convergence. The proposed algorithms are capable of dealing with packet drops, delays, medium access competition, and, in particular, nodes failing and/or losing network connectivity. The concept of Set-Valued Observers (SVOs) is used as a tool to detect faults in a worst-case scenario, i.e., when a malicious agent can select the most unfavorable sequence of communi- cations and inject a signal of arbitrary magnitude. For other types of faults, it is introduced the concept of Stochastic Set-Valued Observers (SSVOs) which produce a confidence set where the state is known to belong with at least a pre-specified probability. It is shown how, for an algorithm of consensus, it is possible to exploit the structure of the problem to reduce the computational complexity of the solution. The main result allows discarding interactions in the model that do not contribute to the produced estimates. The main drawback of using classical SVOs for fault detection is their computational burden. By resorting to a left-coprime factorization for Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) systems, it is shown how to reduce the computational complexity. By appropriately selecting the factorization, it is possible to consider detectable systems (i.e., unobservable systems where the unobservable component is stable). Such a result plays a key role in the domain of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). These techniques are complemented with Event- and Self-triggered sampling strategies that enable fewer sensor updates. Moreover, the same triggering mechanisms can be used to make decisions of when to run the SVO routine or resort to over-approximations that temporarily compromise accuracy to gain in performance but maintaining the convergence characteristics of the set-valued estimates. A less stringent requirement for network resources that is vital to guarantee the applicability of SVO-based fault detection in the domain of Networked Control Systems (NCSs)

    Diagnostic à base de modèles non linéaires. : Application au circuit carburant d'une turbomachine

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    The current gas turbine regulation systems are based on complex architectures that manufacturers tend to make more modular with more cost effective technologies while ensuring a greater or equal level of reliability. In this context, the fuel system health monitoring, which aims to identify critical hydraulic components dysfunction, allows to reduce maintenance costs, to improve maintainability level and to ensure gas turbine availability. The present study focuses on the development of performant and robust diagnosis methods for the detection and isolation of faults affecting primary fuel system hydraulic functions. Existing nonlinear model based residual generation methods are presented and applied to the fuel system. The analytical approach for decoupling, combined with extended Kalman filters, helps fault isolation by generating residual structures. A new approach based on differential flatness theory is proposed for nonlinear systems fault diagnosis with an application to the fuel system. Sliding mode differentiators are used to estimate derived signals that are necessary for the application of some residual generation methods. Numerical simulations illustrate the efficiency of obtained results. An experimental application is presented using a real data set from a partial test bench provided by Turbomeca company of the SAFRAN group.Les systèmes de régulation des turbomoteurs actuels sont basés sur des architectures complexes que les constructeurs tendent à rendre plus modulaires avec des technologies plus économiques tout en garantissant un niveau de fiabilité supérieur ou égal. Dans ce contexte, la surveillance du circuit carburant, qui a pour but de déceler les dysfonctionnements des composants hydrauliques critiques, permet de réduire le coût de maintenance, d'améliorer le niveau de maintenabilité et d'assurer la disponibilité des turbomoteurs. La présente étude porte sur l'élaboration de méthodes de diagnostic performantes et robustes permettant la détection et la localisation des défauts impactant les fonctions hydrauliques primaires du circuit carburant. Des méthodes existantes de génération de résidus à base de modèles non linéaires sont présentées et appliquées au cas du circuit carburant. L'approche analytique pour le découplage, combinée avec des filtres de Kalman étendus, permet la structuration des résidus pour assurer la localisation des défauts. Une nouvelle approche basée sur la théorie de platitude différentielle est proposée pour le diagnostic de défauts des systèmes non linéaires avec une application au cas du circuit carburant. Les différentiateurs à modes glissants sont utilisés pour l'estimation des dérivées de signaux nécessaires à l'application de certaines méthodes de génération de résidus. Des simulations numériques illustrent la pertinence des résultats obtenus. Une application expérimentale est présentée en utilisant un jeu de données réelles issues d'un banc d'essais partiel et fournies par la société Turbomeca du groupe SAFRAN

    Fault detection and isolation in a networked multi-vehicle unmanned system

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    Recent years have witnessed a strong interest and intensive research activities in the area of networks of autonomous unmanned vehicles such as spacecraft formation flight, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles, automated highway systems and multiple mobile robots. The envisaged networked architecture can provide surpassing performance capabilities and enhanced reliability; however, it requires extending the traditional theories of control, estimation and Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI). One of the many challenges for these systems is development of autonomous cooperative control which can maintain the group behavior and mission performance in the presence of undesirable events such as failures in the vehicles. In order to achieve this goal, the team should have the capability to detect and isolate vehicles faults and reconfigure the cooperative control algorithms to compensate for them. This dissertation deals with the design and development of fault detection and isolation algorithms for a network of unmanned vehicles. Addressing this problem is the main step towards the design of autonomous fault tolerant cooperative control of network of unmanned systems. We first formulate the FDI problem by considering ideal communication channels among the vehicles and solve this problem corresponding to three different architectures, namely centralized, decentralized, and semi-decentralized. The necessary and sufficient solvability conditions for each architecture are also derived based on geometric FDI approach. The effects of large environmental disturbances are subsequently taken into account in the design of FDI algorithms and robust hybrid FDI schemes for both linear and nonlinear systems are developed. Our proposed robust FDI algorithms are applied to a network of unmanned vehicles as well as Almost-Lighter-Than-Air-Vehicle (ALTAV). The effects of communication channels on fault detection and isolation performance are then investigated. A packet erasure channel model is considered for incorporating stochastic packet dropout of communication channels. Combining vehicle dynamics and communication links yields a discrete-time Markovian Jump System (MJS) mathematical model representation. This motivates development of a geometric FDI framework for both discrete-time and continuous-time Markovian jump systems. Our proposed FDI algorithm is then applied to a formation flight of satellites and a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) helicopter problem. Finally, we investigate the problem of fault detection and isolation for time-delay systems as well as linear impulsive systems. The main motivation behind considering these two problems is that our developed geometric framework for Markovian jump systems can readily be applied to other class of systems. Broad classes of time-delay systems, namely, retarded, neutral, distributed and stochastic time-delay systems are investigated in this dissertation and a robust FDI algorithm is developed for each class of these systems. Moreover, it is shown that our proposed FDI algorithms for retarded and stochastic time-delay systems can potentially be applied in an integrated design of FDI/controller for a network of unmanned vehicles. Necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of the fundamental problem of residual generation for linear impulsive systems are derived to conclude this dissertation

    Fault detection and isolation for state affine systems

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    Fault Detection and Isolation for State Affine Systems

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    Letters to the Editor on the Paper ‘Fault Detection and Isolation for State Affine Systems’ by H. Hammouri, M. Kinnaert and E. H. El Yaagoubi

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    In this note we show how to test whether or not certain algebraic equations derived in the paper 'Fault Detection and Isolation for State Affine Systems', by H. Hammouri, M. Kinnaert, E.H. El Yaagoubi, are solvable and to describe a solution method. Test and solution rely upon elementary linear algebraic techniques.