10 research outputs found

    Time Advancement and Bounds Intersection Checking for Faster Broad-Phase Collision Detection of Paired Object Trajectories

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    For self-driving mechanisms, the motion planning requires a reasonably fast algorithm for collision detection along the trajectories. We present three algorithms for the detection of collision among objects with predefined trajectories. The first algorithm uses the intersection of the path’s bounding box. The second algorithm sequentially checks for intersection between each pair of corresponding axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) from the trajectories of the two paths. Lastly, the latter algorithm is modified using iterative time advancement to an estimated earliest possible collision time. Simulation experiments on a variety of pair trajectories demonstrate a significant speedup of the proposed algorithms over the existing baseline algorithm. They are, therefore, preferable alternatives for faster broad-phase collision detection in applications such as motion planning

    The Umbra Simulation and Integration Framework Applied to Emergency Response Training

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    The Mine Emergency Response Interactive Training Simulation (MERITS) is intended to prepare personnel to manage an emergency in an underground coal mine. The creation of an effective training environment required realistic emergent behavior in response to simulation events and trainee interventions, exploratory modification of miner behavior rules, realistic physics, and incorporation of legacy code. It also required the ability to add rich media to the simulation without conflicting with normal desktop security settings. Our Umbra Simulation and Integration Framework facilitated agent-based modeling of miners and rescuers and made it possible to work with subject matter experts to quickly adjust behavior through script editing, rather than through lengthy programming and recompilation. Integration of Umbra code with the WebKit browser engine allowed the use of JavaScript-enabled local web pages for media support. This project greatly extended the capabilities of Umbra in support of training simulations and has implications for simulations that combine human behavior, physics, and rich media

    Recursive Algorithm for Motion Primitive Estimation

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    ©2011 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 9-13, 2011, Shanghai, China.The need for knowing future manipulator motion arises in several robotics applications, including notification or avoidance of imminent collisions and real-time optimization of velocity commands. This paper presents a real-time, low overhead algorithm for identification of future manipulator motions, based on measurements of prior motions and the instantaneous sensed actuator velocity commanded by an operator. Experimental results with a human-controlled, two degree of-freedom manipulator demonstrate the ability to quickly learn and accurately estimate future manipulator motions

    Coordinating robot motion, sensing, and control in plans. LDRD project final report

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    VLSH: Voronoi-based Locality Sensitive Hashing

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    Abstract-We present a fast, yet accurate k-nearest neighbor search algorithm for high-dimensional sampling-based motion planners. Our technique is built on top of Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH), but is extended to support arbitrary distance metrics used for motion planning problems and adapt irregular distributions of samples generated in the configuration space. To enable such novel characteristics our method embeds samples generated in the configuration space into a simple l2 norm space by using pivot points. We then implicitly define Voronoi regions and use local LSHs with varying quantization factors for those Voronoi regions. We have applied our method and other prior techniques to high-dimensional motion planning problems. Our method is able to show performance improvement by a factor of up to three times even with higher accuracy over prior, approximate nearest neighbor search techniques

    Human Assisted Assembly Processes

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    Physically-based sampling for motion planning

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    Motion planning is a fundamental problem with applications in a wide variety of areas including robotics, computer graphics, animation, virtual prototyping, medical simulations, industrial simulations, and trac planning. Despite being an active area of research for nearly four decades, prior motion planning algorithms are unable to provide adequate solutions that satisfy the constraints that arise in these applications. We present a novel approach based on physics-based sampling for motion planning that can compute collision-free paths while also satisfying many physical constraints. Our planning algorithms use constrained simulation to generate samples which are biased in the direction of the nal goal positions of the agent or agents. The underlying simulation core implicitly incorporates kinematics and dynamics of the robot or agent as constraints or as part of the motion model itself. Thus, the resulting motion is smooth and physically-plausible for both single robot and multi-robot planning. We apply our approach to planning of deformable soft-body agents via the use of graphics hardware accelerated interference queries. We highlight the approach with a case study on pre-operative planning for liver chemoembolization. Next, we apply it to the case of highly articulated serial chains. Through dynamic dimensionality reduction and optimized collision response, we can successfully plan the motion of \\snake-like robots in a practical amount of time despite the high number of degrees of freedom in the problem. Finally, we show the use of the approach for a large number of bodies in dynamic environments. By applying our approach to both global and local interactions between agents, we can successfully plan for thousands of simple robots in real-world scenarios. We demonstrate their application to large crowd simulations