219 research outputs found

    Online palmprint identification

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    Author name used in this publication: Wai-Kin Kong2002-2003 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Fourier spectral of PalmCode as descriptor for palmprint recognition

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    Study on automatic person recognition by palmprint is currently a hot topic. In this paper, we propose a novel palmprint recognition method by transforming the typical palmprint phase code feature into its Fourier frequency domain. The resulting real-valued Fourier spectral features are further processed by horizontal and vertical 2DPCA method, which proves highly efficient in terms of computational complexity, storage requirement and recognition accuracy. This paper also gives a contrast study on palm code and competitive code under the proposed feature extraction framework. Besides, experimental results on the Hongkong PolyU Palmprint database demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms many currently reported local Gabor pattern approaches for palmprint recognition

    Person Identification Using Multimodal Biometrics under Different Challenges

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    The main aims of this chapter are to show the importance and role of human identification and recognition in the field of human-robot interaction, discuss the methods of person identification systems, namely traditional and biometrics systems, and compare the most commonly used biometric traits that are used in recognition systems such as face, ear, palmprint, iris, and speech. Then, by showing and comparing the requirements, advantages, disadvantages, recognition algorithms, challenges, and experimental results for each trait, the most suitable and efficient biometric trait for human-robot interaction will be discussed. The cases of human-robot interaction that require to use the unimodal biometric system and why the multimodal biometric system is also required will be discussed. Finally, two fusion methods for the multimodal biometric system will be presented and compared

    Palmprint Gender Classification Using Deep Learning Methods

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    Gender identification is an important technique that can improve the performance of authentication systems by reducing searching space and speeding up the matching process. Several biometric traits have been used to ascertain human gender. Among them, the human palmprint possesses several discriminating features such as principal-lines, wrinkles, ridges, and minutiae features and that offer cues for gender identification. The goal of this work is to develop novel deep-learning techniques to determine gender from palmprint images. PolyU and CASIA palmprint databases with 90,000 and 5502 images respectively were used for training and testing purposes in this research. After ROI extraction and data augmentation were performed, various convolutional and deep learning-based classification approaches were empirically designed, optimized, and tested. Results of gender classification as high as 94.87% were achieved on the PolyU palmprint database and 90.70% accuracy on the CASIA palmprint database. Optimal performance was achieved by combining two different pre-trained and fine-tuned deep CNNs (VGGNet and DenseNet) through score level average fusion. In addition, Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) was also implemented to ascertain which specific regions of the palmprint are most discriminative for gender classification

    Machine Learning for Biometrics

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    Biometrics aims at reliable and robust identification of humans from their personal traits, mainly for security and authentication purposes, but also for identifying and tracking the users of smarter applications. Frequently considered modalities are fingerprint, face, iris, palmprint and voice, but there are many other possible biometrics, including gait, ear image, retina, DNA, and even behaviours. This chapter presents a survey of machine learning methods used for biometrics applications, and identifies relevant research issues. We focus on three areas of interest: offline methods for biometric template construction and recognition, information fusion methods for integrating multiple biometrics to obtain robust results, and methods for dealing with temporal information. By introducing exemplary and influential machine learning approaches in the context of specific biometrics applications, we hope to provide the reader with the means to create novel machine learning solutions to challenging biometrics problems

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    Palmprint Identification Based on Generalization of IrisCode

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    The development of accurate and reliable security systems is a matter of wide interest, and in this context biometrics is seen as a highly effective automatic mechanism for personal identification. Among biometric technologies, IrisCode developed by Daugman in 1993 is regarded as a highly accurate approach, being able to support real-time personal identification of large databases. Since 1993, on the top of IrisCode, different coding methods have been proposed for iris and fingerprint identification. In this research, I extend and generalize IrisCode for real-time secure palmprint identification. PalmCode, the first coding method for palmprint identification developed by me in 2002, directly applied IrisCode to extract phase information of palmprints as features. However, I observe that the PalmCodes from the different palms are similar, having many 45o streaks. Such structural similarities in the PalmCodes of different palms would reduce the individuality of PalmCodes and the performance of palmprint identification systems. To reduce the correlation between PalmCodes, in this thesis, I employ multiple elliptical Gabor filters with different orientations to compute different PalmCodes and merge them to produce a single feature, called Fusion Code. Experimental results demonstrate that Fusion Code performs better than PalmCode. Based on the results of Fusion Code, I further identify that the orientation fields of palmprints are powerful features. Consequently, Competitive Code, which uses real parts of six Gabor filters to estimate the orientation fields, is developed. To embed the properties of IrisCode, such as high speed matching, in Competitive Code, a novel coding scheme and a bitwise angular distance are proposed. Experimental results demonstrate that Competitive Code is much more effective than other palmprint algorithms. Although many coding methods have been developed based on IrisCode for iris and palmprint identification, we lack a detailed analysis of IrisCode. One of the aims of this research is to provide such analysis as a way of better understanding IrisCode, extending the coarse phase representation to a precise phase representation, and uncovering the relationship between IrisCode and other coding methods. This analysis demonstrates that IrisCode is a clustering process with four prototypes; the locus of a Gabor function is a two-dimensional ellipse with respect to a phase parameter and the bitwise hamming distance can be regarded as a bitwise angular distance. In this analysis, I also point out that the theoretical evidence of the imposter binomial distribution of IrisCode is incomplete. I use this analysis to develop a precise phase representation which can enhance iris recognition accuracy and to relate IrisCode and other coding methods. By making use of this analysis, principal component analysis and simulated annealing, near optimal filters for palmprint identification are sought. The near optimal filters perform better than Competitive Code in term of d’ index. Identical twins having the closest genetics-based relationship are expected to have maximum similarity in their biometrics. Classifying identical twins is a challenging problem for some automatic biometric systems. Palmprint has been studied for personal identification for many years. However, genetically identical palmprints have not been studied. I systemically examine Competitive Code on genetically identical palmprints for automatic personal identification and to uncover the genetically related palmprint features. The experimental results show that the three principal lines and some portions of weak lines are genetically related features but our palms still contain rich genetically unrelated features for classifying identical twins. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. I propose projected multinomial distribution for studying the probability of successfully using brute-force attacks to break into a palmprint system based on Competitive Code. The proposed model indicates that it is computationally infeasible to break into the palmprint system using brute-force attacks. In addition to brute-force attacks, I address the other three security issues: template re-issuances, also called cancellable biometrics, replay attacks, and database attacks. A random orientation filter bank (ROFB) is used to generate cancellable Competitive Codes for templates re-issuances. Secret messages are hidden in templates to prevent replay and database attacks. This technique can be regarded as template watermarking. A series of analyses is provided to evaluate the security levels of the measures

    A Secure Template Generation Scheme for Palmprint Recognition Systems

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    With the development of more and more systems which provide service based on the identity of a person, the importance of personal identification is growing. Providing authorized users with secure access to the services is a challenge to the personal identification systems. There are several conventional means for personal identi¯cation which include passports, keys, tokens, access cards, personal identification number (PIN), passwords. Unfortunately, passports, keys, access cards, tokens, can be lost, stolen or duplicated, and passwords, PINs can be forgotten,cracked or shared. These drawbacks cause a great loss to the concerned. Biometric systems are proving to be an e±cient solution to this problem. A biometric identity verification system tries to verify user identities by comparing some sort of behavioral or physiological trait of the user to a previously stored sample of the trait. The recent developments in the biometrics area have lead to smaller, faster and cheaper systems, which in turn has increased the number of possible application areas for biometric identity verification. Palmprint can be one of the biometrics, used for personal identification or verification. As a small central part of the palmprint image is used for this purpose, so it is important to find that region of interest. We propose a rotation and translation invariant preprocessing scheme which finds the central part of the palmprints. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. Along with security, also the privacy of the users is an important factor as the constructions of lines in palmprints contain personal characteristics. We propose a cryptographic approach to encrypt the palmprint images by an advanced Hill cipher technique for hiding the information on the palmprints. It also provides security to the palmprint images from being attacked by above mentioned attacks. So, during the template generation, the encrypted palmprint sub-images are first decrypted and then the features are extracted