3 research outputs found

    Fast Neighbor Search By Using Revised K-D Tree

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    We present two new neighbor query algorithms, including range query (RNN) and nearest neighbor (NN) query, based on revised k-d tree by using two techniques. The first technique is proposed for decreasing unnecessary distance computations by checking whether the cell of a node is inside or outside the specified neighborhood of query point, and the other is used to reduce redundant visiting nodes by saving the indices of descendant points. We also implement the proposed algorithms in Matlab and C. The Matlab version is to improve original RNN and NN which are based on k-d tree, C version is to improve k-Nearest neighbor query (kNN) which is based on buffer k-d tree. Theoretical and experimental analysis have shown that the proposed algorithms significantly improve the original RNN, NN and kNN in low dimension, respectively. The tradeoff is that the additional space cost of the revised k-d tree is approximately O(αnlog (n))

    An Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbor Predictive Model through Metaheuristic Optimization

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    The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm is vulnerable to noise, which is rooted in the dataset and has negative effects on its accuracy. Hence, various researchers employ variable minimization techniques before predicting the KNN in the quest so as to improve its predictive capability. The genetic algorithm (GA) is the most widely used metaheuristics for such purpose; however, the GA suffers a problem that its mating scheme is bounded on its crossover operator. Thus, the use of the novel inversed bi-segmented average crossover (IBAX) is observed. In the present work, the crossover improved genetic algorithm (CIGAL) is instrumental in the enhancement of KNN’s prediction accuracy. The use of the unmodified genetic algorithm has removed 13 variables, while the CIGAL then further removes 20 variables from the 30 total variables in the faculty evaluation dataset. Consequently, the integration of the CIGAL to the KNN (CIGAL-KNN) prediction model improves the KNN prediction accuracy to 95.53%. In contrast to the model of having the unmodified genetic algorithm (GA-KNN), the use of the lone KNN algorithmand the prediction accuracy is only at 89.94% and 87.15%, respectively. To validate the accuracy of the models, the use of the 10-folds cross-validation technique reveals 93.13%, 89.27%, and 87.77% prediction accuracy of the CIGAL-KNN, GA-KNN, and KNN prediction models, respectively. As the result, the CIGAL carried out an optimized GA performance and increased the accuracy of the KNN algorithm as a prediction model

    Numerical methods for shape optimization of photonic nanostructures

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