253 research outputs found

    Hashing for Similarity Search: A Survey

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    Similarity search (nearest neighbor search) is a problem of pursuing the data items whose distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have been developed to address this problem, and recently a lot of efforts have been devoted to approximate search. In this paper, we present a survey on one of the main solutions, hashing, which has been widely studied since the pioneering work locality sensitive hashing. We divide the hashing algorithms two main categories: locality sensitive hashing, which designs hash functions without exploring the data distribution and learning to hash, which learns hash functions according the data distribution, and review them from various aspects, including hash function design and distance measure and search scheme in the hash coding space

    Geometric Issues in Spatial Indexing

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    We address a number of geometric issues in spatial indexes. One area of interest is spherical data. Two main examples are the locations of stars in the sky and geodesic data. The first part of this dissertation addresses some of the challenges in handling spherical data with a spatial database. We show that a practical approach for integrating spherical data in a conventional spatial database is to use a suitable mapping from the unit sphere to a rectangle. This allows us to easily use conventional two-dimensional spatial data structures on spherical data. We further describe algorithms for handling spherical data. In the second part of the dissertation, we introduce the areal projection, a novel projection which is computationally efficient and has low distortion. We show that the areal projection can be utilized for developing an efficient method for low distortion quantization of unit normal vectors. This is helpful for compact storage of spherical data and has applications in computer graphics. We introduce the QuickArealHex algorithm, a fast algorithm for quantization of surface normal vectors with very low distortion. The third part of the dissertation deals with a CPU time analysis of TGS, an R-tree bulkloading algorithm. And finally, the fourth part of the dissertation analyzes the BV-tree, a data structure for storing multi-dimensional data on secondary storage. Contrary to the popular belief, we show that the BV-tree is only applicable to binary space partitioning of the underlying data space

    Data exploration process based on the self-organizing map

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    With the advances in computer technology, the amount of data that is obtained from various sources and stored in electronic media is growing at exponential rates. Data mining is a research area which answers to the challange of analysing this data in order to find useful information contained therein. The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is one of the methods used in data mining. It quantizes the training data into a representative set of prototype vectors and maps them on a low-dimensional grid. The SOM is a prominent tool in the initial exploratory phase in data mining. The thesis consists of an introduction and ten publications. In the publications, the validity of SOM-based data exploration methods has been investigated and various enhancements to them have been proposed. In the introduction, these methods are presented as parts of the data mining process, and they are compared with other data exploration methods with similar aims. The work makes two primary contributions. Firstly, it has been shown that the SOM provides a versatile platform on top of which various data exploration methods can be efficiently constructed. New methods and measures for visualization of data, clustering, cluster characterization, and quantization have been proposed. The SOM algorithm and the proposed methods and measures have been implemented as a set of Matlab routines in the SOM Toolbox software library. Secondly, a framework for SOM-based data exploration of table-format data - both single tables and hierarchically organized tables - has been constructed. The framework divides exploratory data analysis into several sub-tasks, most notably the analysis of samples and the analysis of variables. The analysis methods are applied autonomously and their results are provided in a report describing the most important properties of the data manifold. In such a framework, the attention of the data miner can be directed more towards the actual data exploration task, rather than on the application of the analysis methods. Because of the highly iterative nature of the data exploration, the automation of routine analysis tasks can reduce the time needed by the data exploration process considerably.reviewe

    Media-Based MIMO: A New Frontier in Wireless Communications

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    The idea of Media-based Modulation (MBM), is based on embedding information in the variations of the transmission media (channel state). This is in contrast to legacy wireless systems where data is embedded in a Radio Frequency (RF) source prior to the transmit antenna. MBM offers several advantages vs. legacy systems, including "additivity of information over multiple receive antennas", and "inherent diversity over a static fading channel". MBM is particularly suitable for transmitting high data rates using a single transmit and multiple receive antennas (Single Input-Multiple Output Media-Based Modulation, or SIMO-MBM). However, complexity issues limit the amount of data that can be embedded in the channel state using a single transmit unit. To address this shortcoming, the current article introduces the idea of Layered Multiple Input-Multiple Output Media-Based Modulation (LMIMO-MBM). Relying on a layered structure, LMIMO-MBM can significantly reduce both hardware and algorithmic complexities, as well as the training overhead, vs. SIMO-MBM. Simulation results show excellent performance in terms of Symbol Error Rate (SER) vs. Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). For example, a 4×164\times 16 LMIMO-MBM is capable of transmitting 3232 bits of information per (complex) channel-use, with SER ≃10−5 \simeq 10^{-5} at Eb/N0≃−3.5E_b/N_0\simeq -3.5dB (or SER ≃10−4 \simeq 10^{-4} at Eb/N0=−4.5E_b/N_0=-4.5dB). This performance is achieved using a single transmission and without adding any redundancy for Forward-Error-Correction (FEC). This means, in addition to its excellent SER vs. energy/rate performance, MBM relaxes the need for complex FEC structures, and thereby minimizes the transmission delay. Overall, LMIMO-MBM provides a promising alternative to MIMO and Massive MIMO for the realization of 5G wireless networks.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, additional examples are given to further explain the idea of Media-Based Modulation. Capacity figure adde

    Large-scale image retrieval using similarity preserving binary codes

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    Image retrieval is a fundamental problem in computer vision, and has many applications. When the dataset size gets very large, retrieving images in Internet image collections becomes very challenging. The challenges come from storage, computation speed, and similarity representation. My thesis addresses learning compact similarity preserving binary codes, which represent each image by a short binary string, for fast retrieval in large image databases. I will first present an approach called Iterative Quantization to convert high-dimensional vectors to compact binary codes, which works by learning a rotation to minimize the quantization error of mapping data to the vertices of a binary Hamming cube. This approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracy for preserving neighbors in the original feature space, as well as state-of-the-art semantic precision. Second, I will extend this approach to two different scenarios in large-scale recognition and retrieval problems. The first extension is aimed at high-dimensional histogram data, such as bag-of-words features or text documents. Such vectors are typically sparse and nonnegative. I develop an algorithm that explores the special structure of such data by mapping feature vectors to binary vertices in the positive orthant, which gives improved performance. The second extension is for Fisher Vectors, which are dense descriptors having tens of thousands to millions of dimensions. I develop a novel method for converting such descriptors to compact similarity-preserving binary codes that exploits their natural matrix structure to reduce their dimensionality using compact bilinear projections instead of a single large projection matrix. This method achieves retrieval and classification accuracy comparable to that of the original descriptors and to the state-of-the-art Product Quantization approach while having orders of magnitude faster code generation time and smaller memory footprint. Finally, I present two applications of using Internet images and tags/labels to learn binary codes with label supervision, and show improved retrieval accuracy on several large Internet image datasets. First, I will present an application that performs cross-modal retrieval in the Hamming space. Then I will present an application on using supervised binary classeme representations for large-scale image retrieval.Doctor of Philosoph


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Distributed signal processing using nested lattice codes

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    Multi-Terminal Source Coding (MTSC) addresses the problem of compressing correlated sources without communication links among them. In this thesis, the constructive approach of this problem is considered in an algebraic framework and a system design is provided that can be applicable in a variety of settings. Wyner-Ziv problem is first investigated: coding of an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Gaussian source with side information available only at the decoder in the form of a noisy version of the source to be encoded. Theoretical models are first established and derived for calculating distortion-rate functions. Then a few novel practical code implementations are proposed by using the strategy of multi-dimensional nested lattice/trellis coding. By investigating various lattices in the dimensions considered, analysis is given on how lattice properties affect performance. Also proposed are methods on choosing good sublattices in multiple dimensions. By introducing scaling factors, the relationship between distortion and scaling factor is examined for various rates. The best high-dimensional lattice using our scale-rotate method can achieve a performance less than 1 dB at low rates from the Wyner-Ziv limit; and random nested ensembles can achieve a 1.87 dB gap with the limit. Moreover, the code design is extended to incorporate with distributed compressive sensing (DCS). Theoretical framework is proposed and practical design using nested lattice/trellis is presented for various scenarios. By using nested trellis, the simulation shows a 3.42 dB gap from our derived bound for the DCS plus Wyner-Ziv framework

    Learning to compress and search visual data in large-scale systems

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    The problem of high-dimensional and large-scale representation of visual data is addressed from an unsupervised learning perspective. The emphasis is put on discrete representations, where the description length can be measured in bits and hence the model capacity can be controlled. The algorithmic infrastructure is developed based on the synthesis and analysis prior models whose rate-distortion properties, as well as capacity vs. sample complexity trade-offs are carefully optimized. These models are then extended to multi-layers, namely the RRQ and the ML-STC frameworks, where the latter is further evolved as a powerful deep neural network architecture with fast and sample-efficient training and discrete representations. For the developed algorithms, three important applications are developed. First, the problem of large-scale similarity search in retrieval systems is addressed, where a double-stage solution is proposed leading to faster query times and shorter database storage. Second, the problem of learned image compression is targeted, where the proposed models can capture more redundancies from the training images than the conventional compression codecs. Finally, the proposed algorithms are used to solve ill-posed inverse problems. In particular, the problems of image denoising and compressive sensing are addressed with promising results.Comment: PhD thesis dissertatio
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