20 research outputs found

    Security and Power Aware IPV6 Programming in Internet of Things Using CONTIKI and COOJA

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    The current era is surrounded with enormous devices and gadgets connected with each other using high performance technologies. Such type of technology loaded object communication is treated under the aegis of Internet of Things (IoT). A number of applications are using IoT based communication whether it is related to defense equipments, smart cities, smart offices, highway patrolling, smart toll collections, business communications, satellite televisions, traffic systems or interconnected web cams for social security. IoT is also known and associated with other terms including Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp), Pervasive Computing or Ambient Computing in which number of devices and objects are virtually connected for remote monitoring and decision making. This manuscript underlines the security and power aware programming in IoT for higher performance in Cooja

    Сложность как граница управляемости сложной социотехнической системой

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    Выдвинута гипотеза существования зависимости информации о границах управляемости социотехнической системы от эффективности ее управления. Определены уровни описания социотехнической системы и причины повышения ее сложности. Описана модель социотехнической системы с точки зрения совокупности структур реализующих цели, технологий, факторов влияющих на функционирование.The article deals with a hypothesis of the existence depending information about the boundaries of socio-technical system of control on the effectiveness of its control. The author defines the levels of describing of socio-technical system and describes the reasons for increasing its complexity. The model of socio-technical system is made from the point of complex of structures realizing aims, technologies, factors which influence on the operation

    Прототип улучшенного протокола обмена данными между системами обнаружения и противодействия атакам

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    В статье анализируются недостатки современных протоколов обмена информацией между системами обнаружения и противодействия атакам, и предлагается прототип улучшенного протокола, ориентированного на надежную защищенную передачу информации в потенциально уязвимых разнородных сетях.In the article the shortcomings of modern communication protocols between intrusion detection and prevention systems are analyzed. The prototype of the improved protoc ol which is reliable secure data transmission-oriented in the potentially vulnerable heterogeneous networks is proposed


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    In our work a certificate less effective key management method for supporting of secured communication within dynamic wireless network systems that are characterised by means of mobility of node. Dynamic wireless sensor networks facilitate mobility of sensor nodes; make possible extensive network coverage and more exact service than static sensor networks. For dealing of address security, management protocols of encryption key for dynamic wireless networks were proposed in past years based on symmetric key encryption and but they suffer from high communication transparency and needs huge memory space to store up shared pair wise keys. To the best of our information, resourceful as well as secure key management methods in support of dynamic wireless sensor networks were  not yet been proposed.  The proposed key management method manages efficient key updates when a node depart or else connect a cluster and make sure of  forward as well as backward key secrecy

    A PKC-Based Node Revocation Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    [[abstract]]Generally deployed in an unattended environment, a sensor network can be easily assaulted or compromised by adversaries. Network security becomes a major problem. A distributed node revocation scheme is effective in reducing the damages a compromised node may cause to a sensor network, but its operation tends to consume large-scale memory space of the hardware-constrained sensor nodes. To reduce such complexity, this paper presents a new distributed voting revocation scheme based on the one-way hash chain, the concept of threshold secret sharing, the certificate revocation list and the public-key cryptography.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20071206~20071208[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Jeju, Kore

    Energy Efficient Dynamic Wireless Sensor With Certificate Less Effective Key Management Protocol For Secure Communications

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    To enhance the existing certificate less-effective key management (CL-EKM) protocol for secure correspondence in dynamic WSNs with Energy Efficient System. This numerical model will be used to appraise the best possible incentive for the Thold and Tbackoff parameters in view of the speed and the sought tradeoff between the vitality utilization and the security level. As an essential piece of modern application (IA), the remote sensor organize (WSN) has been a dynamic research region in the course of recent years. Because of the constrained vitality and correspondence capacity of sensor hubs, it appears to be particularly vital to plan a steering convention for WSNs so that detecting information can be transmitted to the recipient viably. A vitality adjusted directing strategy in view of forward-mindful consider is proposed this paper with successful key administration methodologies in it. In this framework, the following bounce hub is chosen by the familiarity with connection weight and forward vitality thickness. Moreover, an unconstrained reproduction system for nearby topology is planned also. In the investigations comes about demonstrate that our framework adjusts the vitality utilization, draws out the capacity lifetime and ensures high QoS of WSN

    Certificate less Effective Key Management Protocol For Secure Communications

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    To improve the current certificate less-effective key management (CL-EKM) convention for secure correspondence in element WSNs with Energy Efficient System. This numerical model will be used to evaluate the correct worth for the Thold and Tback off parameters in view of the speed and the coveted trade off between the vitality utilization and the security level. As a vital piece of mechanical application (IA), the wireless sensor network (WSN) has been a dynamic exploration territory in the course of recent years. Because of the constrained energy and correspondence capacity of sensor nodes, it appears to be particularly essential to outline a directing convention for WSNs so that detecting information can be transmitted to the recipient effectively. A energy-balanced routing technique taking into account forward-mindful element is proposed in this paper with effective key management procedures in it. In this framework, the next-hop node is chosen by attention to connection weight and forward energy density. Besides, an unconstrained remaking mechanism for nearby topology is outlined furthermore. In the tests comes about demonstrate that our framework adjusts the energy utilization, drags out the capacity lifetime and ensures high QoS of WSN

    An Outline of Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: Threats, Countermeasures and Implementations

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    With the expansion of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the need for securing the data flow through these networks is increasing. These sensor networks allow for easy-to-apply and flexible installations which have enabled them to be used for numerous applications. Due to these properties, they face distinct information security threats. Security of the data flowing through across networks provides the researchers with an interesting and intriguing potential for research. Design of these networks to ensure the protection of data faces the constraints of limited power and processing resources. We provide the basics of wireless sensor network security to help the researchers and engineers in better understanding of this applications field. In this chapter, we will provide the basics of information security with special emphasis on WSNs. The chapter will also give an overview of the information security requirements in these networks. Threats to the security of data in WSNs and some of their counter measures are also presented

    Untraceable Mobile Node Authentication in WSN

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    Mobility of sensor node in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) brings security issues such as re-authentication and tracing the node movement. However, current security researches on WSN are insufficient to support such environments since their designs only considered the static environments. In this paper, we propose the efficient node authentication and key exchange protocol that reduces the overhead in node re-authentication and also provides untraceability of mobile nodes. Compared with previous protocols, our protocol has only a third of communication and computational overhead. We expect our protocol to be the efficient solution that increases the lifetime of sensor network

    BARI+: A Biometric Based Distributed Key Management Approach for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Wireless body area networks (WBAN) consist of resource constrained sensing devices just like other wireless sensor networks (WSN). However, they differ from WSN in topology, scale and security requirements. Due to these differences, key management schemes designed for WSN are inefficient and unnecessarily complex when applied to WBAN. Considering the key management issue, WBAN are also different from WPAN because WBAN can use random biometric measurements as keys. We highlight the differences between WSN and WBAN and propose an efficient key management scheme, which makes use of biometrics and is specifically designed for WBAN domain