8,296 research outputs found

    Efficient computation of TM- and TE-polarized leaky modes in multilayered circular waveguides

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    In combination with the perfectly matched layer (PML)-paradigm, eigenmode expansion techniques have become increasingly important in the analysis and design of cylindrical and planar waveguides for photonics applications. To achieve high accuracy, these techniques rely on the determination of many modes of the modal spectrum of the waveguide under consideration. In this paper, we focus on the efficient computation of TM- and TE-polarized leaky modes for multilayered cylindrical waveguides. First, quasi-static estimates are derived for the propagation constants of these modes. Second, these estimates are used as a starting point in an advanced Newton iteration scheme after they have been subjected to an adaptive linear error correction. To prove the validity of the computation technique, it is applied to technologically important cases: vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and a monomode fiber

    Rotation method for accelerating multiple-spherical Bessel function integrals against a numerical source function

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    A common problem in cosmology is to integrate the product of two or more spherical Bessel functions (sBFs) with different configuration-space arguments against the power spectrum or its square, weighted by powers of wavenumber. Naively computing them scales as Ngp+1N_{\rm g}^{p+1} with pp the number of configuration space arguments and NgN_{\rm g} the grid size, and they cannot be done with Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). Here we show that by rewriting the sBFs as sums of products of sine and cosine and then using the product to sum identities, these integrals can then be performed using 1-D FFTs with NglogNgN_{\rm g} \log N_{\rm g} scaling. This "rotation" method has the potential to accelerate significantly a number of calculations in cosmology, such as perturbation theory predictions of loop integrals, higher order correlation functions, and analytic templates for correlation function covariance matrices. We implement this approach numerically both in a free-standing, publicly-available \textsc{Python} code and within the larger, publicly-available package \texttt{mcfit}. The rotation method evaluated with direct integrations already offers a factor of 6-10×\times speed-up over the naive approach in our test cases. Using FFTs, which the rotation method enables, then further improves this to a speed-up of \sim10003000×1000-3000\times over the naive approach. The rotation method should be useful in light of upcoming large datasets such as DESI or LSST. In analysing these datasets recomputation of these integrals a substantial number of times, for instance to update perturbation theory predictions or covariance matrices as the input linear power spectrum is changed, will be one piece in a Monte Carlo Markov Chain cosmological parameter search: thus the overall savings from our method should be significant

    A fast analysis-based discrete Hankel transform using asymptotic expansions

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    A fast and numerically stable algorithm is described for computing the discrete Hankel transform of order 00 as well as evaluating Schl\"{o}milch and Fourier--Bessel expansions in O(N(logN)2/log ⁣logN)\mathcal{O}(N(\log N)^2/\log\!\log N) operations. The algorithm is based on an asymptotic expansion for Bessel functions of large arguments, the fast Fourier transform, and the Neumann addition formula. All the algorithmic parameters are selected from error bounds to achieve a near-optimal computational cost for any accuracy goal. Numerical results demonstrate the efficiency of the resulting algorithm.Comment: 22 page

    An algorithm for the rapid numerical evaluation of Bessel functions of real orders and arguments

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    We describe a method for the rapid numerical evaluation of the Bessel functions of the first and second kinds of nonnegative real orders and positive arguments. Our algorithm makes use of the well-known observation that although the Bessel functions themselves are expensive to represent via piecewise polynomial expansions, the logarithms of certain solutions of Bessel's equation are not. We exploit this observation by numerically precomputing the logarithms of carefully chosen Bessel functions and representing them with piecewise bivariate Chebyshev expansions. Our scheme is able to evaluate Bessel functions of orders between 00 and 1\sep,000\sep,000\sep,000 at essentially any positive real argument. In that regime, it is competitive with existing methods for the rapid evaluation of Bessel functions and has several advantages over them. First, our approach is quite general and can be readily applied to many other special functions which satisfy second order ordinary differential equations. Second, by calculating the logarithms of the Bessel functions rather than the Bessel functions themselves, we avoid many issues which arise from numerical overflow and underflow. Third, in the oscillatory regime, our algorithm calculates the values of a nonoscillatory phase function for Bessel's differential equation and its derivative. These quantities are useful for computing the zeros of Bessel functions, as well as for rapidly applying the Fourier-Bessel transform. The results of extensive numerical experiments demonstrating the efficacy of our algorithm are presented. A Fortran package which includes our code for evaluating the Bessel functions as well as our code for all of the numerical experiments described here is publically available

    Dispersion modeling and analysis for multilayered open coaxial waveguides

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    This paper presents a detailed modeling and analysis regarding the dispersion characteristics of multilayered open coaxial waveguides. The study is motivated by the need of improved modeling and an increased physical understanding about the wave propagation phenomena on very long power cables which has a potential industrial application with fault localization and monitoring. The electromagnetic model is based on a layer recursive computation of axial-symmetric fields in connection with a magnetic frill generator excitation that can be calibrated to the current measured at the input of the cable. The layer recursive formulation enables a stable and efficient numerical computation of the related dispersion functions as well as a detailed analysis regarding the analytic and asymptotic properties of the associated determinants. Modal contributions as well as the contribution from the associated branch-cut (non-discrete radiating modes) are defined and analyzed. Measurements and modeling of pulse propagation on an 82 km long HVDC power cable are presented as a concrete example. In this example, it is concluded that the contribution from the second TM mode as well as from the branch-cut is negligible for all practical purposes. However, it is also shown that for extremely long power cables the contribution from the branch-cut can in fact dominate over the quasi-TEM mode for some frequency intervals. The main contribution of this paper is to provide the necessary analysis tools for a quantitative study of these phenomena

    Beyond the traditional Line-of-Sight approach of cosmological angular statistics

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    We present a new efficient method to compute the angular power spectra of large-scale structure observables that circumvents the numerical integration over Bessel functions, expanding on a recently proposed algorithm based on FFTlog. This new approach has better convergence properties. The method is explicitly implemented in the CLASS code for the case of number count CC_\ell's (including redshift-space distortions, weak lensing, and all other relativistic corrections) and cosmic shear CC_\ell's. In both cases our approach speeds up the calculation of the exact CC_\ell's (without the Limber approximation) by a factor of order 400 at a fixed precision target of 0.1%.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figures; v2: one reference adde