1,820 research outputs found

    Content-Centric Networking at Internet Scale through The Integration of Name Resolution and Routing

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    We introduce CCN-RAMP (Routing to Anchors Matching Prefixes), a new approach to content-centric networking. CCN-RAMP offers all the advantages of the Named Data Networking (NDN) and Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) but eliminates the need to either use Pending Interest Tables (PIT) or lookup large Forwarding Information Bases (FIB) listing name prefixes in order to forward Interests. CCN-RAMP uses small forwarding tables listing anonymous sources of Interests and the locations of name prefixes. Such tables are immune to Interest-flooding attacks and are smaller than the FIBs used to list IP address ranges in the Internet. We show that no forwarding loops can occur with CCN-RAMP, and that Interests flow over the same routes that NDN and CCNx would maintain using large FIBs. The results of simulation experiments comparing NDN with CCN-RAMP based on ndnSIM show that CCN-RAMP requires forwarding state that is orders of magnitude smaller than what NDN requires, and attains even better performance

    Data Structures and Algorithms for Scalable NDN Forwarding

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    Named Data Networking (NDN) is a recently proposed general-purpose network architecture that aims to address the limitations of the Internet Protocol (IP), while maintaining its strengths. NDN takes an information-centric approach, focusing on named data rather than computer addresses. In NDN, the content is identified by its name, and each NDN packet has a name that specifies the content it is fetching or delivering. Since there are no source and destination addresses in an NDN packet, it is forwarded based on a lookup of its name in the forwarding plane, which consists of the Forwarding Information Base (FIB), Pending Interest Table (PIT), and Content Store (CS). In addition, as an in-network caching element, a scalable Repository (Repo) design is needed to provide large-scale long-term content storage in NDN networks. Scalable NDN forwarding is a challenge. Compared to the well-understood approaches to IP forwarding, NDN forwarding performs lookups on packet names, which have variable and unbounded lengths, increasing the lookup complexity. The lookup tables are larger than in IP, requiring more memory space. Moreover, NDN forwarding has a read-write data plane, requiring per-packet updates at line rates. Designing and evaluating a scalable NDN forwarding node architecture is a major effort within the overall NDN research agenda. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate that scalable NDN forwarding is feasible with the proposed data structures and algorithms. First, we propose a FIB lookup design based on the binary search of hash tables that provides a reliable longest name prefix lookup performance baseline for future NDN research. We have demonstrated 10 Gbps forwarding throughput with 256-byte packets and one billion synthetic forwarding rules, each containing up to seven name components. Second, we explore data structures and algorithms to optimize the FIB design based on the specific characteristics of real-world forwarding datasets. Third, we propose a fingerprint-only PIT design that reduces the memory requirements in the core routers. Lastly, we discuss the Content Store design issues and demonstrate that the NDN Repo implementation can leverage many of the existing databases and storage systems to improve performance

    Dataplane Specialization for High-performance OpenFlow Software Switching

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    OpenFlow is an amazingly expressive dataplane program- ming language, but this expressiveness comes at a severe performance price as switches must do excessive packet clas- sification in the fast path. The prevalent OpenFlow software switch architecture is therefore built on flow caching, but this imposes intricate limitations on the workloads that can be supported efficiently and may even open the door to mali- cious cache overflow attacks. In this paper we argue that in- stead of enforcing the same universal flow cache semantics to all OpenFlow applications and optimize for the common case, a switch should rather automatically specialize its dat- aplane piecemeal with respect to the configured workload. We introduce ES WITCH , a novel switch architecture that uses on-the-fly template-based code generation to compile any OpenFlow pipeline into efficient machine code, which can then be readily used as fast path. We present a proof- of-concept prototype and we demonstrate on illustrative use cases that ES WITCH yields a simpler architecture, superior packet processing speed, improved latency and CPU scala- bility, and predictable performance. Our prototype can eas- ily scale beyond 100 Gbps on a single Intel blade even with complex OpenFlow pipelines

    c-trie++: A Dynamic Trie Tailored for Fast Prefix Searches

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    Given a dynamic set KK of kk strings of total length nn whose characters are drawn from an alphabet of size σ\sigma, a keyword dictionary is a data structure built on KK that provides locate, prefix search, and update operations on KK. Under the assumption that α=w/lgσ\alpha = w / \lg \sigma characters fit into a single machine word ww, we propose a keyword dictionary that represents KK in nlgσ+Θ(klgn)n \lg \sigma + \Theta(k \lg n) bits of space, supporting all operations in O(m/α+lgα)O(m / \alpha + \lg \alpha) expected time on an input string of length mm in the word RAM model. This data structure is underlined with an exhaustive practical evaluation, highlighting the practical usefulness of the proposed data structure, especially for prefix searches - one of the most elementary keyword dictionary operations

    Airborne Network Data Availability Using Peer to Peer Database Replication on a Distributed Hash Table

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    The concept of distributing one complex task to several smaller, simpler Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as opposed to one complex UAV is the way of the future for a vast number of surveillance and data collection tasks. One objective for this type of application is to be able to maintain an operational picture of the overall environment. Due to high bandwidth costs, centralizing all data may not be possible, necessitating a distributed storage system such as mobile Distributed Hash Table (DHT). A difficulty with this maintenance is that for an Airborne Network (AN), nodes are vehicles and travel at high rates of speed. Since the nodes travel at high speeds they may be out of contact with other nodes and their data becomes unavailable. To address this the DHT must include a data replication strategy to ensure data availability. This research investigates the percentage of data available throughout the network by balancing data replication and network bandwidth. The DHT used is Pastry with data replication using Beehive, running over an 802.11 wireless environment, simulated in Network Simulator 3. Results show that high levels of replication perform well until nodes are too tightly packed inside a given area which results in too much contention for limited bandwidth

    Design and Evaluation of Packet Classification Systems, Doctoral Dissertation, December 2006

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    Although many algorithms and architectures have been proposed, the design of efficient packet classification systems remains a challenging problem. The diversity of filter specifications, the scale of filter sets, and the throughput requirements of high speed networks all contribute to the difficulty. We need to review the algorithms from a high-level point-of-view in order to advance the study. This level of understanding can lead to significant performance improvements. In this dissertation, we evaluate several existing algorithms and present several new algorithms as well. The previous evaluation results for existing algorithms are not convincing because they have not been done in a consistent way. To resolve this issue, an objective evaluation platform needs to be developed. We implement and evaluate several representative algorithms with uniform criteria. The source code and the evaluation results are both published on a web-site to provide the research community a benchmark for impartial and thorough algorithm evaluations. We propose several new algorithms to deal with the different variations of the packet classification problem. They are: (1) the Shape Shifting Trie algorithm for longest prefix matching, used in IP lookups or as a building block for general packet classification algorithms; (2) the Fast Hash Table lookup algorithm used for exact flow match; (3) the longest prefix matching algorithm using hash tables and tries, used in IP lookups or packet classification algorithms;(4) the 2D coarse-grained tuple-space search algorithm with controlled filter expansion, used for two-dimensional packet classification or as a building block for general packet classification algorithms; (5) the Adaptive Binary Cutting algorithm used for general multi-dimensional packet classification. In addition to the algorithmic solutions, we also consider the TCAM hardware solution. In particular, we address the TCAM filter update problem for general packet classification and provide an efficient algorithm. Building upon the previous work, these algorithms significantly improve the performance of packet classification systems and set a solid foundation for further study

    DHT-based distributed ALE engine in RFID Middleware

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    Following the “Internet of Things” concept, each object is associated with a unique identifier which will allow to retrieve information about it in large databases. In the process of managing a large amount of objects, and consequently a large amount of events from readers, without overloading the network, these events have to be filtered and aggregated. This is the aim of the Application Level Events (ALE) standard from EPCGlobal, which receives events from readers and sends a useful and well constructed report to the business application. The ALE may be connected to several hundreds of readers. As the number of readers may increase with the increase of the company, a bottleneck may appear with all readers events sent to the ALE. A solution for scalability is to distribute the ALE. In this research report, we propose an efficient way to solve this problem based on a Distributed Hash table (DHT). One role of the ALE is to insulate business application from technical concern so in our solution, we present a mechanism to distribute the ALE using Chord, a well-known peer-to-peer lookup system, and being transparent for business application. This solution is compliant with the EPCglobal existing standard, scalable, robust and transparent for other layers of the middleware. We show that the overhead generated by our solution is of 10% only in a nominal case