8 research outputs found

    CAD by XML - Was XML im Planungssystem leisten kann

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    In Bauplanungssystemen können XML-Technologien in vielen Bereichen eingesetzt werden mit dem Ziel, diese Systeme modular und webfähig zu gestalten. Der Einsatz lohnt als Basis-Datenstruktur für verschiedene rechnerinterne Modelle, Steuerungsstruktur für Customizing von Anwendungen, Bindeglied zwischen objektbasierten Systemen, Kommunikationsprotokoll zwischen Komponenten. Es ist möglich, komplexe Objekte aus dem Planungsalltag mittels XML arzustellen, zu speichern und zu verarbeiten. Es ist möglich, entsprechende Komponenten im Netz zu verteilen bzw. über Internet zu verbinden. Die heute dominierende Sicht auf XML als Austauschmedium wird ergänzt um die Idee eines XML-basierten Systems: Entwurfsobjekte können als >XML-Objekte< formuliert und im Sinne eines late binding verwendet werden

    Hardware acceleration of photon mapping

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    PhD ThesisThe quest for realism in computer-generated graphics has yielded a range of algorithmic techniques, the most advanced of which are capable of rendering images at close to photorealistic quality. Due to the realism available, it is now commonplace that computer graphics are used in the creation of movie sequences, architectural renderings, medical imagery and product visualisations. This work concentrates on the photon mapping algorithm [1, 2], a physically based global illumination rendering algorithm. Photon mapping excels in producing highly realistic, physically accurate images. A drawback to photon mapping however is its rendering times, which can be significantly longer than other, albeit less realistic, algorithms. Not surprisingly, this increase in execution time is associated with a high computational cost. This computation is usually performed using the general purpose central processing unit (CPU) of a personal computer (PC), with the algorithm implemented as a software routine. Other options available for processing these algorithms include desktop PC graphics processing units (GPUs) and custom designed acceleration hardware devices. GPUs tend to be efficient when dealing with less realistic rendering solutions such as rasterisation, however with their recent drive towards increased programmability they can also be used to process more realistic algorithms. A drawback to the use of GPUs is that these algorithms often have to be reworked to make optimal use of the limited resources available. There are very few custom hardware devices available for acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Ray-tracing is the predecessor to photon mapping, and although not capable of producing the same physical accuracy and therefore realism, there are similarities between the algorithms. There have been several hardware prototypes, and at least one commercial offering, created with the goal of accelerating ray-trace rendering [3]. However, properties making many of these proposals suitable for the acceleration of ray-tracing are not shared by photon mapping. There are even fewer proposals for acceleration of the additional functions found only in photon mapping. All of these approaches to algorithm acceleration offer limited scalability. GPUs are inherently difficult to scale, while many of the custom hardware devices available thus far make use of large processing elements and complex acceleration data structures. In this work we make use of three novel approaches in the design of highly scalable specialised hardware structures for the acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Increased scalability is gained through: • The use of a brute-force approach in place of the commonly used smart approach, thus eliminating much data pre-processing, complex data structures and large processing units often required. • The use of Logarithmic Number System (LNS) arithmetic computation, which facilitates a reduction in processing area requirement. • A novel redesign of the photon inclusion test, used within the photon search method of the photon mapping algorithm. This allows an intelligent memory structure to be used for the search. The design uses two hardware structures, both of which accelerate one core rendering function. Renderings produced using field programmable gate array (FPGA) based prototypes are presented, along with details of 90nm synthesised versions of the designs which show that close to an orderof- magnitude speedup over a software implementation is possible. Due to the scalable nature of the design, it is likely that any advantage can be maintained in the face of improving processor speeds. Significantly, due to the brute-force approach adopted, it is possible to eliminate an often-used software acceleration method. This means that the device can interface almost directly to a frontend modelling package, minimising much of the pre-processing required by most other proposals

    Hardware acceleration of photon mapping

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    The quest for realism in computer-generated graphics has yielded a range of algorithmic techniques, the most advanced of which are capable of rendering images at close to photorealistic quality. Due to the realism available, it is now commonplace that computer graphics are used in the creation of movie sequences, architectural renderings, medical imagery and product visualisations. This work concentrates on the photon mapping algorithm [1, 2], a physically based global illumination rendering algorithm. Photon mapping excels in producing highly realistic, physically accurate images. A drawback to photon mapping however is its rendering times, which can be significantly longer than other, albeit less realistic, algorithms. Not surprisingly, this increase in execution time is associated with a high computational cost. This computation is usually performed using the general purpose central processing unit (CPU) of a personal computer (PC), with the algorithm implemented as a software routine. Other options available for processing these algorithms include desktop PC graphics processing units (GPUs) and custom designed acceleration hardware devices. GPUs tend to be efficient when dealing with less realistic rendering solutions such as rasterisation, however with their recent drive towards increased programmability they can also be used to process more realistic algorithms. A drawback to the use of GPUs is that these algorithms often have to be reworked to make optimal use of the limited resources available. There are very few custom hardware devices available for acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Ray-tracing is the predecessor to photon mapping, and although not capable of producing the same physical accuracy and therefore realism, there are similarities between the algorithms. There have been several hardware prototypes, and at least one commercial offering, created with the goal of accelerating ray-trace rendering [3]. However, properties making many of these proposals suitable for the acceleration of ray-tracing are not shared by photon mapping. There are even fewer proposals for acceleration of the additional functions found only in photon mapping. All of these approaches to algorithm acceleration offer limited scalability. GPUs are inherently difficult to scale, while many of the custom hardware devices available thus far make use of large processing elements and complex acceleration data structures. In this work we make use of three novel approaches in the design of highly scalable specialised hardware structures for the acceleration of the photon mapping algorithm. Increased scalability is gained through: • The use of a brute-force approach in place of the commonly used smart approach, thus eliminating much data pre-processing, complex data structures and large processing units often required. • The use of Logarithmic Number System (LNS) arithmetic computation, which facilitates a reduction in processing area requirement. • A novel redesign of the photon inclusion test, used within the photon search method of the photon mapping algorithm. This allows an intelligent memory structure to be used for the search. The design uses two hardware structures, both of which accelerate one core rendering function. Renderings produced using field programmable gate array (FPGA) based prototypes are presented, along with details of 90nm synthesised versions of the designs which show that close to an orderof- magnitude speedup over a software implementation is possible. Due to the scalable nature of the design, it is likely that any advantage can be maintained in the face of improving processor speeds. Significantly, due to the brute-force approach adopted, it is possible to eliminate an often-used software acceleration method. This means that the device can interface almost directly to a frontend modelling package, minimising much of the pre-processing required by most other proposals.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Algorithms and data structures for interactive ray tracing on commodity hardware

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    Rendering methods based on ray tracing provide high image realism, but have been historically regarded as offline only. This has changed in the past decade, due to significant advances in the construction and traversal performance of acceleration structures and the efficient use of data-parallel processing. Today, all major graphics companies offer real-time ray tracing solutions. The following work has contributed to this development with some key insights. We first address the limited support of dynamic scenes in previous work, by proposing two new parallel-friendly construction algorithms for KD-trees and BVHs. By approximating the cost function, we accelerate construction by up to an order of magnitude (especially for BVHs), at the expense of only tiny degradation to traversal performance. For the static portions of the scene, we also address the topic of creating the “perfect” acceleration structure. We develop a polynomial time non-greedy BVH construction algorithm. We then modify it to produce a new type of acceleration structure that inherits both the high performance of KD-trees and the small size of BVHs. Finally, we focus on bringing real-time ray tracing to commodity desktop computers. We develop several new KD-tree and BVH traversal algorithms specifically tailored for the GPU. With them, we show for the first time that GPU ray tracing is indeed feasible, and it can outperform CPU ray tracing by almost an order of magnitude, even on large CAD models.Ray-Tracing basierte Bildsynthese-Verfahren bieten einen hohen Grad an Realismus, wurden allerdings in der Vergangenheit ausschließlich als nicht echtzeitfähig betrachtet. Dies hat sich innerhalb des letzten Jahrzehnts geändert durch signifikante Fortschritte sowohl im Bereich der Erstellung und Traversierung von Beschleunigungs-Strukturen, als auch im effizienten Einsatz paralleler Berechnung. Heute bieten alle großen Grafik-Firmen Echtzeit-Ray-Tracing Lösungen an. Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt Beträge zu dieser Entwicklung in mehreren Kernaspekten. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit der eingeschränkten Unterstützung von dynamischen Szenen in bisherigen Verfahren. Hierbei behandeln wir zwei zur Parallelisierung geeignete Algorithmen zur Erstellung von KD-Bäumen und Bounding-Volume-Hierarchien. Durch Approximation von Kosten-Funktionen kann eine Verbesserung der Konstruktionszeit von bis zu einer Größenordnung erreicht werden (speziell für BVH-Strukturen), bei nur geringem Verlust von Traversierungs-Effizienz. Mit Blick auf den statischen Teil einer Szene beschäftigen wir uns mit der Erstellung “perfekter” Beschleunigungs-Strukturen. Wir entwickeln einen Algorithmus zur BVH-Erstellung, der ein globales Optimum in polynomialer Zeit liefert. Dies führt zu einer neuartigen Beschleunigungs-Struktur, welche sowohl die hohe Leistung von KD-Bäumen, als auch den geringen Platzbedarf von BVH-Strukturen in sich vereinigt. Abschließend betrachten wir Echtzeit-Ray-Tracing auf Desktop-Computern. Wir entwickeln neuartige KD-Baum- und BVH-Traversierungs-Algorithmen, die speziell auf den Einsatz von Grafikprozessoren zugeschnitten sind. Wir zeigen damit zum ersten Mal, dass GPU-Ray-Tracing nicht nur praktikabel ist, sondern auch mehr als eine Größenordnung effizienter sein kann als CPU basierte Ray-Tracing-Verfahren, selbst bei der Darstellung großer CAD Modelle

    Investigating ray tracing algorithms and data structures in the context of visibility.

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    Ray tracing is a popular rendering method with built in visibility determination. However, the computational costs are significant. To reduce them, there has been extensive research leading to innovative data structures and algorithms that optimally utilize both object and image coherence. Investigating these from a visibility determination context without considering further optical effects is the main motivation of the research. Three methods - one structure and two coherent tree traversal algorithms - are discussed. While the structure aims to increase coherence, the algorithms aim to optimise utilization of coherence provided by ray tracing structures (kd-trees, octrees). RBSF trees - Restricted Binary Space Partitioning Trees - build upon the research in ray tracing with kd-trees. A higher degree of freedom for split plane selection increases object coherence implying a reduction in the number of node traversals and triangle intersections for most scenes. Consequently, reduced ray casting times for scenes with predominantly non-axis-aligned triangles is observed. Coherent Rendering is a rendering method that shows improved complexity, but at an absolute performance that is much slower than packet ray tracing. However, since it led to the creation of the Row Tracing' algorithm, it is described briefly. Row Tracing can be considered as an adaptation of Coherent Rendering, scanline rendering or packet ray tracing. One row of the image is considered and its pixels are determined. Similar to Coherent Rendering, an adapted version of Hierarchical Occlusion Maps is used to identify and skip occluded nodes. To maximize utilisation of coherence, the method is extended so that several adjacent rows are traversed through the tree. The two versions of Row Tracing demonstrate excellent performance, exceeding that of packet ray tracing. Further, it is shown that for larger models (2 million+ triangles). Row Tracing and Packet Row Tracing significantly outperform Z-buffer based methods (OpenGL). Row tracing show's scalability over scene sizes leading to a rendering method that has fast rendering times for both large and small models. In addition it has excellent parallelisation properties allowing utilisation of multiple cores with ease. Thus, the Row Tracing and Packet Row Tracing algorithms can be considered as the significant contributions of the Ph.D. These data structures and algorithms demonstrate that ray tracing data structures and adaptations of ray tracing algorithms exhibit excellent potential in a visibility context

    Молодежь и современные информационные технологии : сборник трудов XI Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, г. Томск, 13-16 ноября 2013 г.

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    Сборник содержит доклады, представленные на XI Международной научно-практическую конференцию студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых "Молодежь и современные информационные технологии", прошедшей в Томском политехническом университете на базе института Кибернетики. Материалы сбор-ника отражают доклады студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, принятые к обсуждению на секциях: "Микропроцессорные системы, компьютерные сети и телекоммуникации", "Математическое моделирование и компьютерный анализ данных", "Информационные и интеллектуальные системы (в прикладных областях)", "Автоматизация и управление в технических системах", "Информационные и программные системы в производстве и управлении", "Геоинформационные системы и технологии", "Компьютерные измерительные системы и метрология", "Компьютерная графика и дизайн", "Информационные технологии в машиностроении", "Информационные технологии в гуманитарных и медицинских исследованиях". Сборник предназначен для специалистов в области информационных технологий, студентов и аспирантов соответствующих специальносте