57 research outputs found

    Programmable Hardware Accelerator For Regular Expression Queries

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    Regular expression (regex) queries are used extensively in data analytics applications. Hardware-based regex searches can make searches efficient across a variety of application domains. However, hardware accelerators that can support arbitrary regular expressions are currently infeasible due to the very large number of possible states and state transitions. This disclosure describes techniques to map an input regular expression to a non-deterministic finite automaton and hardware such as FPGA or ASIC that can be programmed to filter an input data stream to search for arbitrary (customer-given) regular expressions

    Regular Expression Synthesis for BLAST Two-Hit Filtering

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    Genomic databases are exhibiting a growth rate that is outpacing Moore\u27s Law, which has made database search algorithms a popular application for use on emerging processor technologies. NCBI BLAST is the standard tool for performing searches against these databases, which operates by transforming each database query into a filter that is subsequently applied to the database. This requires a database scan for every query, fundamentally limiting its performance by I/O bandwidth. In this dissertation we present a functionally-equivalent variation on the NCBI BLAST algorithm that maps more suitably to an FPGA implementation. This variation of the algorithm attempts to reduce the I/O requirement by leveraging FPGA-specific capabilities, such as high pattern matching throughput and explicit on-chip memory structure and allocation. Our algorithm transforms the database—not the query—into a filter that is stored as a hierarchical arrangement of three tables, the first two of which are stored on-chip and the third off-chip. Our results show that it is possible to achieve speedups of up to 8x based on the relative reduction in I/O of our approach versus that of NCBI BLAST, with a minimal impact on sensitivity. More importantly, the performance relative to NCBI BLAST improves with larger databases and query workload sizes

    Mejora de la evaluación de expresiones regulares sobre hardware reconfigurable

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    Since the Internet was born, the amount of data that systems process has increased in an exponential way and this is the reason because these systems need to be fast, flexible and powerful. Nowadays, communications keep increasing the speed requirements for data processing, and the FPGA‟s are ideal for this task. In data processing, a huge amount of time is dedicated to pattern matching, frequently involving regular expressions matching. As the amount of patterns to be checked grow up, so does the hardware complexity dedicated to its recognition. Thus it needs to be flexible to be able to adapt to the necessary changes with ease. In this project a VHDL code generator implemented in Java is presented. The code generated describes a regular expressions recognizer of various sets given by parameter, which will be synthetized by an FPGA. This module takes various sets of regular expressions and generates the VHDL code that describes the system which recognizes them. The code generator is flexible, due to great modularity and upgradeability that software offers. Thus, the main advantage of this model consists on the possibility of combining the flexibility of software with the speed of hardware in order to create fast and low cost recognizers in a flexible and easy way

    A pattern matching coprocessor for network security

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    Based on Regular Expression Matching of Evaluation of the Task Performance in WSN: A Queue Theory Approach

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    Due to the limited resources of wireless sensor network, low efficiency of real-time communication scheduling, poor safety defects, and so forth, a queuing performance evaluation approach based on regular expression match is proposed, which is a method that consists of matching preprocessing phase, validation phase, and queuing model of performance evaluation phase. Firstly, the subset of related sequence is generated in preprocessing phase, guiding the validation phase distributed matching. Secondly, in the validation phase, the subset of features clustering, the compressed matching table is more convenient for distributed parallel matching. Finally, based on the queuing model, the sensor networks of task scheduling dynamic performance are evaluated. Experiments show that our approach ensures accurate matching and computational efficiency of more than 70%; it not only effectively detects data packets and access control, but also uses queuing method to determine the parameters of task scheduling in wireless sensor networks. The method for medium scale or large scale distributed wireless node has a good applicability
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