16 research outputs found

    Efficient Muscle Shape Deformation

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    Possibilities of man-machine interaction through the perception of human gestures

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    A mesura que les màquines s'utilitzen interaccionant cada cop més amb les persones, la necessitat d'interfícies més amigables esdevé una necessitat creixent. La comunicació oral persona-màquina com una forma d'interacció utilitzant el llenguatge natural és cada vegada més usual. La interpretació dels gestos humans pot, en certes aplicacions, complementar aquesta comunicació oral. Aquest article descriu un sistema d'interpretació dels gestos basat en la visió per computador. El procés d'interpretació realitza la detecció i seguiment d'un operador humà, i a partir dels seus moviments interpreta un conjunt específic d'ordres gestuals, en temps real.As man-machine interaction grows there is an increasing need for friendly interfaces. Human-machine oral communication as a means of natural language interaction is becoming quite common. Interpretation of human gestures can, in some applications, complement such communication. This article describes an interpretation of gestures procedure. The system is based on a computer vision system for the detection and tracking of a human operator and the interpretation of a specific set of human gestures in real time

    Introdução à Análise de Movimento usando Visão Computacional

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    Pretende-se com este trabalho fazer uma introdução ao que tem vindo a ser realizado no domínio do seguimento e análise de movimento recorrendo a visão computacional.Assim no primeiro capítulo deste relatório faremos referência aos vários tipos de movimento e analisaremos as fases que compõem um sistema comum de captura e análise de movimento, descrevendo sucintamente alguns trabalhos realizados nesta área.Seguidamente, no segundo capítulo, faremos uma apresentação mais detalhada da área do seguimento e análise de movimento humano de corpo inteiro; nomeadamente, no reconhecimento da pose e do reconhecimento do andar e de gestos.Finalmente, no terceiro e último capítulo, daremos ênfase à análise de imagem médica e exemplificaremos, sumariamente, algumas das suas aplicações.With this work we intend to introduce what has been done in the domain of tracking and motion analysis by using computational vision.Therefore in the first chapter of this report we will refer the various types of motion, and analyse the steps that compose a general system of movement capture and analysis, by succinctly describing some works done in this field.Then, in the second chapter we will do a more detailed study about the area of human entire body tracking and motion analysis; namely, in pose recognition and in the recognition of gait and gestures.Finally, in the third and last chapter, emphasis will be given to the medical images analysis and we will summarily exemplify some of its applications

    Visualizing and Predicting the Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on Hands

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    This dissertation was inspired by difficult decisions patients of chronic diseases have to make about about treatment options in light of uncertainty. We look at rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic, autoimmune disease that primarily affects the synovial joints of the hands and causes pain and deformities. In this work, we focus on several parts of a computer-based decision tool that patients can interact with using gestures, ask questions about the disease, and visualize possible futures. We propose a hand gesture based interaction method that is easily setup in a doctor\u27s office and can be trained using a custom set of gestures that are least painful. Our system is versatile and can be used for operations like simple selections to navigating a 3D world. We propose a point distribution model (PDM) that is capable of modeling hand deformities that occur due to RA and a generalized fitting method for use on radiographs of hands. Using our shape model, we show novel visualization of disease progression. Using expertly staged radiographs, we propose a novel distance metric learning and embedding technique that can be used to automatically stage an unlabeled radiograph. Given a large set of expertly labeled radiographs, our data-driven approach can be used to extract different modes of deformation specific to a disease