21,513 research outputs found

    Combining wireless and visual tracking for an indoor environment

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    There has been a lot of research done towards both camera and Wi-Fi tracking respectively, both these techniques have their benefits and drawbacks. By combining these technologies it is possible to eliminate their respective weaknesses, to increase the possibilities of the system as a whole. This is accomplished by fusing the sensor data from Wi-Fi and camera before inserting it in a particle filter. This will result in a more accurate and robust localization system

    Object detection, recognition and classification using computer vision and artificial intelligence approaches

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    Object detection and recognition has been used extensively in recent years to solve numerus challenges in different fields. Due to the vital roles they play, object detection and recognition has enabled quantum leaps in many industry fields by helping to overcome some serious challenges and obstacles. For example, worldwide security concerns have drawn the attention and stimulated the use of highly intelligent computer vision technology to provide security in different environments and in diverse terrains. In addition, some wildlife is at present exposed to danger and extinction worldwide. Therefore, early detection and recognition of potential threats to wildlife have become essential and timely. The extent of using computer vision and artificial intelligence to convert the seemingly insecure world to a more secure one has been widely accepted. Such technologies are used in monitoring, tracking, organising, analysing objects in a scene and for a number of other countless purposes. [Continues.

    Towards optical intensity interferometry for high angular resolution stellar astrophysics

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    Most neighboring stars are still detected as point sources and are beyond the angular resolution reach of current observatories. Methods to improve our understanding of stars at high angular resolution are investigated. Air Cherenkov telescopes (ACTs), primarily used for Gamma-ray astronomy, enable us to increase our understanding of the circumstellar environment of a particular system. When used as optical intensity interferometers, future ACT arrays will allow us to detect stars as extended objects and image their surfaces at high angular resolution. Optical stellar intensity interferometry (SII) with ACT arrays, composed of nearly 100 telescopes, will provide means to measure fundamental stellar parameters and also open the possibility of model-independent imaging. A data analysis algorithm is developed and permits the reconstruction of high angular resolution images from simulated SII data. The capabilities and limitations of future ACT arrays used for high angular resolution imaging are investigated via Monte-Carlo simulations. Simple stellar objects as well as stellar surfaces with localized hot or cool regions can be accurately imaged. Finally, experimental efforts to measure intensity correlations are expounded. The functionality of analog and digital correlators is demonstrated. Intensity correlations have been measured for a simulated star emitting pseudo-thermal light, resulting in angular diameter measurements. The StarBase observatory, consisting of a pair of 3 m telescopes separated by 23 m, is described.Comment: PhD dissertatio

    Automated Particle Identification through Regression Analysis of Size, Shape and Colour

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    Rapid point of care diagnostic tests and tests to provide therapeutic information are now available for a range of specific conditions from the measurement of blood glucose levels for diabetes to card agglutination tests for parasitic infections. Due to a lack of specificity these test are often then backed up by more conventional lab based diagnostic methods for example a card agglutination test may be carried out for a suspected parasitic infection in the field and if positive a blood sample can then be sent to a lab for confirmation. The eventual diagnosis is often achieved by microscopic examination of the sample. In this paper we propose a computerized vision system for aiding in the diagnostic process; this system used a novel particle recognition algorithm to improve specificity and speed during the diagnostic process. We will show the detection and classification of different types of cells in a diluted blood sample using regression analysis of their size, shape and colour. The first step is to define the objects to be tracked by a Gaussian Mixture Model for background subtraction and binary opening and closing for noise suppression. After subtracting the objects of interest from the background the next challenge is to predict if a given object belongs to a certain category or not. This is a classification problem, and the output of the algorithm is a Boolean value (true/false). As such the computer program should be able to ”predict” with reasonable level of confidence if a given particle belongs to the kind we are looking for or not. We show the use of a binary logistic regression analysis with three continuous predictors: size, shape and color histogram. The results suggest this variables could be very useful in a logistic regression equation as they proved to have a relatively high predictive value on their own
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