15 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal Stacked Sequential Learning for Pedestrian Detection

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    Pedestrian classifiers decide which image windows contain a pedestrian. In practice, such classifiers provide a relatively high response at neighbor windows overlapping a pedestrian, while the responses around potential false positives are expected to be lower. An analogous reasoning applies for image sequences. If there is a pedestrian located within a frame, the same pedestrian is expected to appear close to the same location in neighbor frames. Therefore, such a location has chances of receiving high classification scores during several frames, while false positives are expected to be more spurious. In this paper we propose to exploit such correlations for improving the accuracy of base pedestrian classifiers. In particular, we propose to use two-stage classifiers which not only rely on the image descriptors required by the base classifiers but also on the response of such base classifiers in a given spatiotemporal neighborhood. More specifically, we train pedestrian classifiers using a stacked sequential learning (SSL) paradigm. We use a new pedestrian dataset we have acquired from a car to evaluate our proposal at different frame rates. We also test on a well known dataset: Caltech. The obtained results show that our SSL proposal boosts detection accuracy significantly with a minimal impact on the computational cost. Interestingly, SSL improves more the accuracy at the most dangerous situations, i.e. when a pedestrian is close to the camera.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure, 1 tabl

    Asymmetric Pruning for Learning Cascade Detectors

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    Cascade classifiers are one of the most important contributions to real-time object detection. Nonetheless, there are many challenging problems arising in training cascade detectors. One common issue is that the node classifier is trained with a symmetric classifier. Having a low misclassification error rate does not guarantee an optimal node learning goal in cascade classifiers, i.e., an extremely high detection rate with a moderate false positive rate. In this work, we present a new approach to train an effective node classifier in a cascade detector. The algorithm is based on two key observations: 1) Redundant weak classifiers can be safely discarded; 2) The final detector should satisfy the asymmetric learning objective of the cascade architecture. To achieve this, we separate the classifier training into two steps: finding a pool of discriminative weak classifiers/features and training the final classifier by pruning weak classifiers which contribute little to the asymmetric learning criterion (asymmetric classifier construction). Our model reduction approach helps accelerate the learning time while achieving the pre-determined learning objective. Experimental results on both face and car data sets verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. On the FDDB face data sets, our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance, which demonstrates the advantage of our approach.Comment: 14 page

    Estimation of 3D head region using gait motion for surveillance video

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    Detecting and recognizing people is important in surveillance. Many detection approaches use local information, such as pattern and colour, which can lead to constraints on application such as changes in illumination, low resolution, and camera view point. In this paper we propose a novel method for estimating the 3D head region based on analysing the gait motion derived from the video provided by a single camera. Generally, when a person walks there is known head movement in the vertical direction, regardless of the walking direction. Using this characteristic the gait period is detected using wavelet decomposition and the heel strike position is calculated in 3D space. Then, a 3D gait trajectory model is constructed by non-linear optimization. We evaluate our new approach using the CAVIAR database and show that we can indeed determine the head region to good effect. The contributions of this research include the first use of detecting a face region by using human gait and which has fewer application constraints than many previous approaches

    Spatiotemporal Saliency Detection: State of Art

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    Saliency detection has become a very prominent subject for research in recent time. Many techniques has been defined for the saliency detection.In this paper number of techniques has been explained that include the saliency detection from the year 2000 to 2015, almost every technique has been included.all the methods are explained briefly including their advantages and disadvantages. Comparison between various techniques has been done. With the help of table which includes authors name,paper name,year,techniques,algorithms and challenges. A comparison between levels of acceptance rates and accuracy levels are made

    Human object annotation for surveillance video forensics

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    A system that can automatically annotate surveillance video in a manner useful for locating a person with a given description of clothing is presented. Each human is annotated based on two appearance features: primary colors of clothes and the presence of text/logos on clothes. The annotation occurs after a robust foreground extraction stage employing a modified Gaussian mixture model-based approach. The proposed pipeline consists of a preprocessing stage where color appearance of an image is improved using a color constancy algorithm. In order to annotate color information for human clothes, we use the color histogram feature in HSV space and find local maxima to extract dominant colors for different parts of a segmented human object. To detect text/logos on clothes, we begin with the extraction of connected components of enhanced horizontal, vertical, and diagonal edges in the frames. These candidate regions are classified as text or nontext on the basis of their local energy-based shape histogram features. Further, to detect humans, a novel technique has been proposed that uses contourlet transform-based local binary pattern (CLBP) features. In the proposed method, we extract the uniform direction invariant LBP feature descriptor for contourlet transformed high-pass subimages from vertical and diagonal directional bands. In the final stage, extracted CLBP descriptors are classified by a trained support vector machine. Experimental results illustrate the superiority of our method on large-scale surveillance video data

    A Survey on Pedestrian Detection

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    行人检测是计算机视觉中的研究热点和难点,本文对2005-2011这段时间内的行人检测技术中最核心的两个问题—特征提取、分类器与定位—的研究现状进行综述.文章中首先将这些问题的处理方法分为不同的类别,将行人特征分为底层特征、基于学习的特征和混合特征,分类与定位方法分为滑动窗口法和超越滑动窗口法,并从纵横两个方向对这些方法的优缺点进行分析和比较,然后总结了构建行人检测器在实现细节上的一些经验,最后对行人检测技术的未来进行展望.Pedestrian detection is an active area of research with challenge in computer vision.This study conducts a detailed survey on state-of-the-art pedestrian detection methods from 2005 to 2011,focusing on the two most important problems:feature extraction,the classification and localization.We divided these methods into different categories;pedestrian features are divided into three subcategories:low-level feature,learning-based feature and hybrid feature.On the other hand,classification and localization is also divided into two sub-categories:sliding window and beyond sliding window.According to the taxonomy,the pros and cons of different approaches are discussed.Finally,some experiences of how to construct a robust pedestrian detector are presented and future research trends are proposed.国家自然科学基金(No.60873179);高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20090121110032);深圳市科技计划-基础研究(No.JC200903180630A);深圳市科技研发基金-深港创新圈计划(No.ZYB200907110169A);福建省教育厅基金(No.JA10196

    Fast Human Detection Using A Novel Boosted Cascading Structure with Meta Stages

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    Fast Human Detection Using A Novel Boosted Cascading Structure with Meta Stages

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