29 research outputs found

    Efficient Heuristic for Resource Allocation in Zero-forcing OFDMA-SDMA Systems with Minimum Rate Constraints

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    4G wireless access systems require high spectral efficiency to support the ever increasing number of users and data rates for real time applications. Multi-antenna OFDM-SDMA systems can provide the required high spectral efficiency and dynamic usage of the channel, but the resource allocation process becomes extremely complex because of the augmented degrees of freedom. In this paper, we propose two heuristics to solve the resource allocation problem that have very low computational complexity and give performances not far from the optimal. The proposed heuristics select a set of users for each subchannel, but contrary to the reported methods that solve the throughput maximization problem, our heuristics consider the set of real-time (RT) users to ensure that their minimum rate requirements are met. We compare the heuristics' performance against an upper bound and other methods proposed in the literature and find that they give a somewhat lower performance, but support a wider range of minimum rates while reducing the computational complexity. The gap between the objective achieved by the heuristics and the upper bound is not large. In our experiments this gap is 10.7% averaging over all performed numerical evaluations for all system configurations. The increase in the range of the supported minimum rates when compared with a method reported in the literature is 14.6% on average.Comment: 8 figure

    Dual-based bounds for resource allocation in zero-forcing beamforming OFDMA-SDMA systems

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    We consider multi-antenna base stations using orthogonal frequency-division multiple access and space division multiple access techniques to serve single-antenna users. Some users, called real-time users, have minimum rate requirements and must be served in the current time slot while others, called non real-time users, do not have strict timing constraints and are served on a best-effort basis. The resource allocation (RA) problem is to find the assignment of users to subcarriers and the transmit beamforming vectors that maximize the total user rates subject to power and minimum rate constraints. In general, this is a nonlinear and non-convex program and the zero-forcing technique used here makes it integer as well, exact optimal solutions cannot be computed in reasonable time for realistic cases. For this reason, we present a technique to compute both upper and lower bounds and show that these are quite close for some realistic cases. First, we formulate the dual problem whose optimum provides an upper bound to all feasible solutions. We then use a simple method to get a primal-feasible point starting from the dual optimal solution, which is a lower bound on the primal optimal solution. Numerical results for several cases show that the two bounds are close so that the dual method can be used to benchmark any heuristic used to solve this problem. As an example, we provide numerical results showing the performance gap of the well-known weight adjustment method and show that there is considerable room for improvement

    Efficient Methods for Resource Allocation in Multi-Antenna Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) Systems

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    RĂ©sumĂ© Dans cette thĂšse, nous proposons une solution au problĂšme d’allocation de ressources d’un systĂšme MISO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) – OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access) supportant des usagers requĂ©rant un dĂ©bit de transmission minimal. Ce problĂšme peut ĂȘtre modĂ©lisĂ© comme une optimisation non-linĂ©aire mixte avec variables entiĂšres. Nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s dans cette thĂšse Ă  diverses mĂ©thodes permettant la rĂ©solution d’un tel problĂšme. La premiĂšre approche Ă©tudiĂ©e utilise une mĂ©thode hors-ligne et permet d’obtenir une solution quasi-optimale qui peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e comme rĂ©fĂ©rences pour Ă©valuer la performance d’algorithmes heuristiques pouvant ĂȘtre rĂ©alises en temps rĂ©el. Pour ce faire, nous cherchons une allocation rĂ©alisable en se basant sur la solution optimale du problĂšme dual. Nous obtenons la fonction duale et trouvons la solution Ă  l’aide d’un algorithme itĂ©ratif Ă  sous-gradient. Cette solution permet d’obtenir une borne supĂ©rieure Ă  la solution optimale. D’autre part, nous dĂ©veloppons une heuristique basĂ©e sur la solution du problĂšme dual pour obtenir une solution rĂ©alisable du problĂšme primaire qui constitue une borne inferieure Ă  la solution optimale. Ces bornes nous permettent d’établir que l’écart de dualitĂ© est petit pour les configurations Ă©tudiĂ©es et elles peuvent servir de rĂ©fĂ©rence pour l’évaluation de performances des algorithmes heuristiques. La formulation duale nous fournit aussi une meilleure comprĂ©hension du sujet en Ă©tablissant un lien entre la rĂ©alisabilitĂ© de l’allocation de ressources et les dĂ©bits minimaux requis par les usagers. Afin d’obtenir des mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution plus pratiques pouvant ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©es en temps rĂ©el, nous proposons deux heuristiques ayant une faible complexitĂ© et permettant d’atteindre des performances assez prĂ©s des performances optimales. Les performances ainsi obtenues sont lĂ©gĂšrement moins bonnes que celles d’autres algorithmes qu’on retrouve dans la littĂ©rature, mais supportent une plus grande plage de valeurs de dĂ©bit minimal tout en rĂ©duisant la complexitĂ© de l’algorithme d’allocation de ressources de plusieurs ordres de grandeur. L’écart entre la solution trouvĂ©e par ces algorithmes heuristiques et la borne supĂ©rieure duale est relativement faible. Par exemple, l’écart est de 10.7% en moyenne pour toutes les configurations Ă©tudiĂ©es. L’augmentation dans la plage de dĂ©bits minimaux supportes compares avec les mĂ©thodes disponibles dans la littĂ©rature est de 14.6% en moyenne. Cette amĂ©lioration est obtenue en considĂ©rant les variables duals de contrainte de dĂ©bits minimaux dans l’allocation de puissance aux usagers. L’algorithme heuristique proposĂ© sĂ©lectionne un ensemble d’usagers pour chaque sous-porteuse, mais contrairement aux autres mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©demment, l’algorithme considĂšre l’ensemble des usagers avec des contraintes de dĂ©bits minimaux dans la rĂ©assignation des sous-porteuses pour s’assurer que le niveau de service requis est rencontre. Suite Ă  la sĂ©lection des ensembles d’usagers, un problĂšme d’allocation de puissance convexe est rĂ©solu. Des algorithmes permettant de rĂ©soudre efficacement et en un temps moindre les problĂšmes d’assignation des sous-porteuses aux usagers et d’allocation de puissance sont proposĂ©es dans cette thĂšse. Finalement, nous Ă©tudions aussi de quelle façon ces algorithmes peuvent ĂȘtre utilises pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme d’allocation de ressources dans une cellule utilisant la technologie LTE (Long Term Evolution)-Advanced. Les mĂ©thodes Ă©tudiĂ©es dans cette thĂšse font partie d’un nouvel ensemble d’algorithmes nĂ©cessaires pour supporter des applications temps rĂ©el Ă  haut dĂ©bit et a l’efficacitĂ© spectrale requise dans les prochains rĂ©seaux d’accĂšs sans-fil de quatriĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration.----------Abstract In this dissertation, we solve the Resource Allocation (RA) problem of a Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) – Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access (OFDMA) sysÂŹtem supporting minimum rates. This problem can be modelled as a non-linear Mixed Integer Program (NLMIP). We are interested in various kinds of methods to solve this problem. First, our focus is on an oïŹ€-line method that gives near-optimal solutions that serve as benchmark for more practical methods. For this purpose, we propose a method based on the optimal solution of the dual problem. We obtain a dual function and solve the dual problem through subgradient iterations. Then, we find upper and lower bounds for the optimal solution and verify that the duality gap is small for the system configurations studied. Therefore, the dual optimal serves as a reference for any feasible solution produced by the heuristic methods. The dual formulation also gives a better insight into the problem, as it shows us the relation between the problem’s feasibility and the minimum rate requirements. To obtain more practical methods, we propose two heuristics that have very low com-putational complexity and give performances not far from the optimal. We compare their performance against other methods proposed in the literature and find that they give a somewhat lower performance, but support a wider range of minimum rates while reducing the computational complexity of the algorithm by several orders of magnitude. The gap beÂŹtween the objective achieved by the heuristics and the upper bound given by the dual optimal is not large. For example, in our experiments this gap is 10.7% averaging over all performed numerical evaluations for all system configurations. The increase in the range of the supÂŹported minimum rates when compared with the method reported in the literature is 14.6% on average. This increase is achieved by considering the rate constraint dual variables in the user power allocation stage. The proposed heuristics select a set of users for each subcarrier, but contrary to other reported methods used to solve the throughput maximization problem, they consider the set of real-time (RT) users to ensure that their minimum rate requirements are met. Then, they solve a power allocation problem for ïŹx subcarrier assignment, which is a convex problem that is simpler to solve. We use efficient algorithms for the subcarrier assignment and power allocation stages to solve the problem much quicker. Finally, we adapt the algorithms to solve the RA problem in a single cell using LTE (Long Term Evolution)–Advanced technology. The methods examined in this dissertation are part of the new set of algorithms needed to support the high rate applications and spectral efficiency required in the wireless access of upcoming 4G networks

    Efficient Resource Allocation and Spectrum Utilisation in Licensed Shared Access Systems

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    Alocação de recursos para sistemas móveis multi-utilizador e multi-antena

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnicaThe thesis addresses the sum rate or spectral e ciency maximization problem in cellular systems with two main components, multiple antennas and multiple users. In order to solve such a problem, several resource allocation techniques are studied and developed for di erent cellular scenarios. The antennas at the transmitters are arranged in several con gurations, i.e., co-located or distributed and for such arrangements di erent levels of coordination and cooperation between transmitters are investigated. Accounting for more receiver antennas than transmitter antennas implies that system optimization must select the best transmitter-receiver match (combinatorial problem) which can be solved with di erent degrees of cooperation between transmitters. The system models studied can be classi ed either as interference limited or as power limited systems. In interference limited systems the resource allocation is carried out independently by each transmitter which yield power leakage to unintended receivers. For this kind of systems, the access network using distributed antenna architectures is examined. The properties of distributed antenna in cellular systems as well as the gains they provide in terms of frequency reuse and throughput are assessed. Accounting for multiple user scenarios, several techniques and algorithms for transmitter-receiver assignment, power allocation, and rate allocation are developed in order to maximize the spectral e ciency. In power limited systems the transmitters jointly allocate resources among transmit and receive antennas. The transmitters are equipped with multiple antennas and signal processing is implemented in order to suppress inter-user interference. Single-cell and multi-cell systems are studied and the problem of sum rate maximization is tackled by decoupling the user selection and the resource allocation (power and precoding) processes. The user selection is a function of the type of precoding technique that is implemented and the level of information that can be processed at the transmitter. The developed user selection algorithms exploit information provided by novel channel metrics which establish the spatial compatibility between users. Each metric provides a di erent trade-o between the accuracy to identify compatible users, and the complexity required to compute it. Numerical simulations are used to assess the performance of the proposed user selection techniques (metrics and algorithms) whose performance are compared to state-of-the-art techniques.Esta tese descreve o problema da maximização da taxa de transmissĂŁo ou e ciĂȘncia espectral em sistemas moveis tomando em atenção duas caracterĂ­sticas fundamentais destes, o nĂșmero de antenas e utilizadores. A fim de resolver este tipo de problema, vĂĄrias tĂ©cnicas de alocação de recursos foram estudadas e propostas para diferentes cenĂĄrios. As antenas nos transmissores estĂŁo organizadas em diferentes configuraçÔes, podendo ser localizadas ou distribuĂ­das e para estes esquemas, diferentes nĂ­veis de cooperação e coordenação entre transmissores foram investigados. Assumindo mais antenas receptoras do que antenas transmissoras, implica que a otimização do sistema seleccione as melhores combinaçÔes de transmissor-receptor (problema combinatĂłrio), o que pode ser concretizado usando diferentes graus de cooperação entre transmissores. Os modelos de sistemas estudados, podem ser classificados como sistemas limitados por interferĂȘncia ou sistemas limitados por potĂȘncia. Em sistemas limitados por interferĂȘncia a alocação de recursos e feita independentemente para cada transmissor o que resulta em perda de energia para os receptores nĂŁo tomados em consideração. Para este tipo de sistemas, e considerado o caso em que a rede de acesso e constituĂ­da por antenas distribuĂ­das. Os ganhos obtidos devido ao uso de antenas distribuĂ­das, quer em termos do planeamento de frequĂȘncias quer da maximização da taxa de transmissĂŁo sĂŁo considerados. Assumindo esquemas multi-utilizador, vĂĄrias tĂ©cnicas e algoritmos de transmissĂŁo-recepção, alocação de potĂȘncia e de taxa de transmissĂŁo foram desenvolvidos para maximizar a e ciĂȘncia espectral. Para sistemas limitados em potĂȘncia os transmissores alocam os recursos quer de antenas de transmissĂŁo quer de recepção conjuntamente. Os transmissores estĂŁo equipados com vĂĄrias antenas e o processamento de sinal e implementado de modo a eliminar a interferĂȘncia entre utilizadores. Sistemas de cĂ©lula Ășnica e de mĂșltiplas cĂ©lulas foram estudados. Para estes foi considerado o problema da maximização de taxa de transmissĂŁo o qual foi resolvido heuristicamente, atravĂ©s do desacoplamento do problema em duas partes, uma onde se efectua a seleção de utilizadores e outra onde se considera a alocação de recursos. A seleção de utilizadores e feita em função do tipo de tĂ©cnicas de prĂ©-codificação implementadas e do nĂ­vel de informação que o transmissor possui. Os algoritmos de seleção de utilizadores desenvolvidos verificam a compatibilidade espacial entre utilizadores, usando para tal mĂ©tricas propostas. Cada uma das mĂ©tricas oferece um trade-off diferente entre a precisĂŁo para identificar um utilizador compatĂ­vel e a complexidade necessĂĄria para a implementar. Foram usadas simulaçÔes numĂ©ricas para avaliar a performance das tĂ©cnicas de seleção de utilizadores propostas (mĂ©tricas e algoritmos), performance que foi comparada com as tĂ©cnicas mais inovadoras

    Traffic Scheduling in Point-to-Multipoint OFDMA-based Systems

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    The new generation of wireless networks (e.g., WiMAX, LTE-Advanced, Cognitive Radio) support many high resource-consuming services (e.g., VoIP, video conference, multiplayer interactive gaming, multimedia streaming, digital video broadcasting, mobile commerce). The main problem of such networks is that the bandwidth is limited, besides to be subject to fading process, and shared among multiple users. Therefore, a combination of sophisticated transmission techniques (e.g., OFDMA) and proper packet scheduling algorithms is necessary, in order to provide applications with suitable quality of service. This Thesis addresses the problem of traffic scheduling in Point-to-Multipoint OFDMA-based systems. We formally prove that in such systems, even a simple scheduling problem of a Service Class at a time, is NP-complete, therefore, computationally intractable. An optimal solution is unfeasible in term of time, thus, fast and simple scheduling heuristics are needed. First, we address the Best Effort traffic scheduling issue, in a system adopting variable-length Frames, with the objective of producing a legal schedule (i.e., the one meeting all system constraints) of minimum length. Besides, we present fast and simple heuristics, which generate suboptimal solutions, and evaluate their performance in the average case, as in the worst one. Then, we investigate the scheduling of Real Time traffic, with the objective of meeting as many deadlines as possible, or equivalently, minimizing the packet drop ratio. Specifically, we propose two scheduling heuristics, which apply two different resource allocation mechanisms, and evaluate their average-case performance by means of a simulation experiment