2,373 research outputs found

    Visual Crowd Analysis: Open Research Problems

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    Over the last decade, there has been a remarkable surge in interest in automated crowd monitoring within the computer vision community. Modern deep-learning approaches have made it possible to develop fully-automated vision-based crowd-monitoring applications. However, despite the magnitude of the issue at hand, the significant technological advancements, and the consistent interest of the research community, there are still numerous challenges that need to be overcome. In this article, we delve into six major areas of visual crowd analysis, emphasizing the key developments in each of these areas. We outline the crucial unresolved issues that must be tackled in future works, in order to ensure that the field of automated crowd monitoring continues to progress and thrive. Several surveys related to this topic have been conducted in the past. Nonetheless, this article thoroughly examines and presents a more intuitive categorization of works, while also depicting the latest breakthroughs within the field, incorporating more recent studies carried out within the last few years in a concise manner. By carefully choosing prominent works with significant contributions in terms of novelty or performance gains, this paper presents a more comprehensive exposition of advancements in the current state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted in AI Magazine published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligenc

    Análise de multidões usando coerência de vizinhança local

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    Large numbers of crowd analysis methods using computer vision have been developed in the past years. This dissertation presents an approach to explore characteristics inherent to human crowds – proxemics, and neighborhood relationship – with the purpose of extracting crowd features and using them for crowd flow estimation and anomaly detection and localization. Given the optical flow produced by any method, the proposed approach compares the similarity of each flow vector and its neighborhood using the Mahalanobis distance, which can be obtained in an efficient manner using integral images. This similarity value is then used either to filter the original optical flow or to extract features that describe the crowd behavior in different resolutions, depending on the radius of the personal space selected in the analysis. To show that the extracted features are indeed relevant, we tested several classifiers in the context of abnormality detection. More precisely, we used Recurrent Neural Networks, Dense Neural Networks, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest and Extremely Random Trees. The two developed approaches (crowd flow estimation and abnormality detection) were tested on publicly available datasets involving human crowded scenarios and compared with state-of-the-art methods.Métodos para análise de ambientes de multidões são amplamente desenvolvidos na área de visão computacional. Esta tese apresenta uma abordagem para explorar características inerentes às multidões humanas - comunicação proxêmica e relações de vizinhança - para extrair características de multidões e usá-las para estimativa de fluxo de multidões e detecção e localização de anomalias. Dado o fluxo óptico produzido por qualquer método, a abordagem proposta compara a similaridade de cada vetor de fluxo e sua vizinhança usando a distância de Mahalanobis, que pode ser obtida de maneira eficiente usando imagens integrais. Esse valor de similaridade é então utilizado para filtrar o fluxo óptico original ou para extrair informações que descrevem o comportamento da multidão em diferentes resoluções, dependendo do raio do espaço pessoal selecionado na análise. Para mostrar que as características são realmente relevantes, testamos vários classificadores no contexto da detecção de anormalidades. Mais precisamente, usamos redes neurais recorrentes, redes neurais densas, máquinas de vetores de suporte, floresta aleatória e árvores extremamente aleatórias. As duas abordagens desenvolvidas (estimativa do fluxo de multidões e detecção de anormalidades) foram testadas em conjuntos de dados públicos, envolvendo cenários de multidões humanas e comparados com métodos estado-da-arte

    Deep learning in crowd counting: A survey

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    Counting high-density objects quickly and accurately is a popular area of research. Crowd counting has significant social and economic value and is a major focus in artificial intelligence. Despite many advancements in this field, many of them are not widely known, especially in terms of research data. The authors proposed a three-tier standardised dataset taxonomy (TSDT). The Taxonomy divides datasets into small-scale, large-scale and hyper-scale, according to different application scenarios. This theory can help researchers make more efficient use of datasets and improve the performance of AI algorithms in specific fields. Additionally, the authors proposed a new evaluation index for the clarity of the dataset: average pixel occupied by each object (APO). This new evaluation index is more suitable for evaluating the clarity of the dataset in the object counting task than the image resolution. Moreover, the authors classified the crowd counting methods from a data-driven perspective: multi-scale networks, single-column networks, multi-column networks, multi-task networks, attention networks and weak-supervised networks and introduced the classic crowd counting methods of each class. The authors classified the existing 36 datasets according to the theory of three-tier standardised dataset taxonomy and discussed and evaluated these datasets. The authors evaluated the performance of more than 100 methods in the past five years on different levels of popular datasets. Recently, progress in research on small-scale datasets has slowed down. There are few new datasets and algorithms on small-scale datasets. The studies focused on large or hyper-scale datasets appear to be reaching a saturation point. The combined use of multiple approaches began to be a major research direction. The authors discussed the theoretical and practical challenges of crowd counting from the perspective of data, algorithms and computing resources. The field of crowd counting is moving towards combining multiple methods and requires fresh, targeted datasets. Despite advancements, the field still faces challenges such as handling real-world scenarios and processing large crowds in real-time. Researchers are exploring transfer learning to overcome the limitations of small datasets. The development of effective algorithms for crowd counting remains a challenging and important task in computer vision and AI, with many opportunities for future research.BHF, AA/18/3/34220Hope Foundation for Cancer Research, RM60G0680GCRF, P202PF11;Sino‐UK Industrial Fund, RP202G0289LIAS, P202ED10, P202RE969Data Science Enhancement Fund, P202RE237Sino‐UK Education Fund, OP202006Fight for Sight, 24NN201Royal Society International Exchanges Cost Share Award, RP202G0230MRC, MC_PC_17171BBSRC, RM32G0178B

    SparseTrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Performing Scene Decomposition based on Pseudo-Depth

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    Exploring robust and efficient association methods has always been an important issue in multiple-object tracking (MOT). Although existing tracking methods have achieved impressive performance, congestion and frequent occlusions still pose challenging problems in multi-object tracking. We reveal that performing sparse decomposition on dense scenes is a crucial step to enhance the performance of associating occluded targets. To this end, we propose a pseudo-depth estimation method for obtaining the relative depth of targets from 2D images. Secondly, we design a depth cascading matching (DCM) algorithm, which can use the obtained depth information to convert a dense target set into multiple sparse target subsets and perform data association on these sparse target subsets in order from near to far. By integrating the pseudo-depth method and the DCM strategy into the data association process, we propose a new tracker, called SparseTrack. SparseTrack provides a new perspective for solving the challenging crowded scene MOT problem. Only using IoU matching, SparseTrack achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods on the MOT17 and MOT20 benchmarks. Code and models are publicly available at \url{https://github.com/hustvl/SparseTrack}.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Automatic counting of mounds on UAV images using computer vision and machine learning

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    Site preparation by mounding is a commonly used silvicultural treatment that improves tree growth conditions by mechanically creating planting microsites called mounds. Following site preparation, an important planning step is to count the number of mounds, which provides forest managers with an estimate of the number of seedlings required for a given plantation block. In the forest industry, counting the number of mounds is generally conducted through manual field surveys by forestry workers, which is costly and prone to errors, especially for large areas. To address this issue, we present a novel framework exploiting advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imaging and computer vision to estimate the number of mounds on a planting block accurately. The proposed framework comprises two main components. First, we exploit a visual recognition method based on a deep learning algorithm for multiple object detection by pixel-based segmentation. This enables a preliminary count of visible mounds and other frequently seen objects on the forest floor (e.g., trees, debris, accumulation of water) to be used to characterize the planting block. Second, since visual recognition could be limited by several perturbation factors (e.g., mound erosion, occlusion), we employ a machine learning estimation function that predicts the final number of mounds based on the local block properties extracted in the first stage. We evaluate the proposed framework on a new UAV dataset representing numerous planting blocks with varying features. The proposed method outperformed manual counting methods in terms of relative counting precision, indicating that it has the potential to be advantageous and efficient under challenging situations