2 research outputs found

    Identificaci贸n de variables incidentes en el presupuesto de las labores de mantenimiento correctivo en la infraestructura de distribuci贸n acueducto en el 脕rea Metropolitana del Valle de Aburr谩

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    El presente trabajo contiene los procedimientos y resultados del estudio de caso empresarial, que consist铆a en identificar y valorar las variables que inciden en el aumento del valor de las ofertas econ贸micas presentadas por las firmas contratistas para atender las necesidades de mantenimiento correctivo del sistema de distribuci贸n Acueducto del 脕rea Metropolitana del Valle de Aburr谩, con el prop贸sito de que sean tenidas en cuenta e incorporadas en la elaboraci贸n de los presupuestos de referencia a cargo de Empresas P煤blicas de Medell铆n -- A partir de la revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica se identific贸 que las variables m谩s influyentes en los costos de las actividades a evaluar eran la mano de obra y el transporte del personal, por lo que se decidi贸 valorarlas cuantitativamente por medio de un an谩lisis de productividad y de rendimientos de mano de obra para la primera variable y tiempos y velocidades promedios de desplazamiento para la segunda -- Como resultado de compilar y analizar estad铆sticamente los datos, se pudo obtener el coeficiente general de productividad del contrato evaluado, generar una base de datos de rendimientos de mano de obra para las actividades m谩s representativas del contrato analizado y la creaci贸n de un mapa de l铆neas is贸cronas aproximadas para el 谩rea de influencia del proyecto. Por 煤ltimo, se identific贸 las diferencias en los costos directos presentados por los contratistas con respecto a los calculados por EPM, relacionados con la mano de obra y el transporte del personal, materiales y equiposThis paper contains the procedures and results of the business case study, which aims to identify and assess the variables that influence the increase of value of the economic offers submitted by the contracting firms to meet the corrective maintenance needs of the water supply system of the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Aburr谩 located in Medell铆n, Colombia, with the purpose of being taken into account and incorporated into the elaboration of the reference budgets of the Colombian utility company Empresas P煤blicas de Medell铆n -- As a result of the literature review, it was identified that the most influential variables in the costs of the evaluated activities were the human labor and the transport of staff, so it was decided to assess them quantitatively as a productivity and labor yields analysis for the first variable and average travel times and speeds for the second -- As a result of compiling and analyzing the data statistically, the general coefficient of productivity was obtained for the evaluated contract and a database of labor yields was made for the most representative activities of the analyzed contract, and a map of approximate isochronous lines for the area of influence of the project was made -- By last, the differences in direct costs presented by contractors were identified as compared to those calculated by EPM related to labor and transportation of staff, materials and equipmen

    Engineering Algorithms for Route Planning in Multimodal Transportation Networks

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    Practical algorithms for route planning in transportation networks are a showpiece of successful Algorithm Engineering. This has produced many speedup techniques, varying in preprocessing time, space, query performance, simplicity, and ease of implementation. This thesis explores solutions to more realistic scenarios, taking into account, e.g., traffic, user preferences, public transit schedules, and the options offered by the many modalities of modern transportation networks