19 research outputs found

    Fast Collaborative Graph Exploration

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    International audienceWe study the following scenario of online graph exploration. A team of kk agents is initially located at a distinguished vertex rr of an undirected graph. At every time step, each agent can traverse an edge of the graph. All vertices have unique identifiers, and upon entering a vertex, an agent obtains the list of identifiers of all its neighbors. We ask how many time steps are required to complete exploration, i.e., to make sure that every vertex has been visited by some agent. We consider two communication models: one in which all agents have global knowledge of the state of the exploration, and one in which agents may only exchange information when simultaneously located at the same vertex. As our main result, we provide the first strategy which performs exploration of a graph with nn vertices at a distance of at most DD from rr in time O(D)O(D), using a team of agents of polynomial size k=Dn1+ϵ0k = D n^{1+ \epsilon} 0. Our strategy works in the local communication model, without knowledge of global parameters such as nn or DD. We also obtain almost-tight bounds on the asymptotic relation between exploration time and team size, for large kk. For any constant c>1c>1, we show that in the global communication model, a team of k=Dnck = D n^c agents can always complete exploration in D(1+1c1+o(1))D(1+ \frac{1}{c-1} +o(1)) time steps, whereas at least D(1+1co(1))D(1+ \frac{1}{c} -o(1)) steps are sometimes required. In the local communication model, D(1+2c1+o(1))D(1+ \frac{2}{c-1} +o(1)) steps always suffice to complete exploration, and at least D(1+2co(1))D(1+ \frac{2}{c} -o(1)) steps are sometimes required. This shows a clear separation between the global and local communication models

    A general lower bound for collaborative tree exploration

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    We consider collaborative graph exploration with a set of kk agents. All agents start at a common vertex of an initially unknown graph and need to collectively visit all other vertices. We assume agents are deterministic, vertices are distinguishable, moves are simultaneous, and we allow agents to communicate globally. For this setting, we give the first non-trivial lower bounds that bridge the gap between small (knk \leq \sqrt n) and large (knk \geq n) teams of agents. Remarkably, our bounds tightly connect to existing results in both domains. First, we significantly extend a lower bound of Ω(logk/loglogk)\Omega(\log k / \log\log k) by Dynia et al. on the competitive ratio of a collaborative tree exploration strategy to the range knlogcnk \leq n \log^c n for any cNc \in \mathbb{N}. Second, we provide a tight lower bound on the number of agents needed for any competitive exploration algorithm. In particular, we show that any collaborative tree exploration algorithm with k=Dn1+o(1)k = Dn^{1+o(1)} agents has a competitive ratio of ω(1)\omega(1), while Dereniowski et al. gave an algorithm with k=Dn1+εk = Dn^{1+\varepsilon} agents and competitive ratio O(1)O(1), for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0 and with DD denoting the diameter of the graph. Lastly, we show that, for any exploration algorithm using k=nk = n agents, there exist trees of arbitrarily large height DD that require Ω(D2)\Omega(D^2) rounds, and we provide a simple algorithm that matches this bound for all trees

    Minimizing the Cost of Team Exploration

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    A group of mobile agents is given a task to explore an edge-weighted graph GG, i.e., every vertex of GG has to be visited by at least one agent. There is no centralized unit to coordinate their actions, but they can freely communicate with each other. The goal is to construct a deterministic strategy which allows agents to complete their task optimally. In this paper we are interested in a cost-optimal strategy, where the cost is understood as the total distance traversed by agents coupled with the cost of invoking them. Two graph classes are analyzed, rings and trees, in the off-line and on-line setting, i.e., when a structure of a graph is known and not known to agents in advance. We present algorithms that compute the optimal solutions for a given ring and tree of order nn, in O(n)O(n) time units. For rings in the on-line setting, we give the 22-competitive algorithm and prove the lower bound of 3/23/2 for the competitive ratio for any on-line strategy. For every strategy for trees in the on-line setting, we prove the competitive ratio to be no less than 22, which can be achieved by the DFSDFS algorithm.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 5 pseudo-code

    Collaborative Delivery with Energy-Constrained Mobile Robots

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    We consider the problem of collectively delivering some message from a specified source to a designated target location in a graph, using multiple mobile agents. Each agent has a limited energy which constrains the distance it can move. Hence multiple agents need to collaborate to move the message, each agent handing over the message to the next agent to carry it forward. Given the positions of the agents in the graph and their respective budgets, the problem of finding a feasible movement schedule for the agents can be challenging. We consider two variants of the problem: in non-returning delivery, the agents can stop anywhere; whereas in returning delivery, each agent needs to return to its starting location, a variant which has not been studied before. We first provide a polynomial-time algorithm for returning delivery on trees, which is in contrast to the known (weak) NP-hardness of the non-returning version. In addition, we give resource-augmented algorithms for returning delivery in general graphs. Finally, we give tight lower bounds on the required resource augmentation for both variants of the problem. In this sense, our results close the gap left by previous research.Comment: 19 pages. An extended abstract of this paper was published at the 23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity 2016, SIROCCO'1

    Time Versus Cost Tradeoffs for Deterministic Rendezvous in Networks

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    Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of a network at possibly different times, have to meet at the same node. This problem is known as rendezvous\mathit{rendezvous}. Agents move in synchronous rounds. Each agent has a distinct integer label from the set {1,,L}\{1,\dots,L\}. Two main efficiency measures of rendezvous are its time\mathit{time} (the number of rounds until the meeting) and its cost\mathit{cost} (the total number of edge traversals). We investigate tradeoffs between these two measures. A natural benchmark for both time and cost of rendezvous in a network is the number of edge traversals needed for visiting all nodes of the network, called the exploration time. Hence we express the time and cost of rendezvous as functions of an upper bound EE on the time of exploration (where EE and a corresponding exploration procedure are known to both agents) and of the size LL of the label space. We present two natural rendezvous algorithms. Algorithm Cheap\mathtt{Cheap} has cost O(E)O(E) (and, in fact, a version of this algorithm for the model where the agents start simultaneously has cost exactly EE) and time O(EL)O(EL). Algorithm Fast\mathtt{Fast} has both time and cost O(ElogL)O(E\log L). Our main contributions are lower bounds showing that, perhaps surprisingly, these two algorithms capture the tradeoffs between time and cost of rendezvous almost tightly. We show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm of cost asymptotically EE (i.e., of cost E+o(E)E+o(E)) must have time Ω(EL)\Omega(EL). On the other hand, we show that any deterministic rendezvous algorithm with time complexity O(ElogL)O(E\log L) must have cost Ω(ElogL)\Omega (E\log L)

    Fault-Tolerant Dispersion of Mobile Robots

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    We consider the mobile robot dispersion problem in the presence of faulty robots (crash-fault). Mobile robot dispersion consists of knk\leq n robots in an nn-node anonymous graph. The goal is to ensure that regardless of the initial placement of the robots over the nodes, the final configuration consists of having at most one robot at each node. In a crash-fault setting, up to fkf \leq k robots may fail by crashing arbitrarily and subsequently lose all the information stored at the robots, rendering them unable to communicate. In this paper, we solve the dispersion problem in a crash-fault setting by considering two different initial configurations: i) the rooted configuration, and ii) the arbitrary configuration. In the rooted case, all robots are placed together at a single node at the start. The arbitrary configuration is a general configuration (a.k.a. arbitrary configuration in the literature) where the robots are placed in some l<kl<k clusters arbitrarily across the graph. For the first case, we develop an algorithm solving dispersion in the presence of faulty robots in O(k2)O(k^2) rounds, which improves over the previous O(fmin(m,kΔ))O(f\cdot\text{min}(m,k\Delta))-round result by \cite{PS021}. For the arbitrary configuration, we present an algorithm solving dispersion in O((f+l)min(m,kΔ,k2))O((f+l)\cdot\text{min}(m, k \Delta, k^2)) rounds, when the number of edges mm and the maximum degree Δ\Delta of the graph is known to the robots