9 research outputs found

    Formal Abstractions for Packet Scheduling

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    This paper studies PIFO trees from a programming language perspective. PIFO trees are a recently proposed model for programmable packet schedulers. They can express a wide range of scheduling algorithms including strict priority, weighted fair queueing, hierarchical schemes, and more. However, their semantic properties are not well understood. We formalize the syntax and semantics of PIFO trees in terms of an operational model. We also develop an alternate semantics in terms of permutations on lists of packets, prove theorems characterizing expressiveness, and develop an embedding algorithm for replicating the behavior of one with another. We present a prototype implementation of PIFO trees in OCaml and relate its behavior to a hardware switch on a variety of standard and novel scheduling algorithms.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Mitigating interconnect and end host congestion in modern networks

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    One of the most critical building blocks of the Internet is the mechanism to mitigate network congestion. While existing congestion control approaches have served their purpose well in the last decades, the last few years saw a significant increase in new applications and user demand, stressing the network infrastructure to the extent that new ways of handling congestion are required. This dissertation identifies the congestion problems caused by the increased scale of the network usage, both in inter-AS connects and on end hosts in data centers, and presents abstractions and frameworks that allow for improved solutions to mitigate congestion. To mitigate inter-AS congestion, we develop Unison, a framework that allows an ISP to jointly optimize its intra-domain routes and inter-domain routes, in collaboration with content providers. The basic idea is to provide the ISP operator and the neighbors of the ISP with an abstraction of the ISP network in the form of a virtual switch (vSwitch). Unison allows the ISP to provide hints to its neighbors, suggesting alternative routes that can improve their performance. We investigate how the vSwitch abstraction can be used to maximize the throughput of the ISP. To mitigate end-host congestion in data center networks, we develop a backpressure mechanism for queuing architecture in congested end hosts to cope with tens of thousands of flows. We show that current end-host mechanisms can lead to high CPU utilization, high tail latency, and low throughput in cases of congestion of egress traffic. We introduce the design, implementation, and evaluation of zero-drop networking (zD) stack, a new architecture for handling congestion of scheduled buffers. Besides queue overflow, another cause of congestion is CPU resource exhaustion. The CPU cost of processing packets in networking stacks, however, has not been fully investigated in the literature. Much of the focus of the community has been on scaling servers in terms of aggregate traffic intensity, but bottlenecks caused by the increasing number of concurrent flows have received little attention. We conduct a comprehensive analysis on the CPU cost of processing packets and identify the root cause that leads to high CPU overhead and degraded performance in terms of throughput and RTT. Our work highlights considerations beyond packets per second for the design of future stacks that scale to millions of flows.Ph.D

    Fully Programming the Data Plane: A Hardware/Software Approach

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    Les réseaux définis par logiciel — en anglais Software-Defined Networking (SDN) — sont apparus ces dernières années comme un nouveau paradigme de réseau. SDN introduit une séparation entre les plans de gestion, de contrôle et de données, permettant à ceux-ci d’évoluer de manière indépendante, rompant ainsi avec la rigidité des réseaux traditionnels. En particulier, dans le plan de données, les avancées récentes ont porté sur la définition des langages de traitement de paquets, tel que P4, et sur la définition d’architectures de commutateurs programmables, par exemple la Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA). Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons a l’architecture PISA et évaluons comment exploiter les FPGA comme plateforme de traitement efficace de paquets. Cette problématique est étudiée a trois niveaux d’abstraction : microarchitectural, programmation et architectural. Au niveau microarchitectural, nous avons proposé une architecture efficace d’un analyseur d’entêtes de paquets pour PISA. L’analyseur de paquets utilise une architecture pipelinée avec propagation en avant — en anglais feed-forward. La complexité de l’architecture est réduite par rapport à l’état de l’art grâce a l’utilisation d’optimisations algorithmiques. Finalement, l’architecture est générée par un compilateur P4 vers C++, combiné à un outil de synthèse de haut niveau. La solution proposée atteint un débit de 100 Gb/s avec une latence comparable à celle d’analyseurs d’entêtes de paquets écrits à la main. Au niveau de la programmation, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthodologie de conception de synthèse de haut niveau visant à améliorer conjointement la qualité logicielle et matérielle. Nous exploitons les fonctionnalités du C++ moderne pour améliorer à la fois la modularité et la lisibilité du code, tout en conservant (ou améliorant) les résultats du matériel généré. Des exemples de conception utilisant notre méthodologie, incluant pour l’analyseur d’entête de paquets, ont été rendus publics.----------ABSTRACT: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged in recent years as a new network paradigm to de-ossify communication networks. Indeed, by offering a clear separation of network concerns between the management, control, and data planes, SDN allows each of these planes to evolve independently, breaking the rigidity of traditional networks. However, while well spread in the control and management planes, this de-ossification has only recently reached the data plane with the advent of packet processing languages, e.g. P4, and novel programmable switch architectures, e.g. Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA). In this work, we focus on leveraging the PISA architecture by mainly exploiting the FPGA capabilities for efficient packet processing. In this way, we address this issue at different abstraction levels: i) microarchitectural; ii) programming; and, iii) architectural. At the microarchitectural level, we have proposed an efficient FPGA-based packet parser architecture, which is a major PISA’s component. The proposed packet parser follows a feedforward pipeline architecture in which the internal microarchitectural has been meticulously optimized for FPGA implementation. The architecture is automatically generated by a P4- to-C++ compiler after several rounds of graph optimizations. The proposed solution achieves 100 Gb/s line rate with latency comparable to hand-written packet parsers. The throughput scales from 10 Gb/s to 160 Gb/s with moderate increase in resource consumption. Both the compiler and the packet parser codebase have been open-sourced to permit reproducibility. At the programming level, we have proposed a novel High-Level Synthesis (HLS) design methodology aiming at improving software and hardware quality. We have employed this novel methodology when designing the packet parser. In our work, we have exploited features of modern C++ that improves at the same time code modularity and readability while keeping (or improving) the results of the generated hardware. Design examples using our methodology have been publicly released

    Mémoires associatives algorithmiques pou l'opération de recherche du plus long préfixe sur FPGA

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    RÉSUMÉ Les réseaux prédiffusés programmables — en anglais Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)— sont omniprésents dans les centres de données, pour accélérer des tâches d’indexations et d’apprentissage machine, mais aussi plus récemment, pour accélérer des opérations réseaux. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à l’opération de recherche du plus long préfixe en anglais Longest Prefix Match (LPM) — sur FPGA. Cette opération est utilisée soit pour router des paquets, soit comme un bloc de base dans un plan de données programmable. Bien que l’opération LPM soit primordiale dans un réseau, celle-ci souffre d’inefficacité sur FPGA. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons que la performance de l’opération LPM sur FPGA peut être substantiellement améliorée en utilisant une approche algorithmique, où l’opération LPM est implémentée à l’aide d’une structure de données. Par ailleurs, les résultats présentés permettent de réfléchir à une question plus large : est-ce que l’architecture des FPGA devrait être spécialisée pour les applications réseaux ? Premièrement, pour l’application de routage IPv6 dans le réseau Internet, nous présentons SHIP. Cette solution exploite les caractéristiques des préfixes pour construire une structure de données compacte, pouvant être implémentée de manière efficace sur FPGA. SHIP utilise l’approche ńdiviser pour régnerż pour séparer les préfixes en groupes de faible cardinalité et ayant des caractéristiques similaires. Les préfixes contenus dans chaque groupe sont en-suite encodés dans une structure de données hybride, où l’encodage des préfixes est adapté suivant leurs caractéristiques. Sur FPGA, SHIP augmente l’efficacité de l’opération LPM comparativement à l’état de l’art, tout en supportant un débit supérieur à 100 Gb/s. Deuxièment, nous présentons comment implémenter efficacement l’opération LPM pour un plan de données programmable sur FPGA. Dans ce cas, contrairement au routage de pa-quets, aucune connaissance à priori des préfixes ne peut être utilisée. Par conséquent, nous présentons un cadre de travail comprenant une structure de données efficace, indépendam-ment des caractéristiques des préfixes contenus, et des méthodes permettant d’implémenter efficacement la structure de données sur FPGA. Un arbre B, étendu pour l’opération LPM, est utilisé en raison de sa faible complexité algorithmique. Nous présentons une méthode pour allouer à la compilation le minimum de ressources requis par l’abre B pour encoder un ensemble de préfixes, indépendamment de leurs caractéristiques. Plusieurs méthodes sont ensuite présentées pour augmenter l’efficacité mémoire après implémentation de la structure de données sur FPGA. Évaluée sur plusieurs scénarios, cette solution est capable de traiter plus de 100 Gb/s, tout en améliorant la performance par rapport à l’état de l’art.----------ABSTRACT FPGAs are becoming ubiquitous in data centers. First introduced to accelerate indexing services and machine learning tasks, FPGAs are now also used to accelerate networking operations, including the LPM operation. This operation is used for packet routing and as a building block in programmable data planes. However, for the two uses cases considered, the LPM operation is inefficiently implemented in FPGAs. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the performance of LPM operation can be significantly improved using an algorithmic approach, where the LPM operation is implemented using a data structure. In addition, using the results presented in this thesis, we can answer a broader question: Should the FPGA architecture be specialized for networking? First, we present the SHIP data structure that is tailored to routing IPv6 packets in the Internet network. SHIP exploits the prefix characteristics to build a compact data structure that can be efficiently mapped to FPGAs. First, SHIP uses a "divide and conquer" approach to bin prefixes in groups with a small cardinality and sharing similar characteristics. Second, a hybrid-trie-tree data structure is used to encode the prefixes held in each group. The hybrid data structure adapts the prefix encoding method to their characteristics. Then, we demonstrated that SHIP can be efficiently implemented in FPGAs. Implemented on FPGAs, the proposed solution improves the memory efficiency over the state of the art solutions, while supporting a packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps.While the prefixes and their characteristics are known when routing packets in the Internet network, this is not true for programmable data planes. Hence, the second solution, designed for programmable data planes, does not exploit any prior knowledge of the prefix stored. We present a framework comprising an efficient data structure to encode the prefixes and methods to map the data structure efficiently to FPGAs. First, the framework leverages a B-tree, extended to support the LPM operation, for its low algorithmic complexity. Second, we present a method to allocate at compile time the minimum amount of resources that can be used by the B-tree. Third, our framework selects the B-tree parameters to increase the post-implementation memory efficiency and generates the corresponding hardware architecture. Implemented on FPGAs, this solution supports packet throughput greater than 100 Gbps, while improving the performance over the state of the art

    Enhancing User Experience by Extracting Application Intelligence from Network Traffic

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    Internet Service Providers (ISPs) continue to get complaints from users on poor experience for diverse Internet applications ranging from video streaming and gaming to social media and teleconferencing. Identifying and rectifying the root cause of these experience events requires the ISP to know more than just coarse-grained measures like link utilizations and packet losses. Application classification and experience measurement using traditional deep packet inspection (DPI) techniques is starting to fail with the increasing adoption of traffic encryption and is not cost-effective with the explosive growth in traffic rates. This thesis leverages the emerging paradigms of machine learning and programmable networks to design and develop systems that can deliver application-level intelligence to ISPs at scale, cost, and accuracy that has hitherto not been achieved before. This thesis makes four new contributions. Our first contribution develops a novel transformer-based neural network model that classifies applications based on their traffic shape, agnostic to encryption. We show that this approach has over 97% f1-score for diverse application classes such as video streaming and gaming. Our second contribution builds and validates algorithmic and machine learning models to estimate user experience metrics for on-demand and live video streaming applications such as bitrate, resolution, buffer states, and stalls. For our third contribution, we analyse ten popular latency-sensitive online multiplayer games and develop data structures and algorithms to rapidly and accurately detect each game using automatically generated signatures. By combining this with active latency measurement and geolocation analysis of the game servers, we help ISPs determine better routing paths to reduce game latency. Our fourth and final contribution develops a prototype of a self-driving network that autonomously intervenes just-in-time to alleviate the suffering of applications that are being impacted by transient congestion. We design and build a complete system that extracts application-aware network telemetry from programmable switches and dynamically adapts the QoS policies to manage the bottleneck resources in an application-fair manner. We show that it outperforms known queue management techniques in various traffic scenarios. Taken together, our contributions allow ISPs to measure and tune their networks in an application-aware manner to offer their users the best possible experience

    Empowering Cloud Data Centers with Network Programmability

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    Cloud data centers are a critical infrastructure for modern Internet services such as web search, social networking and e-commerce. However, the gradual slow-down of Moore’s law has put a burden on the growth of data centers’ performance and energy efficiency. In addition, the increasing of millisecond-scale and microsecond-scale tasks also bring higher requirements to the throughput and latency for the cloud applications. Today’s server-based solutions are hard to meet the performance requirements in many scenarios like resource management, scheduling, high-speed traffic monitoring and testing. In this dissertation, we study these problems from a network perspective. We investigate a new architecture that leverages the programmability of new-generation network switches to improve the performance and reliability of clouds. As programmable switches only provide very limited memory and functionalities, we exploit compact data structures and deeply co-design software and hardware to best utilize the resource. More specifically, this dissertation presents four systems: (i) NetLock: A new centralized lock management architecture that co-designs programmable switches and servers to simultaneously achieve high performance and rich policy support. It provides orders-of-magnitude higher throughput than existing systems with microsecond-level latency, and supports many commonly-used policies such as performance isolation. (ii) HCSFQ: A scalable and practical solution to implement hierarchical fair queueing on commodity hardware at line rate. Instead of relying on a hierarchy of queues with complex queue management, HCSFQ does not keep per-flow states and uses only one queue to achieve hierarchical fair queueing. (iii) AIFO: A new approach for programmable packet scheduling that only uses a single FIFO queue. AIFO utilizes an admission control mechanism to approximate PIFO which is theoretically ideal but hard to implement with commodity devices. (iv) Lumina: A tool that enables fine-grained analysis of hardware network stack. By exploiting network programmability to emulate various network scenarios, Lumina is able to help users understand the micro-behaviors of hardware network stacks