8 research outputs found

    Ramsey numbers of color critical graphs versus large generalized fans

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    Given two graphs GG and HH, the {Ramsey number} R(G,H)R(G,H) is the smallest positive integer NN such that every 2-coloring of the edges of KNK_{N} contains either a red GG or a blue HH. Let KNβˆ’1βŠ”K1,kK_{N-1}\sqcup K_{1,k} be the graph obtained from KNβˆ’1K_{N-1} by adding a new vertex vv connecting kk vertices of KNβˆ’1K_{N-1}. Hook and Isaak (2011) defined the {\em star-critical Ramsey number} rβˆ—(G,H)r_{*}(G,H) as the smallest integer kk such that every 2-coloring of the edges of KNβˆ’1βŠ”K1,kK_{N-1}\sqcup K_{1,k} contains either a red GG or a blue HH, where N=R(G,H)N=R(G, H). For sufficiently large nn, Li and Rousseau~(1996) proved that R(Kk+1,K1+nKt)=knt+1R(K_{k+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=knt +1, Hao, Lin~(2018) showed that rβˆ—(Kk+1,K1+nKt)=(kβˆ’1)tn+tr_{*}(K_{k+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=(k-1)tn+t; Li and Liu~(2016) proved that R(C2k+1,K1+nKt)=2nt+1R(C_{2k+1}, K_{1}+nK_{t})=2nt+1, and Li, Li, and Wang~(2020) showed that rβˆ—(C2m+1,K1+nKt)=nt+tr_{*}(C_{2m+1},K_{1}+nK_{t})=nt+t. A graph GG with Ο‡(G)=k+1\chi(G)=k+1 is called edge-critical if GG contains an edge ee such that Ο‡(Gβˆ’e)=k\chi(G-e)=k. In this paper, we extend the above results by showing that for an edge-critical graph GG with Ο‡(G)=k+1\chi(G)=k+1, when kβ‰₯2k\geq 2, tβ‰₯2t\geq 2 and nn is sufficiently large, R(G,K1+nKt)=knt+1R(G, K_{1}+nK_{t})=knt+1 and rβˆ—(G,K1+nKt)=(kβˆ’1)nt+tr_{*}(G,K_{1}+nK_{t})=(k-1)nt+t.Comment: 10 page

    Ramsey Goodness and Beyond

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    In a seminal paper from 1983, Burr and Erdos started the systematic study of Ramsey numbers of cliques vs. large sparse graphs, raising a number of problems. In this paper we develop a new approach to such Ramsey problems using a mix of the Szemeredi regularity lemma, embedding of sparse graphs, Turan type stability, and other structural results. We give exact Ramsey numbers for various classes of graphs, solving all but one of the Burr-Erdos problems.Comment: A new reference is adde

    Some exact values on Ramsey numbers related to fans

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    For two given graphs FF and HH, the Ramsey number R(F,H)R(F,H) is the smallest integer NN such that any red-blue edge-coloring of the complete graph KNK_N contains a red FF or a blue HH. When F=HF=H, we simply write R2(H)R_2(H). For an positive integer nn, let K1,nK_{1,n} be a star with n+1n+1 vertices, FnF_n be a fan with 2n+12n+1 vertices consisting of nn triangles sharing one common vertex, and nK3nK_3 be a graph with 3n3n vertices obtained from the disjoint union of nn triangles. In 1975, Burr, Erd\H{o}s and Spencer \cite{B} proved that R2(nK3)=5nR_2(nK_3)=5n for nβ‰₯2n\ge2. However, determining the exact value of R2(Fn)R_2(F_n) is notoriously difficult. So far, only R2(F2)=9R_2(F_2)=9 has been proved. Notice that both FnF_n and nK3nK_3 contain nn triangles and ∣V(Fn)∣<∣V(nK3)∣|V(F_n)|<|V(nK_3)| for all nβ‰₯2n\ge 2. Chen, Yu and Zhao (2021) speculated that R2(Fn)≀R2(nK3)=5nR_2(F_n)\le R_2(nK_3)=5n for nn sufficiently large. In this paper, we first prove that R(K1,n,Fn)=3nβˆ’Ξ΅R(K_{1,n},F_n)=3n-\varepsilon for nβ‰₯1n\ge1, where Ξ΅=0\varepsilon=0 if nn is odd and Ξ΅=1\varepsilon=1 if nn is even. Applying the exact values of R(K1,n,Fn)R(K_{1,n},F_n), we will confirm R2(Fn)≀5nR_2(F_n)\le 5n for n=3n=3 by showing that R2(F3)=14R_2(F_3)=14.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure


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    and Computing 11. The results of 143 references depend on computer algorithms. The references are ordered alphabetically by the last name of the first author, and where multiple papers have the same first author they are ordered by the last name of the second author, etc. We preferred that all work by the same author be in consecutive positions. Unfortunately, this causes that some of the abbreviations are not in alphabetical order. For example, [BaRT] is earlier on the list than [BaLS]. We also wish to explain a possible confusion with respect to the order of parts and spelling of Chinese names. We put them without any abbreviations, often with the last name written first as is customary in original. Sometimes this is different from the citations in other sources. One can obtain all variations of writing any specific name by consulting the authors database of Mathematical Reviews a

    Ramsey-teori for grafer

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    We introduce a discontinuous spectral element method for simulating seismic wave in 2- dimensional elastic media. The methods combine the flexibility of a discontinuous finite element method with the accuracy of a spectral method. The elastodynamic equations are discretized using high-degree of Lagrange interpolants and integration over an element is accomplished based upon the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre integration rule. This combination of discretization and integration results in a diagonal mass matrix and the use of discontinuous finite element method makes the calculation can be done locally in each element. Thus, the algorithm is simplified drastically. We validated the results of one-dimensional problem by comparing them with finite-difference time-domain method and exact solution. The comparisons show excellent agreement