6 research outputs found


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    Perkembangan pada teknologi saat ini sangat pengaruh dalam kemudahan untuk mengakses internet. Kemudahan mengakses dan mengelola sebuah informasi ini pula terjadi di bidang perindustrian. Saat memasuki Industri 4.0, internet menjadi salah satu peran penting dalam keberlangsungan proses bisnis industri tersebut. Pemerintah daerah selaku organisasi sektor publik memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan pelayananan yang terbaik dan maksimal kepada stakeholdernya, yakni stakeholder internal dan stakeholder eksternal. Mengenai hal tersebut, penulis terdorong untuk mengembangkan sistem yang dapat membantu pelaku bisnis di kota cimahi dengan membangun platform bussiness to bussiness bernama direktori-industri.id dengan cara meningkatkan usability agar pengguna lebih efektif, efisien serta mendapatan kepuasan, kemudahan dan kenyamanan dalam menggunakan produk tersebut. Penelitian ini dibuat menggunakan metode User-Centered Design (UCD), evaluasi sistem dilakukan dengan membagikan kuisioner System Usability Scale (SUS) dan Net Promoter Score (NPS) untuk mengevaluasi website sebagai tolak ukur persepsi dan kepuasan pengguna dari website tersebut. Setelah dilakukan uji dan perhitungan, website direktori industri sudah termasuk kategori baik (good) dan dapat diterima oleh pengguna dengan tingkat kepuasan 42% atau termasuk kategori great. Developments in technology today greatly influence the ease of accessing the internet. The ease of accessing and managing this information also occurs in the industrial sector. When entering Industry 4.0, the internet has become one of the important roles in the sustainability of the industry's business processes. The local government as a public sector organization has a goal to provide the best and maximum service to its stakeholders, namely internal stakeholders and external stakeholders. Regarding this, the author is encouraged to develop a system that can help business people in the city of Cimahi by building a bussiness to business platform called directory-industri.id by increasing usability so that users are more effective, efficient and get satisfaction, convenience and comfort in using the product. . This study was made using the User-Centered Design (UCD) method, the system evaluation was carried out by distributing the System Usability Scale (SUS) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) questionnaires to evaluate the website as a benchmark for user perception and satisfaction from the website. After testing and calculations, the industrial directory website is in the good category and can be accepted by users with a satisfaction level of 42% or is in the great category

    Design and Validation of a Framework for the Creation of User Experience Questionnaires

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    Existing user experience questionnaires have a fixed number of scales. Each of these scales measures a distinct aspect of user experience. These questionnaires can be used with little effort and provide a number of useful support materials that make the application of such a questionnaire quite easy. However, in practical evaluation scenarios it can happen that none of the existing questionnaires contains all scales necessary to answer the research question. It is of course possible to combine several UX questionnaires in such cases, but due to the variations of item formats this is also not an optimal solution. In this paper, we describe the development and first validation studies of a modular framework that allows the creation of user experience questionnaires that fit perfectly to a given research question. The framework contains several scales that measure different UX aspects. These scales can be combined to cover the relevant research questions

    Development of a Shared UX Vision Based on UX Factors Ascertained Through Attribution

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    User experience (UX) is an important quality in differentiating products. For a product team, it is a challenge to develop a good positive user experience. A common UX vision for the product team supports the team in making goal-oriented decisions regarding the user experience. This paper presents an approach to developing a shared UX vision. This UX vision is developed by the product team while a collaborative session. To validate our approach, we conducted a first validation study. In this study, we conducted a collaborative session with two groups and a total of 37 participants. The group of participants comprised product managers, UX designers and comparable professional profiles. At the end of the collaborative session, participants had to fill out a questionnaire. Through questions and observations, we identified ten good practices and four bad practices in the application of our approach to developing a UX vision. The top 3 good practices mentioned by the participants include the definition of decision-making procedures (G1), determining the UX vision with the team (G2), and using general factors of the UX as a basis (G3). The top 3 bad practices are: providing too little time for the development of the UX vision (B1), not providing clear cluster designations (B2) and working without user data (B3). The results show that the present approach for developing a UX vision helps to promote a shared understanding of the intended UX in a quickly and simply way

    On the Importance of UX Quality Aspects for Different Product Categories

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    User experience (UX) is a holistic concept. We conceptualize UX as a set of semantically distinct quality aspects. These quality aspects relate subjectively perceived properties of the user interaction with a product to the psychological needs of users. Not all possible UX quality aspects are equally important for all products. The main use case of a product can determine the relative importance of UX aspects for the overall impression of the UX. In this paper, the authors present several studies that investigate this dependency between the product category and the importance of several well-known UX aspects. A method to measure the importance of such UX aspects is presented. In addition, the authors show that the observed importance ratings are stable, i.e., reproducible, and hardly influenced by demographic factors or cultural background. Thus, the ratings reported in our studies can be reused by UX professionals to find out which aspects of UX they should concentrate on in product design and evaluation


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    Recent years have seen a growing adoption of Low Code Development Platforms (LCDPs) in organizations. The increasing affinity for technology development across all user groups, consumerization of development, and advancing digitalization are opening up a new target group for the low code movement. This change in software development allows bottom-up user innovators within a company to leverage their domain knowledge and quickly deploy much-needed digital services. However, a clear understanding of this paradigm of software development in organizations and the influence on end-user acceptance is still missing. In this paper, we present the results of an interview study conducted with 18 LCDP experts and discuss the implications of our findings, highlighting the role of LCDPs and context in bottom-up innovation as well as user-centricity. Our research contributes to the literature on LCDPs and offers valuable insights for organizations looking to leverage their workforce\u27s innovative potential

    Gestaltungskonzept für Augmented Reality unterstütztes Training an manuellen Montagearbeitsplätzen

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    Forschungsvorhaben – Die Komplexitätssteigerung manueller Montageprozesse erfordert hochqualifizierte Arbeitskräfte, um die diffizilen Prozesse zu beherrschen. Um eine effektive und effiziente Ausbildung dieser Personen sicherzustellen, wird der Einsatz AR-basierter Trainingssysteme zunehmend relevant für die Industrie. Momentan mangelt es allerdings an wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im industriellen Nutzungskontext. Aufgrund dessen fehlen notwendige Erkenntnisse zur Gestaltung und Evaluation dieser Assistenzsysteme. Dem Ziel, diese Limitation zu schließen, widmet sich die vorliegende Dissertation. Forschungsrahmen – Das Vorgehen zur Erarbeitung der genannten Zielsetzung orientiert sich an der gestaltungsorientierten Forschung. Dieses Paradigma forciert die iterative Gestaltung von problemlösungsorientierten Artefakten mit Hilfe einer stringenten Anwendung wissenschaftlicher Methoden. Forschungsergebnisse – Durch Anwendung des zuvor erwähnten Forschungsparadigmas werden drei Artefakte gestaltet. Die Grundlage dafür liefern die Ergebnisse einer umfangreichen strukturierten Literaturrecherche und die Analyse domänenspezifischer Anforderungen. Basierend auf diesen wird zunächst ein menschzentriertes Vorgehensmodell zur Analyse, Gestaltung und Evaluation von AR-basierten Trainingssystemen im industriellen Nutzungskontext erarbeitet (Artefakt 1), welches seine reproduzierbare Verwendbarkeit durch ausgewählte Methoden und Empfehlungen in allen Ablaufphasen sicherstellt. Darauf aufbauend wird eine HMD-basierte Trainingssoftware instanziiert (Artefakt 2) und durch geeignete Evaluation systematisch zu einer gebrauchstauglichen Anwendung weiterentwickelt. Diese wird einem abschließenden Test unterzogen und im Vergleich zu zwei etablierten Trainingskonzepten empirisch erprobt. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse verdeutlichen sowohl die Nützlichkeit des Vorgehensmodells als auch die Gebrauchstauglichkeit des innovativen Trainingssystems. Beruhend auf den zahlreichen Erfahrungen und Erkenntnissen dieser Dissertation, werden abschließende Empfehlungen (Artefakt 3) dargelegt, welche die erfolgreiche Durchführung ähnlicher wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten sicherstellen. Einschränkungen – Die umfangreichen multimodalen Funktionalitäten der Trainingssoftware wurden für eine konkrete prozedurale Montagetätigkeit entwickelt und am Beispiel eines industriellen Referenzarbeitsplatzes mit potentiellen Anwendern erprobt. Eine Anpassung der Software auf weitere Anwendungsfälle ist aufgrund des immensen Programmieraufwands sehr zeitaufwändig. Dadurch ist die Skalierbarkeit der Software stark limitiert. Angehende Forschungsprojekte sollten daher den Einsatz von Autorenwerkzeugen untersuchen, um eine effiziente Content-Erstellung zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus wurden keine Einflüsse der AR-Technologie auf das Langzeitgedächtnis erforscht. Diese Limitation eröffnet ein weiteres interessantes Forschungsfeld für zukünftige Untersuchungen. Implikationen – Diese Dissertation liefert sowohl wissenschaftliche als auch praxisbezogene Implikationen. Demnach schließen die Erkenntnisse zur Gestaltung und Evaluation AR-basierter Trainingssysteme bestehende Forschungslücken und gewährleisten eine reproduzierbare Instanziierung weiterer solcher Assistenzsysteme. Eine gebrauchstaugliche HMD-basierte Trainingssoftware bietet Industrieunternehmen mit manuellen Montageprozessen zudem Einsparungspotentiale durch eine vollkommen neuartige und hocheffektive Ausbildungsmöglichkeit.Purpose – The growing complexity of manual assembly processes require highly skilled workers to deal with such challenging tasks. Therefore, AR-based learning systems become more and more interesting for the industry promising to ensure effective and efficient learning processes. However, scientific research in the field of AR-based learning, especially in the industrial domain, is still very limited. For this reason, necessary knowledge for the design and evaluation of such assistive systems is lacking. This dissertation aims to close these limitations. Approach – The framework of the current scientific work is based on design science research (DSR). This research paradigm attempts to solve practical problems by developing purpose-oriented artifacts with rigorous scientific methods. Findings – Three artifacts are designed using the DSR technique. Hereof, the results of a comprehensive literature survey and an analysis of domain specific requirements provide the foundation. Based on this, a human-centered framework for analyzing, designing and evaluating AR-based learning systems in the industrial context is elaborated (artifact 1). Through well-chosen methods and recommendations in all three phases, a reproducible approach can be guaranteed. By applying this framework, a HMD-based learning software (artifact 2) is developed through several iterative evaluations with potential users using the example of a real internal combustion engine assembly task in order to ensure a high usability. Finally, the software is compared to two traditional approaches (paper-based and trainer-based learning). The results validate the utility of the framework as well as that of the innovative HMD-based learning approach. Based on numerous findings and empirical knowledge, several recommendations are derived to conclude this dissertation and facilitate forthcoming research. Limitations – The elaborate multimodal functionalities of the training software are developed and systematically improved using a concrete procedural internal combustion engine assembly task. This leads to a tremendous and time consuming programming effort as soon as individual software adjustments or assignments are requested by the industrial domain. Therefore, the software scalability is very limited. Due to the previously mentioned limitation, future research should concentrate its investigation into developing authoring tools which enable an efficient AR content creation. Furthermore, the impact of AR on the shortterm memory is only analyzed in this dissertation which opens up an additional interesting research area for future explorations. Implications – This current thesis provides scientific as well as practical oriented implications. The results regarding the design and evaluation of AR-based learning systems ensure a reproducible scientific procedure to instantiate these assistive systems further. In addition, initial insights regarding the use of these systems in the industrial domain are presented, therefore closing current research gaps. A HMD-based learning software offers the opportunity for companies with manual assembly tasks to conserve money due to a completely new and highly-effective training possibility