66 research outputs found

    Scalable secure multi-party network vulnerability analysis via symbolic optimization

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    Threat propagation analysis is a valuable tool in improving the cyber resilience of enterprise networks. As these networks are interconnected and threats can propagate not only within but also across networks, a holistic view of the entire network can reveal threat propagation trajectories unobservable from within a single enterprise. However, companies are reluctant to share internal vulnerability measurement data as it is highly sensitive and (if leaked) possibly damaging. Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) addresses this concern. MPC is a cryptographic technique that allows distrusting parties to compute analytics over their joint data while protecting its confidentiality. In this work we apply MPC to threat propagation analysis on large, federated networks. To address the prohibitively high performance cost of general-purpose MPC we develop two novel applications of optimizations that can be leveraged to execute many relevant graph algorithms under MPC more efficiently: (1) dividing the computation into separate stages such that the first stage is executed privately by each party without MPC and the second stage is an MPC computation dealing with a much smaller shared network, and (2) optimizing the second stage by treating the execution of the analysis algorithm as a symbolic expression that can be optimized to reduce the number of costly operations and subsequently executed under MPC.We evaluate the scalability of this technique by analyzing the potential for threat propagation on examples of network graphs and propose several directions along which this work can be expanded

    The Crypto-democracy and the Trustworthy

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    In the current architecture of the Internet, there is a strong asymmetry in terms of power between the entities that gather and process personal data (e.g., major Internet companies, telecom operators, cloud providers, ...) and the individuals from which this personal data is issued. In particular, individuals have no choice but to blindly trust that these entities will respect their privacy and protect their personal data. In this position paper, we address this issue by proposing an utopian crypto-democracy model based on existing scientific achievements from the field of cryptography. More precisely, our main objective is to show that cryptographic primitives, including in particular secure multiparty computation, offer a practical solution to protect privacy while minimizing the trust assumptions. In the crypto-democracy envisioned, individuals do not have to trust a single physical entity with their personal data but rather their data is distributed among several institutions. Together these institutions form a virtual entity called the Trustworthy that is responsible for the storage of this data but which can also compute on it (provided first that all the institutions agree on this). Finally, we also propose a realistic proof-of-concept of the Trustworthy, in which the roles of institutions are played by universities. This proof-of-concept would have an important impact in demonstrating the possibilities offered by the crypto-democracy paradigm.Comment: DPM 201

    Efficient data intensive secure computation : fictional or real

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    Secure computation has the potential to completely reshape the cybersecruity landscape, but this will happen only if we can make it practical. Despite significant improvements recently, secure computation is still orders of magnitude slower than computation in the clear. Even with the latest technology, running the killer apps, which are often data intensive, in secure computation is still a mission impossible. In this paper, I present two approaches that could lead to practical data intensive secure computation. The first approach is by designing data structures. Traditionally, data structures have been widely used in computer science to improve performance of computation. However, in secure computation they have been largely overlooked in the past. I will show that data structures could be effective performance boosters in secure computation. Another approach is by using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). A common belief is that FHE is too inefficient to have any practical applications for the time being. Contrary to this common belief, I will show that in some cases FHE can actually lead to very efficient secure computation protocols. This is due to the high degree of internal parallelism in recent FHE schemes. The two approaches are explained with Private Set Intersection (PSI) as an example. I will also show the performance figures measured from prototype implementations

    Privacy-preserving Cross-domain Routing Optimization -- A Cryptographic Approach

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    Today's large-scale enterprise networks, data center networks, and wide area networks can be decomposed into multiple administrative or geographical domains. Domains may be owned by different administrative units or organizations. Hence protecting domain information is an important concern. Existing general-purpose Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) methods that preserves privacy for domains are extremely slow for cross-domain routing problems. In this paper we present PYCRO, a cryptographic protocol specifically designed for privacy-preserving cross-domain routing optimization in Software Defined Networking (SDN) environments. PYCRO provides two fundamental routing functions, policy-compliant shortest path computing and bandwidth allocation, while ensuring strong protection for the private information of domains. We rigorously prove the privacy guarantee of our protocol. We have implemented a prototype system that runs PYCRO on servers in a campus network. Experimental results using real ISP network topologies show that PYCRO is very efficient in computation and communication costs

    Data Mining Applications in Banking Sector While Preserving Customer Privacy

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    In real-life data mining applications, organizations cooperate by using each other’s data on the same data mining task for more accurate results, although they may have different security and privacy concerns. Privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) practices involve rules and techniques that allow parties to collaborate on data mining applications while keeping their data private. The objective of this paper is to present a number of PPDM protocols and show how PPDM can be used in data mining applications in the banking sector. For this purpose, the paper discusses homomorphic cryptosystems and secure multiparty computing. Supported by experimental analysis, the paper demonstrates that data mining tasks such as clustering and Bayesian networks (association rules) that are commonly used in the banking sector can be efficiently and securely performed. This is the first study that combines PPDM protocols with applications for banking data mining. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-014 Full Text: PD

    Scather: programming with multi-party computation and MapReduce

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    We present a prototype of a distributed computational infrastructure, an associated high level programming language, and an underlying formal framework that allow multiple parties to leverage their own cloud-based computational resources (capable of supporting MapReduce [27] operations) in concert with multi-party computation (MPC) to execute statistical analysis algorithms that have privacy-preserving properties. Our architecture allows a data analyst unfamiliar with MPC to: (1) author an analysis algorithm that is agnostic with regard to data privacy policies, (2) to use an automated process to derive algorithm implementation variants that have different privacy and performance properties, and (3) to compile those implementation variants so that they can be deployed on an infrastructures that allows computations to take place locally within each participant’s MapReduce cluster as well as across all the participants’ clusters using an MPC protocol. We describe implementation details of the architecture, discuss and demonstrate how the formal framework enables the exploration of tradeoffs between the efficiency and privacy properties of an analysis algorithm, and present two example applications that illustrate how such an infrastructure can be utilized in practice.This work was supported in part by NSF Grants: #1430145, #1414119, #1347522, and #1012798
