16 research outputs found

    The Limit of Splitn-Language Equivalence

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    AbstractSplitting is a simple form of action refinement that may be used to express the duration of actions. In particular,splitnsubdivides each action intonphases. Petri netsNandNā€² aresplitn-language equivalent ifsplitn(N) andsplitn(Nā€²) are language equivalent. It is known that these equivalences get finer and finer with increasingn. This paper characterizes the limit of this sequence by a newly defined partial order semantics. This semantics is obtained from the interval-semiword semantics, which is fully abstract for action refinement and language equivalence, by closing it under a special swap operation. The new swap equivalence lies strictly between interval-semiword and step-sequence equivalence

    Finite petri nets as models for recursive causal behaviour

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    Goltz (1988) discussed whether or not there exist finite Petri nets (with unbounded capacities) modelling the causal behaviour of certain recursive CCS terms. As a representative example, the following term is considered: \ud \ud B=(a.nilb.B)+c.nil. \ud \ud We will show that the answer depends on the chosen notion of behaviour. It was already known that the interleaving behaviour and the branching structure of terms as B can be modelled as long as causality is not taken into account. We now show that also the causal behaviour of B can be modelled as long as the branching structure is not taken into account. However, it is not possible to represent both causal dependencies and the behaviour with respect to choices between alternatives in a finite net. We prove that there exists no finite Petri net modelling B with respect to both pomset trace equivalence and failure equivalence

    Action Contraction

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    The question we consider in this paper is: ā€œWhen can a combination of fine-grain execution steps be contracted into an atomic action executionā€? Our answer is basically: ā€œWhen no observer can see the difference.ā€ This is worked out in detail by defining a notion of coupled split/atomic simulation refinement between systems which differ in the atomicity of their actions, and proving that this collapses to Parrow and Sjƶdinā€™s coupled similarity when the systems are composed with an observer

    Metric Semantics and Full Abstractness for Action Refinement and Probabilistic Choice

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    This paper provides a case-study in the field of metric semantics for probabilistic programming. Both an operational and a denotational semantics are presented for an abstract process language L_pr, which features action refinement and probabilistic choice. The two models are constructed in the setting of complete ultrametric spaces, here based on probability measures of compact support over sequences of actions. It is shown that the standard toolkit for metric semantics works well in the probabilistic context of L_pr, e.g. in establishing the correctness of the denotational semantics with respect to the operational one. In addition, it is shown how the method of proving full abstraction --as proposed recently by the authors for a nondeterministic language with action refinement-- can be adapted to deal with the probabilistic language L_pr as well

    Maximality preserving bisimulation

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    AbstractA new bisimulation notion is introduced for the specification of concurrent systems, which resists to a large class of action refinements, even in the presence of invisible actions. The work is presented in the context of labelled P/T nets, but it may be transported to other popular frameworks like prime event structures, process graphs, etc

    Bisimulations respecting duration and causality for the non-interleaving applied pi-calculus

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    This paper shows how we can make use of an asynchronous transition system, whose transitions are labelled with events and which is equipped with a notion of independence of events, to define non-interleaving semantics for the applied Ļ€-calculus. The most important notions we define are: Start-Termination or ST-bisimilarity, preserving duration of events; and History-Preserving or HP- bisimilarity, preserving causality. We point out that corresponding similarity preorders expose clearly distinctions between these semantics. We draw particular attention to the distinguishing power of HP failure similarity, and discuss how it affects the attacker threat model against which we verify security and privacy properties. We also compare existing notions of located bisimilarity to the definitions we introduce

    Abstraction and Refinement in Configuration Structures

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    An abstraction operator for configuration structures is defined and it is proven that it is left inverse to the traditional refinement operator. The abstraction operator describes how concrete behaviour looks when observed from a more abstract level, where the difference between concrete and abstract is given by a transformation mapping. This generates a notion of implementation: L is said to implement H iff L is mapped to H by the abstraction operator. The implementation relation generated by the abstraction operator is strictly more general than the implementation function defined by a refinement operator, thus allowing a more flexible design process for distributed systems

    On Syntactic and Semantic Action Refinement

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    The semantic definition of action refinement on labelled event structures is compared with the notion of syntactic substitution,which can be used as another notion of action refiment in a process algebraic setting. This is done by studying a process algebra equipped with the ACP sequential composition, parallel composition with an explicit synchronization set, and an operator for action refinement. On the one hand, the language (including the renement\ud operator) is given a flow event structure semantics. On the other hand, a reduction procedure transforms a process term P into a flat term (i.e., with the refinement operator not occurring in it) red(P) by means of syntactic substitution, defined in a structural inductive way.\ud \ud The main aim of the paper is to find general conditions under which the terms P and red(P) have the same semantics. The results we present are essentially dependent on the question whether the refined action can be synchronized or not. In the latter case, P and red(P) give rise to isomorphic flow event structures under mild assumptions. The former case is considerably more difficult. We give necessary and sufficient semantic conditions under which refinement can be distributed over synchronization up to isomorphic domains of configurations. Subsequently we also give sufficient (but not necessary) syntactic conditions for reducible terms.\u