17 research outputs found

    Understanding Acceptance of Information System Development and Management Methodologies by actual Users: A Review and Assessment of Existing Literature

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    Despite the advantages of using IS methodologies, they are often rejected by actual users. Consequently, researchers have repeatedly attempted to understand why individuals accept certain methodologies while rejecting others. In order to differentiate what has been done from what needs to be done in research, a systematic review of academic studies that examine the acceptance of IS methodologies by actual users was conducted. This review revealed 19 articles. We found that the studies were either: a) descriptive, b) focused on specific determinants, or c) applied a holistic approach, examining methodology acceptance from a number of dimensions. Furthermore, while cognitive aspects have received considerable attention, none of the publications studied the effect of habits, emotions and the personal characteristics of individuals. We also examined the studies with respect to the reported research practices, and thereby identified areas of improvement. Based upon our findings, we developed a research agenda to guide future studies on this crucial subject

    Agile Based Development Methodology for Mobile Commerce Applications

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    There are several system development methodologies including traditional and agile methodologies which are being utilized in current systems development. However, it could be argued that existing methodologies may not be suitable for the development of mobile commerce applications as these applications are utilized in different contexts from conventional fixed e-commerce applications such as they are displayed on a small screen device, they are utilized in an unstable or movable environment and they need to be used in a secured environment to deliver financial transactions over mobile network. This study aimed to construct an agile based development methodology for mobile commerce applications. In order to achieve this aim, three objectives have been proposed including identification of essential issues for developing m-commerce applications, construction of a predictable agile based methodology used for developing m-commerce applications and evaluation for its applicability and practicality. The research methodology used in the study is the design research, which include the steps of awareness of problems, suggestion, development, evaluation and conclusion. The research methods used to assist the mentioned research methodology include literature analysis, industry visits, semi-structured interview, survey, formulative research and experimental evaluation. The methodology constructed contains the integration of essential factors in each phase of systems development life cycle as well as guidelines to follow for conducting activities in the application development, including specific models, tools, and techniques. From the evaluation of the constructed methodology, the results showed two essential outcomes. Firstly, the constructed methodology is applicable as it can be used to build the intended system, mobile commerce applications in this case. Secondly, for practicality, it showed that the constructed methodology is practical as when comparing to the traditional waterfall development by using the eleven measurements specified, it exposed more benefits to the development process


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    The software reliability is the significant factor to find out software failures in software development Life Cycle. The one more factor considered is the quality of software measurement process. These two factors are mostly considered for the possibility of execution of the software without failures in a software development life cycle. The software reliability and software quality cannot be predicted accurately because of its unsuccessful detection of failures in certain scenarios. This paper mainly focuses on improving the software engineering metrics using an expert opinion and in order to resolve the software failures. On choosing the software engineering measures there are different types of problem that are been occurred in that in this paper we have taken two main issues. The first issue is number of measures that are utilized in estimating software quality and these software measures are chosen with the help of expert opinion. However, the experts are humans so they may have less adequate knowledge about different software evaluations. The Problem is resolved by taking consideration with first level and second level of experts ’ opinion for selecting the best measures for software quality. The second issue is of data aggregation function which is not suitable for large number of data aggregations, here in this paper we select a prioritized opinion for data aggregation. The prioritization is based on number of experts involved in each life-cycle phase of software development with time duration to give the opinion. Finally the experiments results are shown for the software quality improvisation by the proposed framework

    The missing link between product data management and organisational strategies

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    This article explores interrelationships between the concepts of Product Data Management (PDM), Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA), and enterprise IT strategy in process industries. The initial purpose of the study was to evaluate the capabilities of PDM development, as well as the existence of PDM strategy, to support the development and introduction of EIA in practice. However, the outcome of the study revealed an iterative relation between the concepts forming a hierarchically shaped value chain, here referred to as the PDM/EIA/strategy continuum, that helps in introducing organisational strategic objectives to operational levels as well as in communicating business needs to the top management level. Information drawn from the related literature, combined with reflections from the practitioners, can provide a number of meaningful insights in the use of the PDM/EIA/strategy continuum as a driving force for total information management through organised and real time vertical information sharing


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    This research examines the adoption of Use Case Narratives within the Unified Modeling Language (UML).Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a framework, practitioners with UML experience were asked questions to measure their Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness of Use Case Narratives and their Intentions to Adopt them. We extend Perceived Usefulness in the context of UML adoption to address the question “usefulness for what purpose(s)?” Generally, we find that TAM explains Use Case Narrative acceptance. More importantly, we find that Perceived Usefulness is explained by usefulness for specific software development tasks. This research provides three main contributions, beginning with an improved understanding of the role of Use Case Narratives in UML projects. Second, the study extends TAM by explaining how a technology is used rather than simply whether it is used. Third, this study provides a framework for future studies into other UML diagrams

    Software developers reasoning behind adoption and use of software development methods – a systematic literature review

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    When adopting and using a Software Development Method (SDM), it is important to stay true to the philosophy of the method; otherwise, software developers might execute activities that do not lead to the intended outcomes. Currently, no overview of SDM research addresses software developers’ reasoning behind adopting and using SDMs. Accordingly, this paper aims to survey existing SDM research to scrutinize the current knowledge base on software developers’ type of reasoning behind SDM adoption and use. We executed a systematic literature review and analyzed existing research using two steps. First, we classified papers based on what type of reasoning was addressed regarding SDM adoption and use: rational, irrational, and non-rational. Second, we made a thematic synthesis across these three types of reasoning to provide a more detailed characterization of the existing research. We elicited 28 studies addressing software developers’ reasoning and identified five research themes. Building on these themes, we framed four future research directions with four broad research questions, which can be used as a basis for future research

    An empirical investigation of the adoption and usage of electronic data interchange in the hotel industry

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    This dissertation examines the application of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) adoption and use in the hotel industry. EDI is a type of interorganizational information system that facilitates the exchange of business documents in structured, machine processable form. The research model links EDI adoption to four usages: purchasing, accounting, financing and strategic. Based on relevant literature, six theories were selected from which, nineteen hypotheses were proposed for the relationships between EDI adoption and usage; The data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire that was mailed out to 1200 hotel manager with the title of purchasing managers, controllers, and management information systems managers. The managers had the option of mailing in the questionnaire or go to the following Web Site: http://www.unlv.edu/faculty/ramdeen/EDIsurvey.htm and fill out the questionnaire then submit. The usable responses were 287 (23.92 rate); The hypotheses were tested using multiple regression analysis. The analysis supports the following hypothesis: (1) EDI purchasing and financing usage is positively related to property size, (2) trading status is positively related to purchasing use, (3) business presence/feedback and quality is positively related to strategic use, (4) uncertainty is positively related to purchases and strategic use, (5) analyzability is positively related to strategic use, and (6) interdependence is positively related to purchase and strategic use; EDI is one of the many ways hotels may exchange information. This study shows that EDI can be use by hotels for purchasing, financing and strategic purposes. For hotels to improve their internal usages of EDI two conditions must be accomplish. First, hotels must improve the information flow between their trading partners. Second, the information flow must be sufficient to stimulate intraorganizational usages. It is anticipated that the role of EDI in hotels will continue to grow in the future. Presently, EDI in hotels are more confine to purchasing (purchase or purchase order processing), and strategic use (long-term procurement contracts and linkages to electronic funds). In the future, EDI could become an important tool for hotels to use in conducting business in both an interorganizational and intraorganizational way; Research on EDI is still in a growth stage. By identifying and testing relevant intraorganizational variables, this study offers insights to practitioners managing internal activities within hotels that are currently using or planning to use EDI. Further, the dissertation provides avenues for future research aimed at understanding the applications of EDI technology and its administrative capabilities that could benefit both practitioners and academics

    Aplicação de uma metodologia ágil de desenvolvimento de software numa organização do sector público

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    As metodologias de desenvolvimento de software têm sofrido um crescimento e uma consequente maturação ao longo dos últimos anos. Os métodos mais antigos, denominados tradicionais, têm sido substituídos pelas novas práticas ágeis, existindo estudos empíricos que o comprovam. No entanto, a falta de informação na aplicação destas novas metodologias no sector público levam à seguinte questão: Em que condições é que as metodologias ágeis são uma opção viável no desenvolvimento de software no sector público? Este tipo de organizações tem uma cultura organizacional e um modus operandi muito próprio que podem tornar a implementação destas metodologias de desenvolvimento de software um desafio. O objetivo da presente dissertação passa por perceber os impactos da aplicação de uma metodologia ágil de desenvolvimento de software numa empresa do sector público. No sentido de mitigar a resistência dos colaboradores às novas práticas e maximizar a sua adequação no contexto em questão, a implementação da metodologia será suportada por duas fases: 1ª Metodologia ágil a ser implementada na organização que será criada com base na revisão literária, no contexto organizacional da empresa neste sector, e no feedback dos colaboradores; 2ª Estratégias de gestão da mudança que terão como fundamento a revisão literária e casos de estudo. O desenvolvimento da dissertação contém a justificação e criação das fases acima referidas, bem como a análise dos resultados da implementação da metodologia num projeto real.Software development methodology have been experiencing growth and consequential maturation during the last years. Ancient methods, denominated traditional, have been replaced by new agile practices, according to empirical studies that prove it. However, the lack of information for appliance of these new methodologies in the public sector brings us this question : In which conditions are these agile methodologies a viable option in the development of software in the public sector ? This kind of organizations work under a very unique culture/modus operandi which can make the implementation of these software development methodologies chalenging. The main goal of this dissertation is to focus in understanding the impacts of the application of a agile software development methodology in a public sector company. In order to mitigate reluctance from colaborators to applicate these new practices, their implementation shall be supported by two phases: 1º Agile methodology implemented in organization which will be created based in literary revision, company organizationl context in this sector and in collaborator feedback. 2º Change management strategies substantiated with literary revision and study cases. This dissertation development contains justification and phase creation for what is referred above, as well as result analyses of implementation of this methodology in a real/concrete project